Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 531 to 540 of 827.

  • 7 Jun 2023 in Senate: Amendment to view
  • 7 Jun 2023 in Senate: Thank you, Mr. Chairman Sir, I beg move that New Clause 5 be read a Second Time; Establishment of view
  • 7 Jun 2023 in Senate: Mr. Temporary Chairperson, Sir, I beg to move the following New Clause 5A: Functions of the view
  • 7 Jun 2023 in Senate: Thank you, Mr. Temporary Chairperson, Sir. I beg to move that Bill be amended by inserting the following New Clause 5B: Board of view
  • 7 Jun 2023 in Senate: Mr. Temporary Chairperson, I beg to move that the Bill be amended by inserting the following New Clause 5C- view
  • 7 Jun 2023 in Senate: Tenure of view
  • 7 Jun 2023 in Senate: 5C. (1) The members of the Board other than the view
  • 7 Jun 2023 in Senate: office. Director-General shall— view
  • 7 Jun 2023 in Senate: (a) hold office for a term of three years and view
  • 7 Jun 2023 in Senate: shall be eligible for reappointment for one view


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