Judah ole Metito

Parties & Coalitions

Full name

Judah Katoo Ole-Metito


12th March 1973


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya








0202 848634


P. O. Box 191 Loitokitok

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 971 to 980 of 1895.

  • 12 Nov 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Deputy Speaker, I also rise to support the Petition by hon. Dukicha. The relevant Committee needs to invite the Ministry to discuss this matter. Ministry officials are going round the country and gazetting some areas as forests and others as wetland areas. It would be irresponsible of them to gazette such lands without consulting the communities on the ground. Some of those areas have, for a very long time, stood out to be the only livelihoods of those communities. view
  • 12 Nov 2014 in National Assembly: Hopefully, they are not talking about Kapedo. view
  • 12 Nov 2014 in National Assembly: Hopefully, they are not talking about Kapedo. view
  • 12 Nov 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Deputy Speaker, I was saying that the key words here are for the Ministry to hold a very consultative process before any step is taken to gazette any part as a forest or a wetland area. We would even ask the Ministry to first of all protect the areas that are already gazetted as forests or wetlands. We have not seen them doing much on the preservation of our water towers in this country. If they continue going to other areas even before securing the already gazetted areas, it is adding insult to injury. So, my plea is for ... view
  • 12 Nov 2014 in National Assembly: Hon. Deputy Speaker, I was saying that the key words here are for the Ministry to hold a very consultative process before any step is taken to gazette any part as a forest or a wetland area. We would even ask the Ministry to first of all protect the areas that are already gazetted as forests or wetlands. We have not seen them doing much on the preservation of our water towers in this country. If they continue going to other areas even before securing the already gazetted areas, it is adding insult to injury. So, my plea is for ... view
  • 12 Nov 2014 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Deputy Speaker. I rise to second this very important Bill, the Public Service (Values and Principles) Bill, 2014. First, of all, if you look at the Fifth Schedule of the Constitution, this Bill is supposed to be enacted by this House in the fourth year; after the promulgation of our new Constitution. We are on time and, therefore, it is very important that we do this business at the right time. Hon. Deputy Speaker, this Bill is very straightforward and I want to follow in the footsteps of the Mover, the Leader of Majority Party, by saying ... view
  • 12 Nov 2014 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Deputy Speaker. I rise to second this very important Bill, the Public Service (Values and Principles) Bill, 2014. First, of all, if you look at the Fifth Schedule of the Constitution, this Bill is supposed to be enacted by this House in the fourth year; after the promulgation of our new Constitution. We are on time and, therefore, it is very important that we do this business at the right time. Hon. Deputy Speaker, this Bill is very straightforward and I want to follow in the footsteps of the Mover, the Leader of Majority Party, by saying ... view
  • 12 Nov 2014 in National Assembly: Clause 7 (2) talks about public services that are not prompt; where there is unreasonable delay. These are the key words “unreasonable delay.” It is so common in public offices whereby you find long queues. Somebody queues for a long time. If you try to compare some of our offices with other democracies--- I want to give an example of immigration department at international airports. When you go to other democracies like the United States of America, once you alight and go to the immigration department at the airport, at first, you are shocked. You will ask yourself how long ... view
  • 12 Nov 2014 in National Assembly: Clause 7 (2) talks about public services that are not prompt; where there is unreasonable delay. These are the key words “unreasonable delay.” It is so common in public offices whereby you find long queues. Somebody queues for a long time. If you try to compare some of our offices with other democracies--- I want to give an example of immigration department at international airports. When you go to other democracies like the United States of America, once you alight and go to the immigration department at the airport, at first, you are shocked. You will ask yourself how long ... view
  • 12 Nov 2014 in National Assembly: I, therefore, invite the Chairman of the Departmental Committee on Administration and National Security to include the youth. That is because Clause 10 has included gender and people with disability in terms of affirmative action. The youths also need to be considered. They must not have the ten years of experience that is required to get a certain job. Hon. Deputy Speaker, what I also like in Clause 10 of this Bill is that, if you look at our counties surely, we have “localized” Public Service whereby if you come from Kajiado County, you must only work in that county. ... view


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