Judah ole Metito

Parties & Coalitions

Full name

Judah Katoo Ole-Metito


12th March 1973


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya








0202 848634


P. O. Box 191 Loitokitok

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 771 to 780 of 1895.

  • 26 May 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Deputy Speaker. As you have correctly said, we debated this Bill in details and we are supposed to confine our debate to the four clauses that were committed to the Mediation Committee. I will only talk about two clauses, namely clauses 23 and 25. view
  • 26 May 2015 in National Assembly: Before I do that, let me appreciate the efforts of the Mediation Committee of Members of both Houses that has given us an agreed version. view
  • 26 May 2015 in National Assembly: Hon. Deputy Speaker, I appreciate the efforts made by the Mediation Committee of Members of both Houses of Parliament. They agreed and gave us a new version of the Bill. view
  • 26 May 2015 in National Assembly: On Clause 23, which is one of the clauses that were committed to the Committee, the issue of public participation at the national and county levels is critical. It is good that they have agreed on that clause, that public participation, which is a constitutional right of the citizens of this country, must be done at both levels of the Government when drawing up environmental plans. As much as we endeavour, as a country, to protect our environment and we must do it, it is also good that we take the views of the communities that live around environmental sensitive ... view
  • 26 May 2015 in National Assembly: If I recall well, in this Session of the Eleventh Parliament, we have received very many petitions from communities petitioning this House that forests that they use for grazing and wetlands that support their livelihoods have been gazetted as environmentally protected areas without taking their views into account. To minimise these petitions, both levels of Government should take into account the views of the communities living around those areas before they are declared environmentally protected areas. Clause 23 as mediated by the Mediation Committee, takes that into account. view
  • 26 May 2015 in National Assembly: I also want to talk about Clause 25; many Members who have contributed have talked about it. I agree with Hon. Bowen that NEMA has failed to some extent. The flooding incidents in Narok and Nairobi were all as a result of failure by NEMA. People have constructed buildings along the river beds and all the constructions have NEMA approval. I saw a very good Estate in Kericho County, which is earmarked for demolition after the public had been allowed to incur a lot of expenses. A lot of money has been put into that estate, and then NEMA has ... view
  • 26 May 2015 in National Assembly: Hon. Deputy Speaker, I beg to move the following Motion:- THAT, the Senate Amendments to the Public Audit Bill (National Assembly Bill No. 38 of 2014), be now considered. The Public Audit Bill, 2014, was passed by this House on 2nd April, 2015 and forwarded to the Senate for concurrence. It was at that stage that the Senate made nine amendments to the Bill. They amended Clauses 5, 11, 19, 24, 26, 32, 39, 40 and 41. view
  • 26 May 2015 in National Assembly: I agree with the Senate Amendments especially to Clauses 26, 40 and 41. Specifically, the amendment by the Senate to Clause 26 proposes an Audit Advisory Board, which is enrichment to the Bill. This Board shall act as a commission to the Office of the Auditor-General similar to the Parliamentary Service Commission. The Board will advise the Auditor-General on the following matters as proposed by the Senate:- recruitment of senior managers into the Office of the Auditor-General, the deployment and review of organisational development issues, the budget estimates and plans of the Office of the Auditor-General, the remuneration and other ... view
  • 26 May 2015 in National Assembly: This is a good improvement to the Bill. I thank and fully agree with the Senate for that. The Senate’s amendments are generally quite good, but it is also good to note that most of them, in my view, contravene some other parts of the Bill. I am aware that our Senate colleagues were also under pressure due to the very limited time that they had to conclude the Bill, but they could have done better taking into consideration the fact that the Bill was sent to them by the National Assembly on 20th April, 2015. They had more than ... view
  • 26 May 2015 in National Assembly: Finally, on the rest of the clauses, I am aware that the Finance, Planning and Trade Committee had a sitting this morning and we will be advised by the Committee accordingly. We will be guided by the view of the Committee on the rest of the clauses since they dealt with the original Bill at length. Therefore, since this is a straight forward matter, I want to end there. I beg to move and ask Hon. Kimaru to second. view


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