22 Oct 2013 in National Assembly:
Hon. Kamau is a hawk-eyed Member. He believes in being thorough in expenditure and we support him. That is what this country needs to do. He has just mentioned a figure of Kshs10 billion but it could even be more. If you look at the amount of money that we spend internally on Ministers, Governors and others State officers, you will find that it is a lot because they all fly Business Class. The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.
22 Oct 2013 in National Assembly:
This Motion is not meant to in any way cut anybody to size. I would like to quote the former President of the United States of America (USA), Abraham Lincoln. He said:- “With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in---”
22 Oct 2013 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, this is an opportunity for us to do what is right. We have no malice against anybody. In fact, we want to ensure that the taxpayers get value for their money. This is one of the Motions that are envisaged under Article 95 of the Constitution. This Motion gives the National Assembly power to deliberate on the issues and concerns of the people and resolve them. This is one of the concerns of the people of this country. We must be able to save money, so that we can invest it in more worthwhile ventures ...
22 Oct 2013 in National Assembly:
We cannot afford to fly Business Class. I would like to give you an example. There is a paradox which I cannot prove how empirical it is. However, I am told that it could originate from this country. A President and his entourage flew to the USA and The
22 Oct 2013 in National Assembly:
carried an article, whose headline read, “Beggars Arrive in a Concord at JFK International Airport.” You are going to America to borrow money and you are arriving in a Concord. That is a paradox. We cannot afford that.
22 Oct 2013 in National Assembly:
Secondly, while I was at a telecommunications company, we once paid for senior people in the company to travel to Beijing and they flew First Class on British Airways from Nairobi to the UK and then to Beijing. We paid Kshs1 million each for four of them. In that, we said that the British Airways did not need to charge anybody any money for the whole month because they had made sufficient profit. How could four people pay Ksh4 million for a return flight to Beijing? That was wasteful spending and we cannot afford it. You can probably pay Kshs400,000 ...
22 Oct 2013 in National Assembly:
So, I am urging this House that we pass this Motion with the speed of the concord, and commit this resolution to the Committee on Implementation to follow it up and ensure that it is implemented to the letter. We are not a talk shop. This is not a talk show; we are serious in what we are saying. We are playing our oversight role of ensuring that Kenyans get value for money. We are not introducing a new theory in this country. We are seeking to just economize the little resources that God has vested in us in this ...
22 Oct 2013 in National Assembly:
country to ensure that we spend money in an economical way, so that we can develop this country.
22 Oct 2013 in National Assembly:
I note that the Members are geared towards contributing to this Motion and I wish we could speak from our hearts. This is not a matter that we want to take lightly. I want to congratulate hon. Jamleck Kamau, for bringing this timely Motion. Nobody should read any malice in this. We are practising charity in the House and we care so much for this country.
22 Oct 2013 in National Assembly:
With those remarks, I second this Motion.