26 Jul 2023 in Senate:
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I support the Bill. Few amendments are required to make this Bill a good law for our counties in order to strengthen devolution and county governments by enabling them to collect enough revenue within the right framework.
18 Jul 2023 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I beg to lay the following Papers on the Table of the Senate, today 18th July, 2023.
18 Jul 2023 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I would like to pass my warm welcome to my former colleagues from the County Assembly of Nyandarua in the Serjeant-at-Arms Department. They are known to me because I served with them at the County Assembly. I wish them all the best as they benchmark with the Directorate of Serjeant-at- Arms of the Senate.
18 Jul 2023 in Senate:
Thank you, very much Mr. Speaker, Sir. I am particularly very excited that you have given me an opportunity to welcome the beautiful girls from South Tetu Girls, a school in Nyeri. Even though it is not my home county, on behalf of their Senator, Sen. Wamatinga, I welcome them to the Senate. I am particularly excited that amongst the students who are here is my own sister, Anna Njoki, a good girl who was left by our mother when she was a primary school kid and she has beaten all odds. I am very proud as her guardian that ...
18 Jul 2023 in Senate:
On a point of order, Madam Temporary Speaker.
18 Jul 2023 in Senate:
Madam Temporary Speaker, I would not want to have interrupted my Chairperson. I am actually surprised that he is saying tomorrow he will not be in the House yet we will be having two Sessions in the morning and afternoon.
18 Jul 2023 in Senate:
My point of order is that on Standing Order No.105, Responsibility for Statement of Fact, Sen. M. Kajwang’ is alleging that Sen. Munyi Mundigi rose and brought a Statement to this House to say that there is no fertiliser or it is not being distributed. If he had read the Statement, he would know that the question that Sen. Munyi Mundigi asked was the distribution to the smallest devolved units, not availability of the fertiliser.
18 Jul 2023 in Senate:
The person to define what amounts to a point of order is the Speaker. So, hold your horses.
18 Jul 2023 in Senate:
The Government has intimated that we have distributed five million bags of fertiliser. The question that Sen. Munyi Mundigi asked is---