13 Oct 2015 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Speaker. I rise to Second. From the outset, I confirm what the Hon. Leader of the Majority Party has stated. There are very many lawyers, including those in this House who have been lobbying me to have the legal profession returned back to the small courts. However, I have resisted that for good reasons. As I second, I want to mention a few things. First, this is a court that is created pursuant to Article 48 of the Constitution which states: “The State shall ensure access to justice for all persons and, if any fee is required, ...
13 Oct 2015 in National Assembly:
have been clerks that have been assisting lawyers in their offices and have gained experience as a result of the association with lawyers. As a result of that, they have qualified to be known as Articled Clerks. They were given the opportunity to preside over these courts when this country had very few lawyers to preside over these courts. This is because at that time formal education in terms of the legal profession had not taken root in this country. However, we are graduating over 1,000 lawyers every year from the Kenya School of Law. It has, therefore, become necessary ...
13 Oct 2015 in National Assembly:
Hon. Speaker, as you know, the problem with Africans is that they do not believe in the Bible or the curse that originates from the Bible. If you swore a witness today with the Bible or the Quran, more likely than not, they will always speak a lie because they do not believe that the Bible has any impact in their lives but, if you asked them to swear by their mother and children, you can be sure you will obtain the truth. So, this court will be administering such kinds of oaths to ensure that people speak the truth ...
13 Oct 2015 in National Assembly:
The reason why the jurisdiction of lawyers has been ousted in this Bill is to ensure that the parties get the full benefit of ensuring that they prosecute their cases in a language and in such an informal process that they understand themselves. As you know, Hon. Speaker, you are an expert and you have experience in these matters - you had the District Magistrate Courts. Those were very informal courts that were managed more often than not by very old people and they used to take their time. These are the sort of courts we are anticipating in this ...
7 Oct 2015 in National Assembly:
Hon. Speaker, I beg to give notice of the following Motion:- THAT, aware that following the 2007 post-election violence various State and non-state agencies carried out independent investigations, either on their own or in the exercise of their statutory functions; further aware that some of those agencies, including the Commission appointed by the then President to inquire into the matters pertaining to the post-election violence ( The Waki Commission ) either submitted or publicized their findings and/or reports which are yet to be discussed by the National Assembly; cognizant of the fact that the matter of possible compromise and allegations ...
7 Oct 2015 in National Assembly:
(a) Resolves to establish a Select Committee to inquire into and report on the allegations of the skewed and compromised investigations by the various State and non-state agencies on the matter of the 2007 PEV. (b) Resolves that the Select Committee elects its Chairperson and Vice- Chairpersons from amongst its members. (c) Further resolves that the Select Committee submits its report to the House within 90 days to inform debate on the subsequent Motion for noting the contents of the Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Post-Election Violence (CIPEV) which was tabled in the House on 4th December ...
7 Oct 2015 in National Assembly:
On a point of order, hon. Deputy Speaker.
7 Oct 2015 in National Assembly:
On a point of order, hon. Deputy Speaker.
7 Oct 2015 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker. I rise pursuant to Standing Order No.83. While I sympathize with my good friend, Hon. Keynan, in what they are going through, I guess what he says is that we are ranked No.43 and he knows why that is the case. We are bringing a Bill to ensure that we will be No.2. The Bill is coming so that they will be releasing money in order of ranking. As it is right now, we are No.43. Maybe they have not reached No.43. More fundamentally, I totally agree with them. Something needs to be done. Why ...
7 Oct 2015 in National Assembly:
Hon. Deputy Speaker, it is just that I am a man and I am totally bewildered. I should not be blamed for my background. My background is the problem. It is my culture which is the problem. In my culture, the only people who are supposed to shout are women and not men.