Judah ole Metito

Parties & Coalitions

Full name

Judah Katoo Ole-Metito


12th March 1973


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya








0202 848634


P. O. Box 191 Loitokitok

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 741 to 750 of 1895.

  • 30 Jun 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. Clause 9 of this Bill carries everything in this Bill and that is why you find most repetition is surrounding it. It is the clause that brings discipline and compliance in the sector. It talks about arms-tracking. It talks about growth and professionalism in the sector. It is also important for regular and proper integration of their input; that is, their private security input to the national security management and The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard ... view
  • 30 Jun 2015 in National Assembly: operations. The same clause is also very important as it will bring the need to operate within principles of national values and morals in accordance with the Constitution. You will also find that the same clause helps in strengthening mechanisms for accountability and professionalism. It also brings in partnership with other security agencies. view
  • 30 Jun 2015 in National Assembly: The issue of regular modernization of private security sector on both hardware and software has been talked about in this Bill. This is through the aspect of training, which is in this Bill. The issue of accreditation of persons and institutions and the issue of monitoring and auditing of the quality of training function - as has been alluded to by the previous speaker – is well spelt out in this Bill. This will help in the compliance of the Act, should the Bill become an Act - and any other written law. It also brings about the need for ... view
  • 24 Jun 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker. I rise to second this Procedural Motion for the reasons that the Chairman has given. There is need to fast-track and expedite the recruitment of the commissioners to the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission. As we are all aware, an advertisement was placed in the daily newspapers for those who want to apply and get recruited. Without anticipating debate, this Bill may enrich that process and, therefore, it will be good that we fast-track it. The new values that this Bill is proposing to bring on board can be taken into account during the recruitment process. ... view
  • 24 Jun 2015 in National Assembly: Hon. Deputy Speaker, I want to support this Motion. Let me just very briefly mention about some votes especially on the Development Vote. The first one is Vote D1021, which is the Ministry of Interior and Co-ordination of National Government. It is important that this money, especially on the sub-vote on the policing services, is used to employ more police officers. You are aware that we are behind schedule because of the nullification of the recruits by the court. This year, we did not attain the 10,000 plus recruits that we want, but we should do it before the end ... view
  • 24 Jun 2015 in National Assembly: Hon. Deputy Speaker, I was talking of the modernisation of our resources in the police service, both the hardware and the software part of it. We are in the technology era and therefore, we need to have the state of the art equipment. It is important that we facilitate our police service for that matter. The Government has tried its best in terms of provision of vehicles or the mobility part of it, but it is important that we even buy these vehicles rather than hiring. It is good for the ownership of property and assets in the Police Service. ... view
  • 24 Jun 2015 in National Assembly: Still in the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, it is important that the Government does not leave the hardware part of it purely to the CDF. The infrastructure development in schools should not only be left to the CDF to construct classrooms and other facilities. Therefore, there should be a Vote under the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology in terms of infrastructure development in schools. I know it is there, but very minimal. Therefore, because education is not devolved, the national Government should complete the efforts of the CDF in terms of building these facilities in schools. When ... view
  • 24 Jun 2015 in National Assembly: Therefore, I appeal to the Ministry to use this money to build the mega dams in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASAL) constituencies in this country the way they did the Galana Kulalu project. Since the money may not be enough, they can source funds from elsewhere or come back to this House and ask for more appropriation. Through irrigation, we will improve our food security because a hungry nation cannot be energetic enough to attain the Vision 2030. Hon. Deputy Speaker, I want to talk about Vote D1151 for the Ministry of Energy and Petroleum. A lot has been ... view
  • 23 Jun 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman. Of course, I came to this House long before Hon. Mbadi joined it, but he is a very good friend of mine. I just want to, very briefly, support this amendment and say that if you look at what Article 234(5) says, the Public Service Commission (PSC) may delegate in writing, with or without conditions, any of its functions and powers under this Article to anyone or more of its members, or to any officer or body or authority in the public service. Therefore in terms of recruiting staff to the Office of the ... view
  • 23 Jun 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman. Of course, I came to this House long before Hon. Mbadi joined it, but he is a very good friend of mine. I just want to, very briefly, support this amendment and say that if you look at what Article 234(5) says, the Public Service Commission (PSC) may delegate in writing, with or without conditions, any of its functions and powers under this Article to anyone or more of its members, or to any officer or body or authority in the public service. Therefore in terms of recruiting staff to the Office of the ... view


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