All parliamentary appearances
Entries 451 to 460 of 1275.
2 Aug 2011 in National Assembly:
Thank you for that information. I am glad and I wish NARC Kenya could drop a letter to me so that I can find out where and why orders of the Tribunal should not be honored. We propose that a party’s constitution and its rules as well as its coalition agreement, if any, must provide for dispute resolution mechanisms and procedures. You will find that in clauses 9(1) and 10(4). We are also proposing that a dispute should only be referred to the Political Parties Dispute Tribunal after first exhausting the internal political party or coalition dispute resolution mechanism. This ...
20 Jul 2011 in National Assembly:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I beg to move, on behalf of the Leader of Government Business, the following Procedural Motion:- THAT, pursuant to the provisions of Standing Order No.107; this House orders that the publication period of The Political Parties Bill (Bill No.20 of 2011), The Commission on Administrative Justice Bill (Bill No.21 of 2011), The Kenya National Human Rights Commission Bill (Bill No.22 of 2011) and The National Gender and Equality Commission Bill (Bill No.23 of 2011) be reduced from 14 to 5 days.
20 Jul 2011 in National Assembly:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, these are fundamental constitutional implementation Bills and they have received an enormous amount of public participation---
20 Jul 2011 in National Assembly:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, quite honestly and out of enormous respect for my colleagues who have raised these points of order, I am glad to see that they have read the Constitution. There are many people who have not yet read it. I would like to suggest that they look at it a little further and stop being afraid of the Bills I am bringing on the Floor and anticipating them. The points that have been raised go to the question as to whether Article 59(4) is available to the Ministry of Justice, National Cohesion and Constitutional Affairs to formulate policy, ...
20 Jul 2011 in National Assembly:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I would like to conclude my remarks by asking this House to give the leave sought, so that the country can enjoy the very healthy and vibrant debate that will arise from Order Nos.9, 10, 11 and 12. Those are the Bills that I will be presenting which have been created in very elaborate consultative process. Mr. Speaker, Sir, I beg to move. Mr. Bett has agreed to second the Motion.
20 Jul 2011 in National Assembly:
Thank you very much, Mr. Temporary Deputy Chairman. On the recommendations of His Excellency the President as provided for in the Constitution, I beg to move:- THAT, Clause 4 be amended by renumbering the existing Subclause (2) as Subclause (3) and inserting a new Subclause (2) as follows:- (2) The member of the Commission under Article 230(2)(c)(iii) of the Constitution shall be nominated by a joint forum of professional bodies represented by the Association of Professional Societies of East Africa.
20 Jul 2011 in National Assembly:
The reasons for this are very clear. This proposal, as an amendment, was tabled during the last sitting of this Committee and, through misadventure, the proposal did not find its way on the Order Paper.
20 Jul 2011 in National Assembly:
I beg to move.
20 Jul 2011 in National Assembly:
Mr. Temporary Deputy Chairman, Sir, I would like to respond to hon. Mwau, whom I respect a great deal, and invite his attention to Article 3(2) of the Constitution which has expressly extended the operation of Article 46(4) of the retired Constitution. In fact, if he looks at the Order Paper, he will see those particular areas underlined. Therefore, I would like to suggest, and with respect, that the Association of Professional Societies of East Africa is not a stranger to this House. It is not a stranger to this country and it is not a stranger even to my ...
20 Jul 2011 in National Assembly:
Mr. Temporary Deputy Chairman, Sir, I hear the concerns expressed by hon. Members, but I think they are overlooking one thing; this is a fundamental oversight. This is a nomination process. In fact, the word “nominated” has been used by His Excellency the President in his Memorandum. The President would not use such a word to say “shall be nominated” in idleness. It must be understood that the President is well aware that the nominee by APSEA will come to this House for vetting and approval. I do not see hon. Khalwale, knowing him as well as I do, approving ...