Moses Masika Wetangula

Parties & Coalitions


13th September 1956


Employment History:
Advocate of the High Court of Kenya -
Wetangula & Co. Advocates of Kenya


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya





@wetangulam on Twitter

Moses Masika Wetangula

Speaker of the National Assembly in the 13th Parliament.

He was the Bungoma Senator (2013 - 2022; Leader of Minority in the Senate (2013 - 2017)

By virtue of his position as co-principal in NASA he was retained as Minority Leader in the 12th Parliament but later replaced by his Siaya counterpart after 19 senators who attended Nasa's Parliamentary Group meeting at Parliament Buildings in Nairobi unanimously voted to replace him with Senator James Orengo on 15th March, 2018.

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 31 to 40 of 6535.

  • 6 Apr 2022 in Senate: Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, this Bill is good and we support it. It should be assented to quickly, so that the benefits out of the industry of Sen. Kasanga and the sector are translated into active benefits to our society. This is so that we can treat, diagnose and rehabilitate mental patients into productive citizens of this country. view
  • 6 Apr 2022 in Senate: I thank you. view
  • 6 Apr 2022 in Senate: Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, thank you. Today, at this critical period of our campaign, I have stuck here because of this important Bill. I represent a constituency or a county that is one of the major sugar growing and production areas of Kenya. Sugar production is the main stay of close to 16 million livelihoods in this country both directly and indirectly. The whole of Western region, right from West Pokot County down to the Tanzania border and Kehancha in Migori County, Trans Mara, Kericho County and parts of Uasin Gishu County are sugar growing areas. At the Coast, Kwale ... view
  • 6 Apr 2022 in Senate: The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate. view
  • 6 Apr 2022 in Senate: Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, the lack of Sugar Board that used to make timely interventions in terms of extending credits to sugar millers, to out grower organizations as and when they were having financial stress has seen the death of Mumias Sugar Company. Mumias Sugar Company was the jewel of rural industrial investment and success in Kenya and in this region. Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, in fact, many times Mumias Sugar when it was under the management of Booker Tate International was always referred to as a success story in the entire Commonwealth countries. Today, Mumias is a ruin. The ... view
  • 6 Apr 2022 in Senate: The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate. view
  • 6 Apr 2022 in Senate: will be a more reasonable direct representation of the county interests because the Bill also gives room for counties to play a role because this is a devolved function. Equally important is that the fact that the Bill is dealing with issues that really touch on the farmer. The Board will deal with non-payment of farmers by public companies. I encourage that we should not only focus on public companies. Private companies need regulation even more because they are profit driven than even public companies. They are likely to short change and suppress the farmer in the hunt for profit ... view
  • 6 Apr 2022 in Senate: Is there a discotheque in Parliament? That must be the Nairobian campaigners. view
  • 6 Apr 2022 in Senate: When the level of cost of fertilizer hits that high, who will save and cushion the farmer? It means that the farmer is now left at the vagaries of the millers who in a feat of magnanimity and generosity, advance fertilizer to the farmers. You will find that the unscrupulous ones who advance fertilizer to the farmers when it was costing Kshs2,800, will now start billing the farmers the Kshs6,800 because that is the new price. The regulator must deal with this. However, in the long run, I want to assure the sugarcane farmers that the Kenya Kwanza Government that ... view
  • 6 Apr 2022 in Senate: The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate. view


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