Sabina Chege is a woman of many talents and used to be an actor at Kenya National Theatre. She served as a radio presenter for many years where she addressed development and women issues. Transforming people is her passion.
7 Jun 2017 in National Assembly:
I want to go to Section 52. It is on the placement of students. I want you to see where the spirit of all these amendments is headed to. It is on placement of students into TVET institutions. I want to read the mother Act. It says admission of students into technical and vocational education institutions shall be conducted by the services established under the law relating to universities. That means the admission will be done by KUCCPS. The amendment proposes to insert “unless otherwise provided by any other statute” immediately after the word “admission”. So, that is the second ...
7 Jun 2017 in National Assembly:
I want to go to the final amendment relating to clause 58, which is on existing institutions. The proposed amendment seeks to insert the following new subsection immediately after subsection (3): (4) For the avoidance of doubt, this Act shall not apply to institutions established under statutes other than the Education Act (repeal). If you go to Section 7, which is on technical and vocational training, you will see what the work of (TVET) is. I would like the Leader of the Majority Party to stop misinforming Members that the technical training institutions we are establishing are going to be ...
7 Jun 2017 in National Assembly:
The TVET Authority is supposed to regulate the courses that are being offered in our universities, and look at the students admitted there. We have had several education reforms. Some bridging courses have already been rejected. We want to bring sanity in our education sector. We need to bring uniformity and equality. Education is the only equaliser. KUCCPS was the only body that gives students opportunity to get admitted to higher institutions of learning, irrespective of whether one comes from a rich or poor background.
7 Jun 2017 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, we all know what has been happening. We know why a case involving KMTC is in court today. It is because of personal interests and admitting students from only one area. Some parents are asked to part with a lot of money, which they cannot afford. This House stands adjudged. Mine was just to maintain---
7 Jun 2017 in National Assembly:
I do not know why the Leader of the Majority Party is standing when I am still speaking. I also have a right to do so. I do not know why he is agitated. I am only saying that for now, we would like to maintain the status quo . If this amendment was to be done, it should not be under miscellaneous amendments, but should follow the proper procedure and stakeholders to be involved. I rest my case.
7 Jun 2017 in National Assembly:
Hon. Speaker, you know I am meant to refuse because these people have massacred my amendment.
7 Jun 2017 in National Assembly:
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7 Jun 2017 in National Assembly:
Hon. Duale is just trying to be funny by asking me to second. I am his friend and he is saying he has rejected some of the amendments that are actually touching on the children of this nation, especially those from poor families. As I second, I want to say something. It is important for all of us as we make laws in this House to actually put in mind that we are making laws that affect thousands of Kenyans out there, especially those from very vulnerable families. I was moving an amendment that was rejected by this House. But ...
31 May 2017 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairlady, will the two Members go to the backroom? We need to move our amendments in peace.