Samuel Kiprono Chepkonga

Parties & Coalitions


4th September 1964




All parliamentary appearances

Entries 1451 to 1460 of 3315.

  • 6 Aug 2015 in National Assembly: Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. First and foremost, I will be very brief. I must thank every Member who has just contributed. They have, indeed, contributed in a very passionate manner. This policy touches on various institutions that deal with the fabric of this country in terms of the rights of the people. It has been a very passionate debate in terms of supporting the policy. This policy wants to ensure that there are coherent coordination mechanisms in the GJLO sector. It has identified four key dimensions, among other things within the policy, as stated by the Members. I ... view
  • 6 Aug 2015 in National Assembly: The third one is the vertical coordination that ensures that the national targets and priorities will need to be translated into county targets and priorities. view
  • 6 Aug 2015 in National Assembly: Finally, the other key dimension is the inter-sectoral coordination mechanism that ensures that the policies within the GJLOS will impact on, and will also be impacted upon by policies and agencies in other sectors so that we have a coordinated mechanism that will ensure that we have a seamless coordination as required by the Constitution that we passed in 2010. The Constitution obligates every institution to coordinate with each other at whatever level, whether at the county or national levels. view
  • 6 Aug 2015 in National Assembly: So, I thank you hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker and every Member who has contributed and also those who were not able to contribute. In particular, I thank the indomitable Member for Wajir, Hon. Fatuma Ibrahim, who had to run all the way to contribute to this important policy. I thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I beg to reply. view
  • 6 Aug 2015 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, I beg to move:- view
  • 6 Aug 2015 in National Assembly: THAT, the Bill be amended in Clause 78 by deleting sub-clause (6). Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, we are seeking for deletion of sub-clause (6) of Clause 78 because it is superfluous. The Committee feels that the court has the discretion to grant reliefs and remedies it deems fit under the circumstance. Therefore, it is not for the legislation to prescribe what the court should order. The court has sufficient latitude to prescribe any remedies, and to issue any orders it deems fit under the circumstances. In our view, sub- clause (6) is redundant. view
  • 6 Aug 2015 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, if you look at sub-clause (5), you will realise that it states that if the court considers appropriate to do so, it may further order or direct the purchaser to do all that. But sub-clause (6) goes beyond that and directs the court on what orders to issue and the amendments to make with respect to articles and many other things it is supposed to do. We felt that is inappropriate. It is too unwilly. view
  • 6 Aug 2015 in National Assembly: Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman, I beg to move:- THAT, the Bill be amended in Clause 94 by deleting sub-clause (1) and substituting therefor the following new sub-clause— “(1) Except in so far as the regulations otherwise provide, a company shall ensure that its register of members is— (a) kept at its registered office; and (b) lodged with the Registrar.” The import of this amendment is to ensure that a company also lodges its register of members with the Registrar of Companies. Initially, that was not a requirement. We feel that that requirement ought to be there for purposes of the ... view
  • 6 Aug 2015 in National Assembly: The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor. view
  • 6 Aug 2015 in National Assembly: Yes, Hon. Temporary Deputy Chairman. I was still recovering from the clapping. view


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