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All parliamentary appearances

Entries 271 to 280 of 831.

  • 6 Mar 2024 in Senate: THAT Clause 7 of the Bill be amended— (a) by deleting paragraph (a) and inserting the following new paragraph — (a) by inserting the following new paragraphs immediately after paragraph (b)— The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposes only. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard Services, Senate. view
  • 6 Mar 2024 in Senate: (ba) evaluate and recommend bulk water tariffs and approve the imposition of such tariffs in line with consumer protection standards for use of water for domestic and commercial purposes; (bb) evaluate and recommend tariffs for irrigation purposes; (b) in paragraph (b) by deleting the proposed new paragraph (c) and inserting the following new paragraph— (c) issue licenses, set conditions for water service provision, and accredit water service providers and bulk water services providers My train of thought has been affected by the Senate Majority Leader. view
  • 6 Mar 2024 in Senate: Mr. Temporary Chairman, Sir, I beg to move: THAT Clause 9 of the Bill be amended in paragraph (b) in the proposed new subsection (3), by deleting the words “provision of water services” appearing immediately after the words “infrastructure used for the” and inserting therefor the words “contracted function.” This amendment seeks to replace the phrase “provision of water services” with contracted functions immediately following in order to construct the language and focus on the legislation addressing a crucial oversight in the original wording. view
  • 6 Mar 2024 in Senate: Mr. Temporary Chairman, Sir, I beg to move: THAT Clause 10 of the Bill be amended by deleting the proposed subsection (4) and inserting therefore the following new subsection — The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposes only. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard Services, Senate. view
  • 6 Mar 2024 in Senate: (4) Despite any provision in this Act, bulk water supply services which are primarily intended to supply water in bulk to a water services provider in a county or counties other than the county in which the bulk water abstraction works are located, shall be undertaken by bulk water services providers licensed under this section. view
  • 6 Mar 2024 in Senate: Mr. Temporary Chairman, Sir, I beg to move: THAT the Bill be amended by deleting Clause 11. The reason we feel that this clause should be deleted is because it seeks to amend Section 114 of the Water Act, 2016, to include Water Works Development Agencies (WWDAs) as beneficiaries of the Water Sector Trust Fund. The Fund has traditionally been earmarked to support marginalised counties, assisting them in financing the development and management of water services. By opening access to the WWDAs, which are national Government entities, there is a significant risk that the allocation of funds to counties, especially ... view
  • 6 Mar 2024 in Senate: Mr. Temporary Chairman, Sir, I beg to move: THAT Clause 2 of the Bill be amended— a) by deleting paragraph (a) and inserting the following new paragraph— (a) by inserting the following new definitions in the proper alphabetical sequence- The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposes only. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard Services, Senate. view
  • 6 Mar 2024 in Senate: “bulk water service provider” means a water service provider, contracting authority, or any other person providing bulk water services in accordance with a license issued by the Regulatory Board for the service areas specified in the license; “contracting authority” means- (a) at the national government level, a state department, agency or state corporation which intends to have its functions undertaken by a private party; or (b) at the county level, the county government, county agency or county corporation which intends to have its functions undertaken by a private party; “joint committee” means a committee established by the national or county ... view
  • 5 Mar 2024 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, I beg to lay the following Paper on the Table of the Senate today, Tuesday, 5th March, 2024 - Report of the 9th Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians Held in Hanoi, Vietnam from 15th to 17th September, 2023. view
  • 5 Mar 2024 in Senate: Thank you, Mr. Speaker Sir. I beg to give Notice of the following Motion - THAT, the Senate notes the Report of the 9th Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians held in Hanoi, Vietnam from 15th to 17th September, 2023, laid on the table of the Senate on Tuesday, 5th March, 2024. view


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