Moses Masika Wetangula

Parties & Coalitions


13th September 1956


Employment History:
Advocate of the High Court of Kenya -
Wetangula & Co. Advocates of Kenya


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya





@wetangulam on Twitter

Moses Masika Wetangula

Speaker of the National Assembly in the 13th Parliament.

He was the Bungoma Senator (2013 - 2022; Leader of Minority in the Senate (2013 - 2017)

By virtue of his position as co-principal in NASA he was retained as Minority Leader in the 12th Parliament but later replaced by his Siaya counterpart after 19 senators who attended Nasa's Parliamentary Group meeting at Parliament Buildings in Nairobi unanimously voted to replace him with Senator James Orengo on 15th March, 2018.

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 4271 to 4280 of 6535.

  • 26 Feb 2015 in Senate: On a point of order, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. Did you notice that when you asked the distinguished Senator if he had anything to put on the Table he said: “Yeah?” In this House, we say: “Yes, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir.” view
  • 26 Feb 2015 in Senate: On a point of order, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. My point of order has something to do with the conduct of Members and fidelity to what they do in Committees. The CRA called the Committee on Devolved Government and The Committee on Finance, Commerce and Budget to Naivasha. In fact, one of the champions and advocates of this formula was the distinguished Senator for Elgeyo-Marakwet, who is the Chairperson of the Committee on Devolved Government. We left Naivasha with a unanimous decision on this formula. I am truly shocked that we now come here and engage in polemics and grandstandings ... view
  • 26 Feb 2015 in Senate: Thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, for giving me a chance to contribute to this very important Motion. I salute the distinguished new Senator, Moses Otieno Kajwang. I regret that I was in a meeting and missed his Maiden Speech. I would have loved to hear him. But I know how eloquent and bright he is. I campaigned for him and we criss-crossed Homa Bay County. He was quite dynamic. So, I thank the people of Homa Bay for electing a young distinguished Senator to fit in the shoes of our departed brother, Gerald Otieno Kajwang. Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, ... view
  • 24 Feb 2015 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, riding on the request by the distinguished Senator for Makueni, this is a matter that touches virtually on every county. May I ask that the Chairperson of the Committee, even if he takes three or four weeks, to bring to the Senate the disbursement of this safety net fund in each and every county so that Senators can interrogate and appreciate how the elderly in their counties are benefitting from a national benevolent safety net disbursement. Mr. Speaker, Sir, you will even find that in some certain sections of the county, the people are being paid while ... view
  • 24 Feb 2015 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, you have missed my point. He asked for Makueni--- view
  • 24 Feb 2015 in Senate: I am so sorry, Mr. Speaker, Sir. But for purposes of emphasis, I must emphasize the importance of that question and why every Senator here, including my brothers from Narok, Nandi, Pokot and from everywhere should be interested in this. In fact, there might be need for a Kamukunji to call the relevant Cabinet Secretary to come and be interrogated on this matter. view
  • 24 Feb 2015 in Senate: Okay, Mr. Speaker, Sir. view
  • 24 Feb 2015 in Senate: That is a violation of the Standing Orders. view
  • 24 Feb 2015 in Senate: Mr. Temporary Chairperson, Sir, this matter came to the Committee chaired by the distinguished Senator who has moved the amendment. We debated at length and we said that we are simply looking for persons who are functionally literate. A person who can just even go and sign for his stipend if he is being paid a stipend; we cannot have at this day and age people going to use fingerprints. There is no place in this country where you cannot get people who have not been to Standard One or Two. It is not anybody and everybody who is going ... view
  • 24 Feb 2015 in Senate: On a point of order, Mr. Temporary Chairman, Sir. On a more fundamental point, if a Committee sits and agrees on amendments and the Chairperson of the Committee comes to the Floor of the House as an agent of the Committee, does he have authority to unilaterally withdraw any of those amendments on his own? I am not assaulting Sen. Haji, I am talking on a matter of principle. view


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