19 Jul 2016 in Senate:
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, let me appreciate the Senate. It is the House where we have the best brains in this country. Hon. Senators go through a number of acts or issues confronting this nation and come up with laws to guide this nation. I congratulate my colleague, one of the most vibrant Senators in this House, Sen. (Prof.) Lonyangapuo. Ward and county administrators should note that there must have been some good elements in the Bill as drafted by the Senator. There was no need for them to panic and come up with associations to lobby for the rejection ...
12 Jul 2016 in Senate:
Order, Sen. Muthama! Your time is up.
12 Jul 2016 in Senate:
Order, Sen. Hassan! Kindly consult in a low tone.
12 Jul 2016 in Senate:
Order Senators. When I asked you to keep order, I did not mean that you walk out.
12 Jul 2016 in Senate:
Since there are no more requests to contribute, I call upon the Mover to reply.
12 Jul 2016 in Senate:
Hon. Senators, it is now 6.30 p.m. It is time for interruption of the business of the Senate. The Senate now stands adjourned until tomorrow, Wednesday, 13th July 2016 at 2.30 p.m. The Senate rose at 6.30 p.m. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposes only. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate
30 Jun 2016 in Senate:
Hon. Senators, there is a communication after the intervention led by the Speaker. Earlier, we were debating on the Motion on the Report of The Commonwealth Women Parliamentary Regional Capacity-Building Workshop Held in Dar es-Salaam, Tanzania. I want to interrupt that debate so that we can allow Sen. Murungi to go on with the Fisheries Bill. So, we go to the Committee of the whole and then after that, because he is a Member of the House Business Committee, we will go back to the Motion by Sen. Gwendo.
30 Jun 2016 in Senate:
The Division will come at the end.
30 Jun 2016 in Senate:
Could you briefly justify the purpose of the amendment?
30 Jun 2016 in Senate:
Division will be at the end.