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All parliamentary appearances

Entries 381 to 390 of 827.

  • 27 Sep 2023 in National Assembly: The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard Services,Senate. view
  • 27 Sep 2023 in National Assembly: If you look at Object 13(c) of this Bill on the role of the Ministry of Health, we are creating another monster and centre of power in the Ministry of Health on issues that are supposed to be dealt with by the county governments. If I look at just Number 3 of this provision, the other two had been spoken about by some of my colleagues, and it reads- “Consolidate and analyse national primary healthcare data from the counties and ensure its timely transmission to stakeholders for use in decision making and resource allocation.” The Ministry is taking data to ... view
  • 27 Sep 2023 in National Assembly: Just give me one minute! view
  • 26 Sep 2023 in National Assembly: Thank you, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. I am very happy that I have finally gotten an opportunity to speak. I suffered the same consequences as those of Sen. Cheptumo because I sat next to him. I am also happy that I depended on an old man to help me with these issues of technology. I am very happy to be in Lodwar. It is my first time to come to Turkana County. I have never been to Turkana before. It is very nostalgic that I am in Turkana County. When I was vying, most of my opponents were accusing me ... view
  • 26 Sep 2023 in National Assembly: I do not know whether the Senate Majority Leader can consult in a low tone than he is doing. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard Services,Senate. view
  • 26 Sep 2023 in National Assembly: In the first nine months of own-source collection of Nyandarua County, we collected Kshs346 million. Out of this, Kshs156 million was collected from hospitals which denotes the fact that 45 per cent of all of our revenues are collected from the sick. It then makes sense that this money should be used to improve the health facilities from which this money has been collected. When we sweep this money to the County Revenue Fund (CRF), what would guarantee that this money shall be used again to acquire services, medical and nonmedical supplies for this particular health service and this money ... view
  • 31 Aug 2023 in Senate: Thank you, very much, Mr. Speaker, Sir. I want to agree with the elder of our church, the African Inland Church (AIC). This is a Procedural Motion and you also know that we also have the other Bill before us that we need to conclude on. I second and ask that we have maybe three Senators from each side, if it is agreeable and then we limit debate. view
  • 31 Aug 2023 in Senate: Even one Senator from each side! The mood of the House is that they just want the question to be put. view
  • 31 Aug 2023 in Senate: Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir, for this opportunity to second this particular Bill. From the onset, I did not know that Sen. Cheruiyot has that in-depth knowledge on matters of environment and climate change. I feel very challenged that he has understood the meat and crust of why we need to do this particular amendment. As I second, a lot of issues that I need to say have already been said by my brother, Sen. Cheruiyot. However, I want to answer a question that is being asked by most of my colleagues. It has been directed to all the Members ... view
  • 31 Aug 2023 in Senate: happening in Kyulu in Machakos, how was the money paid. The Senator for Taita Taveta County is here. He was asking how Kshs120 million was paid to a ranch and he was told it was their share of the carbon credit. They traded, but they did not know how much was paid. They were given some blanket figures. When we speak about clarity, you will be surprised today that there is a company running in Siaya County doing carbon credit trading on behalf of the people of Siaya County. However, this is not known by the leadership of Siaya, Nyandarua ... view


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