All parliamentary appearances
Entries 4081 to 4090 of 4627.
21 May 2009 in National Assembly:
The House rose at 5.55 p.m.
20 May 2009 in National Assembly:
Mr. ole Metito, please, proceed!
20 May 2009 in National Assembly:
What is your point of order?
20 May 2009 in National Assembly:
Dr. Khalwale, I think you are making a personal statement. I know you know this work has gone through the Committee Stage; it has come back and I know you had made some remarks. The debate has been going on; so, you can go ahead and conclude your remarks.
20 May 2009 in National Assembly:
Order, Dr. Khalwale! Please continue with your contribution! Just move on!
20 May 2009 in National Assembly:
Order, hon. Members! Obviously, that is the mood of the House. Before that, could the Minister now reply?
20 May 2009 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Madam Temporary Deputy Speaker, for giving me the two minutes. I rise to support this particular Motion. It is an important Motion because I come from Kibwezi Constituency where we have over 100,000 landless people. Those people stay in terrible conditions. Even when there are rains, those people have no ability to go to the fields and farm. So, the situation is really dear to my heart because those people have nowhere to farm! As a result, they do not have any income. They are not able to take their kids to school. So, the problem is magnified ...
20 May 2009 in National Assembly:
Hon. Members, it is now 5.00 p.m. That concludes the business on the Order Paper. The House is, therefore, adjourned until tomorrow, Thursday, 21st May, 2009 at 2.30 p.m.
20 May 2009 in National Assembly:
The House rose at 5.00 p.m.
13 May 2009 in National Assembly:
Order, Dr. Khalwale!