5 Aug 2015 in National Assembly:
Hon. Deputy Speaker, I beg to lay the following Paper on the Table of the House today, Wednesday, 5th August, 2015:- Reports of the Departmental Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs on its consideration of two Bills:- 1) The Constitution of Kenya (Amendment) Bill, 2015. This is the Bill touching on the date of the next elections. 2) The Insolvency Bill, 2015. I thank you.
5 Aug 2015 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, first and foremost, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Hon. David Ochieng who is a Member of the Departmental Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs. I rise to second this very important Bill, and I expected Members to be listening to the Mover. Why? This is because it touches on their term. The Bill seeks to amend Article 101(1) which touches on the term of the Members of Parliament. The Constitution states very clearly that the election of a Member of Parliament shall be held in the fifth year of the second Tuesday ...
5 Aug 2015 in National Assembly:
I would like to raise a very important issue here. This Amendment Bill is a Constitutional Amendment. The Constitution is very clear on how a Constitutional Amendment Bill will be amended under Article 256. It states that:- 1. A Bill to amend this Constitution- (a) may be introduced in either House of Parliament; (b) may not address any other matter apart from consequential amendments to legislation arising from the Bill; (c) shall not be called for second reading in either House within ninety days after the first reading of the Bill in that House; and (d) shall have been passed ...
5 Aug 2015 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, it is a requirement of the Constitution that since you are going to make a considered ruling on this matter, I just hope that we debate this matter and since it requires a two-thirds membership, then you defer the putting of the Question until we hold a Kamukunji, so that we can marshal sufficient Members to pass this important Bill. That is very important. We discussed that in the Committee and I am expressing the views of the Committee. When this Bill came for the First Reading, it was committed to the Justice and Legal Affairs ...
5 Aug 2015 in National Assembly:
public presentations on the Bill. We received memoranda from the Commission for the Implementation of the Constitution (CIC) and many others, which the Committee considered and has tabled its report today through which the Members can appraise themselves on what the members of the public commented on this Bill. We proceeded further. We went beyond advertising and visited eight counties where we met the members of the public. We visited Kisumu, Trans Nzoia, Nyeri, Isiolo and Mombasa counties. We had a public hearing in this House with regard to Nairobi County. The response was overwhelming. When we went to Kisumu, ...
5 Aug 2015 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, I am sorry. It is just that I remembered one of the Presidential Candidates who was talking about the migration of birds from Uganda to Kisumu. I am talking about the migration of wildebeests from Tanzania to Kenya in the Maasai Mara. The tourist activities will be interfered with. The fourth thing that they stated is that most of the voters will be disenfranchised. August is not a holiday month, but December is a holiday month. Most of the upcountry people who work in urban areas vote where they come from. For instance, many people who ...
5 Aug 2015 in National Assembly:
in Nairobi ordinarily take their holidays in December. To ask them to take their holidays in August will completely interfere with their calendar. They will stay in Nairobi because they do not want to spend twice in terms of going for their Christmas holidays and going to vote in August. Most of them will refuse to go to Ainapkoi to vote for me. So, I will lose sizeable voters who will stay in Nairobi because the August month is not conducive for them. The fifth thing that was noted by the members of the public is that it interferes with ...
5 Aug 2015 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker for your direction. It is just that I was adding a different angle which Hon. Ochieng did not add. I am not talking about the Bukusu cultural activities. I will talk about the pastoral one, which I understand and which he never understood. The month of August is dry in most pastoral areas.
5 Aug 2015 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, he has more affinity towards the cultural one. With regard to the pastoral circle, the month of August is very dry and most of the pastoralists will be taking their herd to areas where there is water and pasture. So, livestock would not be within the area where they ordinarily vote. I can see the pastoralists are, in fact, applauding this one. The sixth reason is that this month is unsuitable because the weather conditions are not conducive for campaigns. This is a rainy season is some parts of the country. It will be very difficult ...