Judah ole Metito

Parties & Coalitions

Full name

Judah Katoo Ole-Metito


12th March 1973


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya








0202 848634


P. O. Box 191 Loitokitok

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 661 to 670 of 1895.

  • 19 Nov 2015 in National Assembly: Finally, I wish to report that the HBC will reconvene on Tuesday, 24th November 2015 at the rise of the House to consider business for the week starting 1st December, 2015. view
  • 19 Nov 2015 in National Assembly: I now wish to lay the Statement on the Table of the House. view
  • 19 Nov 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I beg to move that The Physical Planning Bill, 2015, be now read a Second Time. I wish to begin by introducing the concept of physical planning to set the context for the Bill because this is a very important Bill as most of it is concerns land issues. The physical planning function entails provision of spatial frameworks for the arrangement and organization of the social economic activities on land both at the national, regional, county levels and even at the very local level in the villages. Therefore, it is important that we achieve the optimal ... view
  • 19 Nov 2015 in National Assembly: proposed county physical planning liaison committee under Clause 78 of the Bill. The functions of the respective institutional structures are also well defined. Every structure formed at the national level has an equivalent at the county level. The Bill further makes extensive provisions for the preparation of various types of physical development plans and their implementation. It also approves development plans, development control decisions and resolution of disputes arising out of decision made by planning authorities on matters relating to planning and preparation and approval of development application. The issue of approval of development plans is very contentious because it ... view
  • 19 Nov 2015 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, the Bill ensures that the county executive committee members are responsible for formulating county and urban development policies as well as enforce planning standards and development control. We need to uphold standards, development control and standards for quality assurance. It is good that those institutional bodies that are tasked with The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 19 Nov 2015 in National Assembly: overseeing standards and quality are brought to the picture to ensure that we have a uniform, standard and control in these development plans. That has been well articulated under Clause 18. view
  • 19 Nov 2015 in National Assembly: Hon. Members can see the responsibility of the county executive committee members. Some of their responsibilities will be to formulate county and urban physical development policies, standards and guidelines with respect and accord to national policies and standards of physical planning. Therefore, the Ministry responsible for land matters will, as matter of policy, give the standards that must be met by all physical development plans. The county executive committee responsible for land matters will be required to adhere to those standards. view
  • 19 Nov 2015 in National Assembly: Secondly, the function of that county executive committee is to supervise the implementation of county and urban physical development plans, standards and guidelines as well. view
  • 19 Nov 2015 in National Assembly: Thirdly, they will have the function of enforcing the physical planning standards and development control. view
  • 19 Nov 2015 in National Assembly: Again, on the county, there will be county and local physical development plans that will be prepared and approved by the county government. It is very important to note that it will not be the national Government to approve the development plans of any county. The counties will come up with their own development plans as long as they conform with the standard set by the national Government. They will be approved at the county level. view


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