Judah ole Metito

Parties & Coalitions

Full name

Judah Katoo Ole-Metito


12th March 1973


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya








0202 848634


P. O. Box 191 Loitokitok

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 581 to 590 of 1895.

  • 23 Feb 2016 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, I just wanted to inform this House that this Report was tabled, as I said earlier, in March last year, a year ago. Many of the recommendations and the emphasis in this Report have been implemented. I call upon the House to fast-track the debate and approve these reports, so that if some of the recommendations and objectives have money implications or some legislative frameworks are required for their implementation, we can have sufficient time to act appropriately in support of the Executive and more specifically, His Excellency the President, in implementing the constitutional functions. view
  • 23 Feb 2016 in National Assembly: I beg to reply. view
  • 23 Feb 2016 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, I beg to move the following Motion:- view
  • 23 Feb 2016 in National Assembly: THAT, pursuant to Article 240(7) of the Constitution and Section 16 of the National Security Council Act, this House notes the Annual Report to Parliament on the State of National Security submitted by His Excellency the President on Thursday, March 26, 2015, laid on the Table of the House on Tuesday, March 31, 2015. view
  • 23 Feb 2016 in National Assembly: This is about security and I know Members may have a few issues to note. So, I will try to speed up. I am presenting this Report in fulfilment of the requirements of Article 240(7) of the Constitution of Kenya and pursuant to the provisions of Section 16 of the National Security Council Act, 2012, which require the President to give an annual report to Parliament on the state of security in Kenya. This Report presents the national security threats, both internal and external, that occurred within a complexity of legal, socio-cultural, economic and political context that shaped our public ... view
  • 23 Feb 2016 in National Assembly: The report states that in the year under review, namely, 2014, the country faced a range of security threats that included global terrorism as manifested in the threat posed by the AlShabaab terrorist group, which is affiliated to Al Qaeda . The Al Shabaab terror group continues to operate largely from our neighbouring state of Somalia. While efforts by the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) within the ambit of AMISOM dealt decisive blows that degraded the capability of the terror outfit, the terrorist group continues to pose a threat to our country’s security. During the year under review, there was a ... view
  • 23 Feb 2016 in National Assembly: It is also noted that most of the international crimes are fed into the funding and resourcing of terrorism. It is, therefore, urgent, as witnessed in the increase of insecurity in some law and order sectors, particularly ethnic and inter-communal conflicts, sexual and gender-based violence and smuggling of contraband goods. It is also important to note that traffic-related The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 23 Feb 2016 in National Assembly: crimes declined, but more needs to be done to reduce road carnage and the threat associated with proliferation of small arms and light weapons. view
  • 23 Feb 2016 in National Assembly: To counter this trend, the Government has put in place a number of measures including establishment of an inter-agency coordination unit to enhance institutional synergy in the war against terrorism. There is also the enhancement of security vigilance within and around our key strategic installations including Parliament in terms of sustenance of ground, aerial and maritime surveillance, nurturing the goodwill of our communities through the Nyumba Kumi community policing strategy and the establishment of national counter radicalisation strategies. There is also the establishment of a financial reporting centre to analyse financial transactions and work with law enforcers on financial crimes ... view
  • 23 Feb 2016 in National Assembly: The Government sustains enforcement of legislation aimed at improving national security and public safety while administratively, it undertook some institutional reforms that continued throughout the year under review. At the same time, the Government continues to refine and implement its commitment to vulnerable groups. This has led to a marked improvement in security and service delivery. In order to enhance coordination and management of security, His Excellency the President gave Executive Order No.3 of 2014, delegating power and authority to the County Commissioners to direct and coordinate security as well as all other national Government functions in the counties. His ... view


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