Sabina Chege is a woman of many talents and used to be an actor at Kenya National Theatre. She served as a radio presenter for many years where she addressed development and women issues. Transforming people is her passion.
18 Nov 2015 in National Assembly:
Hon. Deputy Speaker, I beg to move that the Basic Education (Amendment) Bill, National Assembly Bill No.35 of 2014, be now read a Second Time. From the outset, I want to thank the Members of the Departmental Committee on Education, Research and Technology for a job well done in scrutinising the Basic Education (Amendment) Bill, 2014. On 14th October 2014, the Basic Education (Amendment) Bill, 2014 was published and read the First Time. Thereafter, it was committed to the Departmental Committee on Education, Research and Technology for consideration pursuant to Standing Order No.127.
18 Nov 2015 in National Assembly:
Hon. Deputy Speaker, protect me from Hon. Kang’ata. In processing the Bill, the Committee invited comments from the public by placing advertisements on the Daily Nation and The Standard newspapers on 25th October 2014. The Committee received several memoranda from various stakeholders, including the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, the Kenya Catholic Episcopal Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Kenya National Association of Parents, Transparency International Kenya and the Kenya Private Schools Association among others as contained in the main body of what we are The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version ...
18 Nov 2015 in National Assembly:
going to discuss today. The views of these various stakeholders were taken into consideration and debated. We came up with a report that we tabled in this House.
18 Nov 2015 in National Assembly:
I just want to mention a few things that are important in this Bill. The Basic Education Act excluded Members of this House from participation in education, yet education is a national duty. Members of Parliament normally participate even in building of the schools. We had the former District Education Board that was scrapped, and it is important for the Members to note that they were not included anywhere to participate in education. So, we have Clause 4 that proposes to include Members of Parliament at the sub-county level, to participate even in the appointment of members boards.
18 Nov 2015 in National Assembly:
We also have a clause that wants to establish a Sub-County Education Board that was missing in the main Bill. Its role is to represent the County Education Board and co-ordinate all education related matters at the sub county level. In this Bill, we propose to empower the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) to assign teachers to institutions of basic education and training used for conducting pre-primary education. This is a matter that has made some of the teachers’ unions to go to court. The Constitution empowers the TSC and gives it a mandate to employ teachers; it also gives the ...
18 Nov 2015 in National Assembly:
On the same, we are also proposing to amend the Act, so that we can empower the Cabinet Secretary (CS) to, in consultation with the National Treasury, develop and gazette regulations for provision of financial assistance to children learning in public or sponsored schools, who on account of financial hardship, experience difficulty in paying fees and other charges levied in such schools. This should be limited to an amount that would not increase the cost of education of such a child in a public school. Many children are not able to join Form One after Class Eight. Some corporates come ...
18 Nov 2015 in National Assembly:
We also have some schools that have been discriminating students because of their religion. Some say that they cannot admit some students in their schools because they are Wakorinos or Muslims. We want to make sure that once a student is admitted in any public school, it is their right to stay in that school despite the school rules. They should enjoy being in public school.
18 Nov 2015 in National Assembly:
We also want to ensure that the CS puts measures in place to ensure that students who are ranked in the first quarter by constituency in the Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) examination and are admitted to a public secondary school, but fail to complete education due to inability to pay school fees are supported to complete their secondary school education. Hon. Kang’ata is seated next to me. He came to the Committee and we had this discussion. This was warranted because of the many students who join Form One and do not complete their education. We also seek ...
18 Nov 2015 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. With your permission, I had requests from Hon. Anami, Hon. Gatobu, Hon. Richard Makenga, Hon. Tonui, Hon. Letimalo and Hon. Manje to give them a chance. Because I have 10 minutes, I want to give each one of them one minute so that I am left with four minutes to conclude.