Parties & Coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 761 to 770 of 827.

  • 10 Nov 2022 in Senate: It was very difficult for us to even get her a private specialist to help her. When you have carried a baby for nine months and are going home without it, is the greatest height of pain. I was trying to console her and I know how difficult it is. view
  • 10 Nov 2022 in Senate: The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate. view
  • 10 Nov 2022 in Senate: As we propose special wards for mothers who have undergone this kind of unfortunate incidences, I am in support and I agree to the proposal number one which says – “Ensure that all county health facilities with maternity wings allocate separate wards for recovery for the mothers who have gone through still birth, all those who have lost their babies during delivery.” view
  • 10 Nov 2022 in Senate: The wards should be accompanied by specialists, so that we do not cure one problem and create another. We should not separate them from the others, so that they go to a certain corner. We know that such things have happened. view
  • 10 Nov 2022 in Senate: I looked at how Nyandarua County, where I come from, was dealing with the COVID menace. They were not getting a new ward. They would push the people to a certain corner and call it the isolation ward. At some point, men and women were sharing a ward at the main county hospital in Nyandarua. view
  • 10 Nov 2022 in Senate: As we talk about getting separate wards for our mothers, it should be accompanied with specialists who will be working in those wards. They should not feel like we have rejected them or we are not sympathizing enough. As we get the separate wards, they should be accompanied by specialists who will be taking care of them. These will include and not limited to counselling support. view
  • 10 Nov 2022 in Senate: Madam Temporary Speaker, in terms of training, there is a research that was done by the International Journal on Mental Systems. In terms of capacity and training on the current 500 mental health service providers, unfortunately, most of them are not literate enough in terms of job description and the scope of service they are supposed to deliver. view
  • 10 Nov 2022 in Senate: You are a mental health worker, but you are not offering sufficient services that commensurate to the problem that you are supposed to cure. In that case, I also encourage that we train our mental health workers seriously. This will enable them to have enough capacity to deal with the menace. Additionally, let us train more health workers. Right now, private practioners are extremely expensive. A Senator mentioned that they are expensive and rare; you will not even get them. Madam Temporary Speaker, I support the Motion. I wish that the people in charge of our implementation mechanism in Parliament ... view
  • 9 Nov 2022 in Senate: Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I also rise to support the report of the Committee on National Security, Defence and Foreign Relations on the appointment of Eng. Japheth Koome as our new IG. I join my colleagues who have said that he comes on board with a wealth of experience. There is no reason why he will not perform his duties and roles as the IG. My colleagues have spoken on many issues touching on the police service. First, I am encouraged that His Excellency the Deputy President, Hon. Gachagua, has continuously mentioned that we need to re-look into the welfare ... view
  • 9 Nov 2022 in Senate: Finally, as I support the appointment of Eng. Koome, as we get to the new dispensation, I would wish that we avoid using the police for political expediency. In the Second Senate, Senators were arrested when there were very important Bills before the House. The Committee on National Security, Defence and Foreign Affairs summoned the IG and the Cabinet Secretary (CS) in charge but the summons were not honoured. I hope that the IG and the President will disband the section of the Directorate of Criminal Investigations that has been killing our people. I ask the IG to keep politics ... view


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