Sabina Chege is a woman of many talents and used to be an actor at Kenya National Theatre. She served as a radio presenter for many years where she addressed development and women issues. Transforming people is her passion.
22 Mar 2018 in National Assembly:
and went to the ward and called the name. She said the person responded by a form of murmuring or something like that. She went ahead, labelled the patient John Nderitu and wheeled the patient to the theatre. During the operation, they were received by a theatre nurse and they were also received by the anaesthetist. The patient was handed over to the surgeons who went ahead to confirm the identity through the labeling, file number and also the brain imaging which had been given and they went ahead to open up the said John Nderitu. When the surgeons opened ...
22 Mar 2018 in National Assembly:
Githae, to go on compulsory leave - but they were not suspended - so that they can allow for investigations to be done. I would like the Members to go through this Report because we have done thorough investigations, recommendations and observations. Systematic challenges were reported during the whole process. When we looked at their Standard Operations Procedures (SPOs), they did not have labeling as part of their processes. Between you and me and the Members of this House, we know that when you walk in any hospital for admission, you are always given a label. It can be tied ...
22 Mar 2018 in National Assembly:
night, there was a new case about a woman who gave birth through an operation. Her intestines are torn and she is still held up in the hospital. When the husband went to get her, he was told to wait, because if he takes his patient, he is on his own. Nobody will take care of the patient. When we were writing this Committee Report on Monday, it is sad to note that the same patients who underwent the surgery mix-up kept on calling some Committee Members saying that they were told to go back on 19th March. They had ...
22 Mar 2018 in National Assembly:
The hospital should also employ proper patient support services and customer service alongside this. KNH should also device a proper communication and information system. As I said, when those patients went back to KNH, they were taken round. There was nobody to receive them. Even the rape case that was in the media was basically mishandled. When the media went to ask, there was no commitment and it was brushed off. From the presentations that were done, we could tell as a Committee that KNH was on operation, but on a pilot or an auto mode. People were hands off. ...
22 Mar 2018 in National Assembly:
Hon. Speaker, it will even also be brains off. The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) should also complete its investigation and submit the report on the alleged sexual harassment within 14 days of the adoption of this Report by the House. We also wish that it will submit, within the same time, a Report of a patient who was stabbed in the Hospital and died a few years back. Until today, the DCI has never submitted the report to the Hospital or the Committee. This was being handled by my previous committee. On the general security of the Hospital, it ...
22 Mar 2018 in National Assembly:
of Kenya should also immediately review the conduct and practice of clinical officers involved in this case. All medical regulatory bodies including KMPDB, Nursing Council of Kenya, Clinical Officers Council of Kenya and Pharmacy and Poisons Board of Kenya immediately should review their standard operating procedures and align them to emergent good practices in the world. We are also saying that a regulatory body should meet punitive measures on the health personnel reported and proved to have mishandled the patient in this or any other case that has been reported. We also recommend that the hospital should strictly enforce the ...
22 Mar 2018 in National Assembly:
Why have I mentioned that? Hon. Speaker, initially, when money was allocated to the counties, the money for health was given to a specific health facility. However, the money that is reimbursed to the counties now is sent to the general county accounts. That means that the governors can decide to build roads, buy water pipes or go for benchmarking in Mombasa with that money, instead of using it for health purposes or taking it to the health facilities. It is, therefore, possible to find our county hospitals without basic things like gloves and medicine. That is why we are ...
22 Mar 2018 in National Assembly:
Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH), in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, should develop policy guidelines on handling of medical bills waivers for patients to cushion the institution against revenue leakages which arise from such waivers. The Hospital should avail enough non-medical supplies including linen, uniform and proper visible staff name tags. The patients told us that they can tell the doctor who treats them because he has a name tag, but the nurses’ put their tags upside down. We got to know about this when they appeared before us. They showed us the tags, which are similar to the ones ...
22 Mar 2018 in National Assembly:
The Committee will further engage the Hospital and the Ministry of Health in policy discussions on engagement of registrars in general. We want to know the arrangement between the Hospital and the University of Nairobi. It is important for this House to know that the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between University of Nairobi and KNH was signed 27 years ago. It has never been reviewed. The registrars are students who work for more than 20 hours in our theatres or within the hospital. They leave the theatre or the hospital, rush to class and then come back. Those people are ...
22 Mar 2018 in National Assembly:
Further, the Committee will hold policy discussion with the Ministry of Health, the National Treasury and other stakeholders to fully implement universal health cover. As the Chairperson of the Departmental Committee on Health, I want to take this opportunity to thank my Members and, especially, the secretariat for a job well done. Part of the Members of this House thought that the Report was not written by the Committee because the Clerks did a very good job. We had to stay late for the past one week preparing this report. My Committee Members are committed to sorting out the issues ...