All parliamentary appearances
Entries 2151 to 2160 of 2953.
17 Dec 2008 in National Assembly:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I beg to second and observe that this, indeed, has been a very difficult year for the entire country. We started the year in a most unusual manner, fighting ourselves. But within a short period, we were able to come together and we have truly been able to achieve much. As such, Mr. Speaker, Sir, we need to refresh ourselves to be able to come and push forward the heavy reform agenda. Hon. Members just passed the Constitution of Kenya (Amendment) Bill. The renewal of the electoral body comes along with a heavy legislative agenda. We have ...
16 Dec 2008 in National Assembly:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I am just seeking further clarification on the issue of collective responsibility, which was also raised by hon. Mungatana. Even if a matter did or did not go to the Cabinet, the House, once seized of the matter, acts as the House.
16 Dec 2008 in National Assembly:
You never asked for the Ayes from a political party. It is Ayes from Parliament and Noes from Parliament. So, there is also the collective sense in the House. Mr. Speaker, Sir, it is also important to clarify that, as the Deputy Leader of Government Business, on Thursday, the previous week when the Bill should have come before, we consulted and asked the Chair to defer it to enable consultations with the media. The Chair of the Departmental Committee on Energy, Communications and Public Works is a Member from the Right Honourable Prime Minister's party. The person I asked to ...
16 Dec 2008 in National Assembly:
If we want to rescind from that decision, we must rescind from it, again, collectively as the House, and not to try to score any political mileage for either ourselves or our political parties in a matter that is as grave as this one. I would urge that you give us direction. Even though the Executive is now seized of the matter, the issues being asked are not whether it is assented to or not. It is the conduct of us, as hon. Members of this August House. Mr. Speaker, Sir, kindly give us that direction.
16 Dec 2008 in National Assembly:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I beg to move that The Constitution of Kenya (Amendment) Bill, 2008, Bill December 16, 2008 PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES 4127 No.24, be read a Second Time. At the outset, let me say that this Bill supersedes the Bill published on 3rd December, 2008, bearing the same title and the other two previous Bills published before that date, also bearing the same title. I would like to say that my task is very easy today, because this is a product of a very consultative process; this Bill has been moulded by hon. Members themselves. I need not explain too ...
16 Dec 2008 in National Assembly:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, hon. Members had raised the issue of the number of the members of the Interim Independent Electoral Commission, and the Bill now contains eight members plus a chairman, and the method of recruitment is through the Select Committee on Constitutional Review, and will be through competitive bidding. The entire National Assembly will be able to ratify or cause corrections of the same. It will then be forwarded over to the President for consideration and appointment in consultation with the Prime Minister. The same goes for the interim independent review commission introduced by the proposed Section 41B, ...
16 Dec 2008 in National Assembly:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, may I once again thank the Members of this House. The Bill before this House is a product of a consensus of the membership of this House. It has been greatly enriched and improved. This spells the way forward for the constitutional review process. I beg to move.
16 Dec 2008 in National Assembly:
Mr. Temporary Deputy Chairman, Sir, I beg to move that the Committee doth report to the House its consideration of The Constitution of Kenya (Amendment) Bill and its approval thereof without amendment.
16 Dec 2008 in National Assembly:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I beg to move that the House doth agree with the Committee in the said Report.
16 Dec 2008 in National Assembly:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I beg to move that the Constitution of Kenya (Amendment) Bill be now read the Third Time.