Judah ole Metito

Parties & Coalitions

Full name

Judah Katoo Ole-Metito


12th March 1973


Parliament Buildings
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P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya








0202 848634


P. O. Box 191 Loitokitok

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 61 to 70 of 1895.

  • 7 Dec 2017 in National Assembly: First of all, let me just briefly talk to the background of the establishment of the EALA. It is under Article 9 of Treaty of the East African Community (EAC). It is one of the key organs and independent institutions of the Community. Article 50 and 51 which will be referred to most of the time in this Report of the Treaty provides for election of Members of the Assembly and the tenure of office of the elected members respectively. Specifically, Article 51 (1) provides that an elected Member of the Assembly shall hold office for five years and is ... view
  • 7 Dec 2017 in National Assembly: Through a letter dated 7th December 2016, the Clerk of the EALA wrote to the Speaker of the National Assembly informing the Speaker that the term of the third EALA was due to end on the 4th June 2017 and further requesting that the Speaker calls the election of Members of the next Assembly in accordance with Article 50 of the Treaty, which is the relevant provision of EALA Act 2011 and the rules of procedure on the elections of Members of the Assembly. The election process commenced in April 2017 but could not be concluded before the end of ... view
  • 7 Dec 2017 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Hon. Wanga is very excited this afternoon, could you order her to consult in low tones? view
  • 7 Dec 2017 in National Assembly: There is urgent need to conclude the election process for the EALA members to enable the commencement of business of the Assembly. By a Motion adopted by the National Assembly and the Senate on 8th and 9th November 2017, respectively, the Houses of Parliament established a Joint Parliamentary Select Committee on the Election of Members to EALA, consisting of five Members from each House. I was co-chairing from the National Assembly side and Members were: 1. Hon. Jayne Kihara; 2. Hon. Jeremiah Kioni; 3. Hon. Daniel Maanzo; and, 4. Hon. Florence Mutua. From the Senate, my Co-Chair was Sen. Millicent ... view
  • 7 Dec 2017 in National Assembly: 2. Sen. Aaron Cheruiyot; 3. Sen. Rose Nyamunga; and, 4. Sen. Mutula Kilonzo Junior. It is good for Members to know what the Committee was mandated to do. It was, first of all, to suggest appropriate timelines for purposes of identification, nomination and election of EALA members, which we have done. I think most of the things that I am not going to say were in my statement last week, when I updated the House on the progress. The Committee was also mandated to consider the nominees, oversee the election process and report to the respective Houses within the timelines ... view
  • 7 Dec 2017 in National Assembly: past the nomination desk. They were disqualified by the presiding officers for lacking some documents. They were not able to meet the threshold as required by the rules. Therefore, those who were accepted are the 27 from the political parties. The total number of candidates cleared was 31 and they were issued with nomination certificates. They were 26 nominees affiliated to political parties while five were independent candidates. Only five candidates made it past the nominations desk. The reason why they were 26 and not 27 for political parties is that there was one candidate affiliated to the NASA Coalition ... view
  • 7 Dec 2017 in National Assembly: its powers under the EALA rules. They brought her name to the Committee, but it disqualified these two nominees. In addition, and as I said earlier, there were only five independent candidates who made it to the nomination desk. However, there are a lot of requirements for independent candidates to be eligible for this election. So, some of them had to be clarified by the IEBC and the presiding officers wrote to the IEBC on 1st December to confirm, first, whether, as required under Article 99(1)(a) of the Constitution, each provisionally nominated candidate is registered as a voter and is ... view
  • 7 Dec 2017 in National Assembly: earlier was called Mr. Justus Mochoge who was a nominee for the NASA Coalition. He is the one I said could not make it on the nomination day to bring the nomination papers, but his name was in the list that came on time. The Committee was convinced that the reasons given were genuine and we admitted his papers. There was also another nominee by the name Mr. Jimmy P. Luka who wrote a complaint letter saying that the Committee should reject all the nominees of the NASA Coalition owing to the fact that they did not include anyone with ... view
  • 7 Dec 2017 in National Assembly: (xii) Mr. Jackson Kipkemoi Kosgei, Baringo County; (xiii) Miss Dorice Donya Aburi, Kisii County; and, (xiv) Dr. Muriuki Mureithi, Nyeri County. view
  • 7 Dec 2017 in National Assembly: When it comes to the date of the election, Members will be requested to pick five out of the 14 candidates. Out of the five to be picked, two will be women and three will be men. Use your discretion as Members to capture all the shades of opinion during your voting, including regional balance, gender and age. The age of each and every candidate is also provided. view


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