22 Nov 2016 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker. It is true that the Petition is still pending with the Committee. However, we had very fruitful discussions in his constituency and that of Hon. Omulele. I thought we arbitrated over the matters and he was very happy. However, he wanted us to go back for a second time. Unfortunately, Parliament did not have money at that time and so we are still considering the matter. We will look for a day when there will be money for local travel. However, his matter is receiving priority. Hon. Omulele has also been concerned. The only thing ...
22 Nov 2016 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker. It is true that the Petition is still pending with the Committee. However, we had very fruitful discussions in his constituency and that of Hon. Omulele. I thought we arbitrated over the matters and he was very happy. However, he wanted us to go back for a second time. Unfortunately, Parliament did not have money at that time and so we are still considering the matter. We will look for a day when there will be money for local travel. However, his matter is receiving priority. Hon. Omulele has also been concerned. The only thing ...
22 Nov 2016 in National Assembly:
I do not know. It is an allegation which we are investigating. Thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker.
22 Nov 2016 in National Assembly:
I do not know. It is an allegation which we are investigating. Thank you, Hon. Deputy Speaker.
16 Nov 2016 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Hon. Speaker, Sir. I thank the Members who contributed to this Bill. In fact, I hear loud sounds in the House that after the election of Donald Trump in the United States of America (USA), this matter should be laid to rest in the manner in which it had been proposed.
16 Nov 2016 in National Assembly:
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16 Nov 2016 in National Assembly:
Hon. Speaker, I beg to reply and wish to thank all the Members who contributed, particularly the women. They were very effective in terms of their contributions. They actually assisted in furthering the progress of this Bill. Their contribution was very important and weighty that I sat here and felt that they were expressing that which was in their hearts. Unfortunately, men think with their heads and that is the way God has made us. I would like to bring to the attention of this House the fact that this is a very serious matter. As you know, the Supreme ...
16 Nov 2016 in National Assembly:
Petition that the Constitution has been threatened with violation by this House. He says it is because of our failure to do anything. The truth is that we have not failed. In fact, we have made serious attempts only that we were not able to succeed. Hon. Speaker, if we do not do anything this House will be disbanded and another House will be reconstituted in accordance with the transitional provisions of this Constitution. So, I wish to table this Petition so that Members know if they are planning for their next month’s salary then they should also be planning ...
16 Nov 2016 in National Assembly:
Hon. Speaker, I will not repeat what Hon. Pukose is saying here because it is malicious.
16 Nov 2016 in National Assembly:
It is important that this House passes this Bill. We considered about 16 scenarios as the Departmental Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs. We reduced them to four scenarios and considered how the two-third gender amendment rule could be implemented. The first proposal that was placed to us by the National Gender and Equality Commission (NGEC) is lifting the provisions of Articles 177(b) and (c), 97 and 98 of the Constitution. This means that we will increase the number of women in this House from the current number to 151 Members. We shall have brought an additional 104 women to ...