17 Jul 2013 in National Assembly:
On a point of order, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. This system, at times, requires standing up to support it. It does not have eyes except you. You know, of course, where I come from, we are an athletic county and I was trying to exercise that prowess originally from that region. On a more concrete note, I rise under the Standing Order No.95 as read together with the Standing Order No.83. Would I be in order to request you to call upon the Mover to respond? There is consensus in the House, particular when the Leader of the Majority just ...
16 Jul 2013 in National Assembly:
Hon. Speaker, we undertake to call her to appear before the Committee within two weeks. Thank you.
16 Jul 2013 in National Assembly:
On a point of order, hon. Speaker, Sir. I know this has generated a lot of interest in the Members because it affects a number of them. Notwithstanding that, I am sure a number of them are married. So, they know that it will affect them one way or the other. This is purely a Procedural Motion. The Marriage Bill is a consolidation of various laws, which are already in place. We are not talking about laws that do not exist. We are seeking the reduction from 14 days to 12 days to allow the Committees to commence work on ...
16 Jul 2013 in National Assembly:
Hon. Members are discussing the substance of the Bill.
16 Jul 2013 in National Assembly:
Hon. Speaker, Sir, can I be protected from Simba Arati? This is because he is the one who is leading the troop of yelling! I am saying that we have not reached the substantive part of this Bill. We will discuss the Bill when it comes to the House. Hon. Members will get a chance to ventilate. So, this is purely Procedural Motion. In any event even if it is defeated, it will take effect in the next two days.
16 Jul 2013 in National Assembly:
On a point of information, hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker. I see very good points that hon. Wanyonyi is raising.
16 Jul 2013 in National Assembly:
I totally agree with the sentiments expressed by hon. Wanyonyi. In fact, the rivers that cause havoc downstream are River Mutonga, River Kathita, and River Maara. They originate from Mount Kenya and Nyambene Hills. As a consequence, they have caused havoc in Tana River Delta. In consequence of what he has stated, I intend to move an amendment tomorrow. I have agreed with hon. Wario who is sponsoring this Motion that I make this amendment tomorrow.
4 Jul 2013 in National Assembly:
Thank you, hon. Speaker, Sir. I stand on a point of Order. I like the way hon. Wandayi is seeking to prosecute his position with respect to this issue. Unfortunately, for him, we gave him an opportunity to come and interrogate the Attorney-General. He was back to Kisumu when he was supposed to have been here. But, is hon. Wandayi in order to allege that the Attorney-General did not say anything, when he has provided a very comprehensive Statement on his request, contained in this letter dated 14th June, 2013, as summarized in the Report which we have tabled in ...
4 Jul 2013 in National Assembly:
On a point of order, hon. Speaker.
4 Jul 2013 in National Assembly:
Thank you, hon. Speaker. I have taken into account what you have just said. I find it extremely awkward. Of course, noting that this is the first Report we have brought to the House, pursuant to the new order, I would like to confirm that