Samuel Kiprono Chepkonga

Parties & Coalitions


4th September 1964




All parliamentary appearances

Entries 1211 to 1220 of 3315.

  • 29 Oct 2015 in National Assembly: Amendment) (No.2) Bill, 2015 that will be discussed later on touches on matters that affect the counties. I rise to second this Bill. First and foremost, the Bill seeks to amend section 364 of the Criminal Procedure Code to make it mandatory for the courts not to grant bail for serious offences that have been stated under section 203 and 296(2) of the Penal Code. Such offences include the ones covered in the Prevention of Terrorism Act, the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Control Act, the Prevention of Organised Crimes Act, the Proceeds of Crime and Anti-Money Laundering Act and ... view
  • 29 Oct 2015 in National Assembly: Chief Justice and the Deputy Chief Justice. It provides for a clear procedure on the transmission of the name or names of the persons that have been recommended for appointment to those two positions. It now requires the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) to transmit the names of the proposed nominees to the President within three days upon the JSC making such a decision. The Committee considered the appropriateness of this clause and it is, therefore, seeking to move further amendments. The amendments that we seek to introduce arise from experiences. When this House was considering the appointment of the Deputy ... view
  • 29 Oct 2015 in National Assembly: With those remarks, I second. view
  • 29 Oct 2015 in National Assembly: I thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I rise to reply and thank all Members who have contributed in a very positive manner, exercising their rights as contained in the Constitution with regard to the legislative process. Most of these clauses are merely proposals. It is incumbent upon this House to amend, approve or delete what it will consider to be unconstitutional. Secondly, the issues of removing the tenure of offices of officers who are below the rank of the IG is in order. You cannot give tenure to junior people. Those do not deal with the President. The DG ... view
  • 28 Oct 2015 in National Assembly: On a point of order, Hon. Speaker. view
  • 28 Oct 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I rise pursuant to Standing Order No. 83 as read together with Standing Order No. 107. Is it in order for the Leader of the Minority Party to claim that the Jubilee Administration is to be blamed for the sickness of Major (Rtd.) Muiu? If somebody is unwell, you cannot politicise their health. Two, when somebody is unwell, you cannot ethnicise the matter and say he is a Kamba. Sickness does not know whether you are a Kamba, Kalenjin, Kikuyu or a white man or white woman. So, is he in order to assign the sickness ... view
  • 27 Oct 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman. I would like Members to listen to me. I am surprised by my counterpart, the Member for Ainamoi. I am the Member of Ainabkoi Constituency. If he knows that there is anybody who is using the President, he should disclose it here. There is no reason why somebody should draw an innuendo which he has no business bringing to this House. To say that the President is being used is a very dangerous thing. view
  • 27 Oct 2015 in National Assembly: If Hon. Langat knows anything that we do not know, he should make full disclosures here so that we do not engage in guesswork and rumour mongering that someone else is being used. Kenyans, in their own wisdom, crafted this new Constitution and it is important for Members to read it. Article 109 of the Constitution is very clear. That is why I am pained as a lawyer when we argue to the exclusion of the Constitution. At the heading, it states: “Exercise of legislative powers.” Let me read it for avoidance of doubt. Article 109(1) says:- view
  • 27 Oct 2015 in National Assembly: “Parliament shall exercise its legislative power through Bills passed by Parliament and assented to by the President.” view
  • 27 Oct 2015 in National Assembly: Article 155 of the Constitution gives the power to the President to assent and make referrals. The President has exercised what Kenyans have given him. If there is one Member of Parliament who sits here today and had more votes than what the President got in the last general election, let him stand. Kenyans, in their own wisdom, gave the President the power to assent and make referrals to Bills. It is a constitutional mandate that was given to the President. view


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