Judah ole Metito

Parties & Coalitions

Full name

Judah Katoo Ole-Metito


12th March 1973


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya








0202 848634


P. O. Box 191 Loitokitok

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 31 to 40 of 1895.

  • 28 Feb 2018 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, I beg to move the following Special Motion: THAT, this House adopts the Report of the Departmental Committee on Defence and Foreign Relations on the Vetting of Nominees for appointment as Ambassadors/High Commissioners, laid on the Table of the House on Tuesday, 27th February 2018, and pursuant to the provisions of Article 132(2)(e) of the Constitution and Standing Order 216(5)(f), approves the appointment of the following persons– (i) Prof. Judy Wakhungu – Ambassador to France (ii) Dr. Cleopa Mailu – Permanent Representative to UN, Geneva; (iii) Hon. Dan Kazungu – High Commissioner to the United Republic of Tanzania; ... view
  • 28 Feb 2018 in National Assembly: the European Union; (v) Mr. Willy Bett Kipkorir - High Commissioner to India; (vi) Prof. Jacob Kaimenyi - Permanent Representative to UNESCO; (vii) Dr. Hassan Wario Arero - Ambassador to Austria (viii) Mr. Lawrence N. Lenayapa – Ambassador to the Kingdom of view
  • 28 Feb 2018 in National Assembly: Netherlands. view
  • 28 Feb 2018 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, in conducting the approval hearings, the Committee examined the nominees against the criteria as set out in the Public Appointments (Parliamentary Approval) Act as follows: - (i) academic qualifications; (ii) employment record; (iii) professional affiliation; (iv) personal conflict of interest; (v) knowledge of relevant subject; (vi) overall suitability for position; (vii) integrity, vision and leadership; and, (viii) expectation and key priorities. view
  • 28 Feb 2018 in National Assembly: As required by the Constitution and the law, and as per the established procedures for vetting, the Committee ensured that its meetings were open to the public and were covered by the media. In the Report, Members will find specific analysis of each nominee, but I want to highlight the general observations of the Committee for all the nominees. 1. In accordance with Article 178(1)(2), all nominees are Kenyan citizens with no dual citizenship. 2. The academic credentials and professional training and experience for all the nominees are in accordance with the provisions of Section (6)(7) of the Public Appointments ... view
  • 28 Feb 2018 in National Assembly: 5. As stipulated in Article 75(1) of the Constitution, all the nominees have no potential conflict of interest. 6. All the nominees satisfy the requirements of Article 77(1) in that they do not intend to participate in any other gainful employment. 7. All the nominees do not hold office in any political party hence satisfy the provisions of Article 77(2) of the Constitution. 8. None of the nominees has been dismissed from office under Article 75 of the Constitution for a contravention of the provision of Article 75(1) on conflict of interest, Article 76 on financial probity, Article 77 on ... view
  • 27 Feb 2018 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, I beg to lay the following Papers on the Table of the House: The Report of the Departmental Committee on Defence and Foreign Relations on the approval for appointment of Principal Secretary for State Department for Foreign Affairs. The Report of the Departmental Committee on Defence and Foreign Relations on the approval for appointment of various Ambassadors and High Commissioners. view
  • 27 Feb 2018 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, I have to give notices of two motions. view
  • 27 Feb 2018 in National Assembly: I beg to give notice of the following Motions: THAT, this House adopts the Report of the Departmental Committee on Defence and Foreign Relations on the Vetting of Nominee for Appointment as Principal Secretary, laid on the Table of the House on Tuesday, 27th February 2018, and pursuant to the provisions of Article 155(3)(b) of the Constitution, approves the appointment of Amb. Macharia Kamau as Principal Secretary, State Department for Foreign Affairs. view
  • 14 Feb 2018 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I rise to support the Motion which is the Approval of Nominees for Appointment as Cabinet Secretaries. Because a lot has been said and we have very short time available, let me just single out two nominees. I want to say generally as a matter of principle that this list is a good pick. There is a lot of mix in terms of the professions. When you look at all of them, they are people who have served this country for a very long time and in different capacities in the public sector. This means that ... view


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