30 Jul 2013 in National Assembly:
Hon. Speaker, Sir, I never said that you were not listening. I said there was loud interference by a Member. Hon. Simba knows that I am very tall and these gadgets were meant for people as short as him. So, I run into a little bit of problems.
30 Jul 2013 in National Assembly:
On a point of order, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir. Judging from the mood of the House and the previous speaker who has spoken very eloquently in support of this Bill and noting the fact that the mood of the House is to support the passage of this Bill, so that we can get a little bit of money and increase cash transfer from the current---
30 Jul 2013 in National Assembly:
I rise under Standing Order No.83 as read together with Standing Order No.96. Judging from the mood of the House, would I be in order to ask you to call upon the Mover of the Motion to reply?
30 Jul 2013 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, I was following the proceedings very keenly from the coffee place.
25 Jul 2013 in National Assembly:
Hon. Deputy Speaker, I am of course perturbed; I am in total shock due to the request by hon. Chris Wamalwa Wakhungu. I think we had prayers in the morning; they prayed for him and he was going to be okay. We invited hon. Chris Wamalwa and he came to the meeting. To the best of my recollection he was completely satisfied with the response that he received from the IEBC. I thought we had rested our case. However, if he still feels that we must do a formal Statement I undertake to present a formal response on Tuesday.
25 Jul 2013 in National Assembly:
On a point of order, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker.
25 Jul 2013 in National Assembly:
Thank you, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. You know, of course, hon. Wamalwa is a very good friend of mine but he is persisting. I know you are a stickler of rules, and I appreciate that you are in my committee; I will also give you weighty points.
25 Jul 2013 in National Assembly:
Yes, for the time being. In fact, I acknowledge that and I am aware it. In fact, I am very proud that one of the members of the committee is an acting Speaker of this House.
25 Jul 2013 in National Assembly:
On a more concrete note, I rise on a point of order under Standing Order No.83, as read together with Standing Order Nos106 and 107. Is it in order for hon. Chris Wamalwa to mislead this House and raise unsubstantiated arguments here that the price of medicine, which is highly subsidized in Government medical facilities will go up because VAT will be added to it when he knows---
23 Jul 2013 in National Assembly:
Thank you, hon. Deputy Speaker. I rise on a point of order with regard to Standing Order No.83. I am surprised that you are entertaining my good friend, hon. Mbadi. He has been in this House. The Standing Orders are very clear. He has not quoted any particular Standing Order when rising on a point of order. Why he should be entertained when raising an issue concerning the Constitution--- He is supposed to rise on a point of order. Right now you cannot even allow him to rise on a point of order; it is functus officio . A decision ...