Sabina Wanjiru Chege

Parties & Coalitions

Sabina Wanjiru Chege

Sabina Chege is a woman of many talents and used to be an actor at Kenya National Theatre. She served as a radio presenter for many years where she addressed development and women issues. Transforming people is her passion.

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 1941 to 1950 of 2784.

  • 24 Nov 2016 in National Assembly: The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 24 Nov 2016 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Chairlady, I beg to move: THAT, the following new clause be inserted immediately after clause 13— Amendment of 13A. Section 51 of the principal Act is amended in section (2) (f) section 51 of No. 42 of 2012. by — (a) after inserting the words “or audit” immediately after the word “accreditation; and (b) deleting the word “state” appearing immediately the words “financial obligations”. Hon. Temporary Chairlady, this amendment is for the purpose of ensuring that the Commission is able to audit private universities to see if they meet set international standards. Thank you. view
  • 24 Nov 2016 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Chairlady, I beg to move: THAT, the following new clause be inserted immediately after clause 13— Amendment of 13A. Section 51 of the principal Act is amended in section (2) (f) section 51 of No. 42 of 2012. by — (a) after inserting the words “or audit” immediately after the word “accreditation; and (b) deleting the word “state” appearing immediately the words “financial obligations”. Hon. Temporary Chairlady, this amendment is for the purpose of ensuring that the Commission is able to audit private universities to see if they meet set international standards. Thank you. view
  • 24 Nov 2016 in National Assembly: I will move the amendment to New Clause 13A as proposed in part (a) and drop the amendment as proposed in part (b) because I understand Hon. Kimani Ichung’wah has a similar amendment and I would like to support his amendment. view
  • 24 Nov 2016 in National Assembly: I will move the amendment to New Clause 13A as proposed in part (a) and drop the amendment as proposed in part (b) because I understand Hon. Kimani Ichung’wah has a similar amendment and I would like to support his amendment. view
  • 24 Nov 2016 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairlady, I beg to move: THAT the following new clauses be inserted immediately after clause 15— Insertion of new 15A. The principal Act is amended by inserting the following new sections into No. 42 of 2012. sections immediately after section 54— view
  • 24 Nov 2016 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairlady, I beg to move: THAT the following new clauses be inserted immediately after clause 15— Insertion of new 15A. The principal Act is amended by inserting the following new sections into No. 42 of 2012. sections immediately after section 54— view
  • 24 Nov 2016 in National Assembly: Director of 54A. (1) There shall be a Director who shall be the chief the Fund. executive officer of the Fund, appointed by the Cabinet Secretary on recommendation of the Board of Trustees of the Fund following a competitive recruitment process, and who shall serve for a term of five years, which may be renewed for one further term. (2) The Director of the Fund shall be responsible for the day to day management of the affairs of the Fund. (3) A person shall be qualified for appointment as a Director if such person― (a)is a Kenyan citizen; (b)holds a ... view
  • 24 Nov 2016 in National Assembly: Director of 54A. (1) There shall be a Director who shall be the chief the Fund. executive officer of the Fund, appointed by the Cabinet Secretary on recommendation of the Board of Trustees of the Fund following a competitive recruitment process, and who shall serve for a term of five years, which may be renewed for one further term. (2) The Director of the Fund shall be responsible for the day to day management of the affairs of the Fund. (3) A person shall be qualified for appointment as a Director if such person― (a)is a Kenyan citizen; (b)holds a ... view
  • 24 Nov 2016 in National Assembly: recognized in Kenya in the field of banking, education, law, finance, economics or management; (c) has at least ten years’ relevant professional experience in the management of a public or private institution; and (d) meets the requirements of leadership and integrity set out in Chapter Six of the Constitution. view


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