Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 581 to 590 of 827.

  • 7 Jun 2023 in Senate: Mr. Temporary Chairperson, Sir, I thank Sen. (Dr.) Oburu for that insightful comment. I am happy that it has been recommitted because I was locking myself out of that job. Even after serving as Senator for five years, I cannot qualify to become the Director General (DG) of that board. It shall be looked into. Mr. Temporary Chairperson, I beg to move- THAT, the Bill be amended by inserting the following New clause 5L- Tenure of office of view
  • 7 Jun 2023 in Senate: Mr. Temporary Chairperson, Sir, I beg to move- THAT, the Bill be amended by inserting the following New Clause 5M- view
  • 7 Jun 2023 in Senate: Functions of the view
  • 7 Jun 2023 in Senate: Mr. Temporary Chairperson, Sir, I beg to move- THAT, the Bill be amended by inserting the following New Cluse 5N- view
  • 7 Jun 2023 in Senate: Tenure of office of 5N. The Board may terminate the appointment of the the Director- Director-General in accordance with the terms and conditions of General. service for— (a) inability to perform the functions of the office arising out of physical or mental incapacity; (b) gross misconduct or misbehaviour; (c) incompetence or neglect of duty; or (d) any other ground that would justify removal from office under the terms and conditions of service view
  • 7 Jun 2023 in Senate: The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate. view
  • 7 Jun 2023 in Senate: Mr. Temporary Chairperson, I beg to move- THAT, the Bill be amended by inserting the following New Clause 5O- view
  • 7 Jun 2023 in Senate: Common seal of the 5O view
  • 7 Jun 2023 in Senate: Mr. Temporary Chairperson, Sir, I beg to move- THAT, the Bill be amended by inserting the following New Clause 5P- view
  • 7 Jun 2023 in Senate: Staff of the 5P. (1) The Board may employ such officers, agents and staff view


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