Judah ole Metito

Parties & Coalitions

Full name

Judah Katoo Ole-Metito


12th March 1973


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya








0202 848634


P. O. Box 191 Loitokitok

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 181 to 190 of 1895.

  • 17 May 2017 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. This is a Bill that has attracted the least number of contributors. Only three Members have contributed to it. They are the Mover, the Seconder and Hon. Nicholus Gumbo. As you have said, it is not a very complicated Bill; it is just about weights and measures. The word ‘metrology’ is being confused with weather forecast issues but it is a science of measurement. It is pure physics. Even Part I gives descriptions as per international standards of measurements where you even talk of units of measuring weight, which is kilogramme; length, which is metre; time, ... view
  • 17 May 2017 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. This is a Bill that has attracted the least number of contributors. Only three Members have contributed to it. They are the Mover, the Seconder and Hon. Nicholus Gumbo. As you have said, it is not a very complicated Bill; it is just about weights and measures. The word ‘metrology’ is being confused with weather forecast issues but it is a science of measurement. It is pure physics. Even Part I gives descriptions as per international standards of measurements where you even talk of units of measuring weight, which is kilogramme; length, which is metre; time, ... view
  • 17 May 2017 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, my good colleague at times presides over the proceedings of this House. I did not get what he was telling me earlier, but I cannot refuse to donate a minute or two to him. Unfortunately, the Standing Orders are such that once you start replying it becomes difficult to donate time to a fellow Member. One has to seek the Speaker’s permission. I know he really wanted to say something. Hon. Speaker, I want to reply briefly by saying--- view
  • 17 May 2017 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, my good colleague at times presides over the proceedings of this House. I did not get what he was telling me earlier, but I cannot refuse to donate a minute or two to him. Unfortunately, the Standing Orders are such that once you start replying it becomes difficult to donate time to a fellow Member. One has to seek the Speaker’s permission. I know he really wanted to say something. Hon. Speaker, I want to reply briefly by saying--- view
  • 17 May 2017 in National Assembly: Much obliged, Hon. Speaker. view
  • 17 May 2017 in National Assembly: Much obliged, Hon. Speaker. view
  • 17 May 2017 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I concur with the Member for Luanda. The importance of weights and measures regards trade. Under Clause 30, one has to get approval for the acquisition of weighing and measuring equipment for trade. The equipment to be used for trade in a country includes equipment for health and so on. Clause 30 enumerates all the equipment. If you do not have standard equipment for weights and measures then you are likely to jeopardise your trading capabilities as a country. Clause 25 creates offenses out of sale of incorrect weighing and measuring equipment. This is meant to ... view
  • 17 May 2017 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I concur with the Member for Luanda. The importance of weights and measures regards trade. Under Clause 30, one has to get approval for the acquisition of weighing and measuring equipment for trade. The equipment to be used for trade in a country includes equipment for health and so on. Clause 30 enumerates all the equipment. If you do not have standard equipment for weights and measures then you are likely to jeopardise your trading capabilities as a country. Clause 25 creates offenses out of sale of incorrect weighing and measuring equipment. This is meant to ... view
  • 17 May 2017 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, I seek your indulgence that this Bill be placed on tomorrow’s Order Paper. We think it is important that Members have time to look at it before we start debate. We are also in agreement that we debate this Bill starting tomorrow. view
  • 17 May 2017 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, I seek your indulgence that this Bill be placed on tomorrow’s Order Paper. We think it is important that Members have time to look at it before we start debate. We are also in agreement that we debate this Bill starting tomorrow. view


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