Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 1 to 10 of 827.

  • 17 Oct 2024 in Senate: Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. From the onset, allow me to say that I rise to oppose the Motion of the removal by way of impeachment of the Deputy President of the Republic of Kenya. For the last two days, today and yesterday, we have been treated to a charade of allegations and accusations, which, in my opinion, have not been substantiated either by the Mover of the Motion, Hon. Mwengi Mutuse or the advocates who he came with or the advocates that are on record for the National Assembly. I am actually quite surprised that one of the advocates ... view
  • 17 Oct 2024 in Senate: want to believe that beyond the owner of the Motion, Hon. Mwengi Mutuse, the President is the bigger owner because he has not denied that there has been no insubordination. My comment is this; this divorce that the President is looking for, he shall get it, but it will be painful, hurtful and catastrophic. It will have casualties. At the final vote that will be cast today, we might be the first casualties. However, the casualties of today are not necessarily the casualties of tomorrow. I want to speak to our partners in the coalition and the other people from ... view
  • 17 Oct 2024 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I am being disrupted. The point that I wanted to make is this. It is not in vain that we have been instructed not to sanction this divorce, but if it comes, we shall take it in our strides. I want to tell the people who are here that we shall put the votes that you will cast here in our hearts and not in our minds. The people of the region that I have mentioned are at their lowest. We are calling on the Senators who are here that it is time to stand with us. ... view
  • 16 Oct 2024 in Senate: Thank you, Hon. Speaker, Sir. I would like to get a clarification from Hon. Mutuse on the accusation that you say- “His Excellency Rigathi Gachagua acquired a dairy farm in Nyandarua County.” Is there any evidence in record that he has a dairy farm in Nyandarua County, either the title number of the land or even a photograph? I have you putting photographs of hotels. Do you have either a photograph of cows on record? Secondly, I would also like to know from the Hon. Mwengi Mutuse, on this matter that you say that people of Kenya feel that they ... view
  • 14 Oct 2024 in Senate: Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. I do not want to buttress what my colleagues have said. I agree that the first preliminary objection falls because precedencies have been set that Parliament cannot be injuncted on the course of its work. However, you have been invited to make a critical decision without speaking on whether the threshold was 31 or 32; both parties have come up with arguments and counterarguments about why they think 31 would be the threshold or 32 would be. Authorities have been cited, especially in the Tana River County. The county speaker and Nkaduda versus the County ... view
  • 14 Oct 2024 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, allow the 47 delegations to make this decision on whether it should be 67 Senators or 47 Senators, whatever would be the case if it touches on the counties. However, allow the Senators who are the judges on this matter to make this decision. On this matter, you are an umpire. You have no dog in this fight. Yours is to umpire--- view
  • 9 Oct 2024 in Senate: Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. We conform to the directions and Communication that you have also given. I agree with the wisdom of the Senator for Nairobi City County that this is a matter of serious public interest. The matter before us is so weighty. It cannot be left in the hands of 11 people. We need to hear it in plenary. I also plead based on two arguments. Looking at the Communication that you have read, the number of grounds that have been set or founded in this impeachment Motion are 11. From the experience that we have had ... view
  • 9 Oct 2024 in Senate: debate. Even if we have the two days that you have communicated to debate, we need to leave it open. If we find ourselves done with the witnesses from both accusers and defendants and unable to debate, we can come the next day debate and take a vote. We should not hurry this process as we did last time. We did not hurry it because we wanted to. Many Members wanted to contribute. That is the reason why the voting was very acrimonious. Thank you very much, daktari, for that. Nyandarua County is far and we have small challenges. You ... view
  • 3 Oct 2024 in Senate: Thank you very much, Madam Temporary Speaker. I rise pursuant to Standing Order No.56(1)(b) of the Senate Standing Orders, to make a statement relating to the activities of the Standing Committee on Land, Environment and Natural Resources during the period of April to August, 2024. During the period of review, the committee held a total of 18 sittings, which it considered five Bills, six Petitions and 24 Statements. Attached to this statement is a schedule of the legislative business considered by the committee. In the reporting period, the committee held meetings with the Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife, the National ... view
  • 3 Oct 2024 in Senate: cent. During the period under review, seven statements were considered by the committee and dispatched to the relevant Senators. In conclusion, I wish to thank your office and that of the Clerk of the Senate for the continuous support that has been accorded to the committee in undertaking its work. I also wish to thank the Members of the committee for their commitment and diligence and contributions during the committee activities. I thank you. view


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