Sabina Chege is a woman of many talents and used to be an actor at Kenya National Theatre. She served as a radio presenter for many years where she addressed development and women issues. Transforming people is her passion.
24 Feb 2016 in National Assembly:
THAT, Clause 18 of the Bill be deleted and replaced by the following new clause –
24 Feb 2016 in National Assembly:
Registration of 18. (1) A foreign person or body of foreigners shall not be foreigners registered as professionals in any categories under section 15 (1) or engineering technology firm under section 20B unless— (a) in the case of a natural person— (i) that person possesses the necessary qualifications recognized for the practice of engineering technology as a professional in any category under section 15 (1) in the country where he or she normally practices, and that immediately before entering Kenya, he or she was practicing as a professional in any category under section 18 (1) and holds a valid license; ...
24 Feb 2016 in National Assembly:
The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.
24 Feb 2016 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, I beg to move:-
24 Feb 2016 in National Assembly:
THAT, Clause 20 of the Bill be deleted.
24 Feb 2016 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, I beg to move:- THAT, Clause 31 of the Bill be amended in subsection (4) by inserting the word “name” immediately after the words “removal of a person’s”.
24 Feb 2016 in National Assembly:
The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.
24 Feb 2016 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, I beg to move:- THAT, Clause 32 of the Bill be amended in in subsection (1)(a) by deleting the words “and the Cabinet Secretary for the time being responsible for matters relating to finance”.
24 Feb 2016 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, I beg to move:- THAT, Clause 34 of the Bill be amended in subsection (2)(a) by deleting the words “members and”.
24 Feb 2016 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, I beg to move:- THAT, the Bill be amended in Clause 36 by deleting the word “Treasury” appearing immediately after the words “or banks which the” and replacing therefor the words “Cabinet Secretary for the time being responsible for matters relating to finance” in sub-section (1).