1 Sep 2016 in National Assembly:
This Bill is very important. When people meet and decide to do serious business like the Select Committee did, we must thank them. We include one (Eng) Mahamud who is seated next to me who is trying to praise himself. He should wait for me to praise him. I thank him for he did a very good job. I also thank all those who sat in that Committee, including Hon. Junet.
1 Sep 2016 in National Assembly:
The only thing I want to say about that Select Committee is that it was unfair for this House, which is composed of 349 Members, to allow two Senators to chair Members of this House. That should never be repeated. That does not create a precedent. I would have been The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.
1 Sep 2016 in National Assembly:
As you know, the Departmental Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs had deliberated on this matter and a majority had returned a verdict or recommendation to this House, which is contained in today’s Order Paper.
1 Sep 2016 in National Assembly:
happy to see either Eng. Mahamud or Hon. Junet sitting as one of the Chairs. We cannot cede our authority to another House. We have co-current jurisdiction. There is no House which is higher than another one, unless they have not read the Constitution. Next time, if a matter comes from the Senate and we have disagreement, since the matter originates from the Senate, we will allow the Chair to come from the Senate. If it originates from this House, then this House will Chair. That tells you that we have co-current jurisdiction. There is no House which is higher ...
1 Sep 2016 in National Assembly:
There are events that have taken place since we last tabled our Report and I gave notice of Motion on the removal of the Chairperson of EACC. I have information that he has since tendered his resignation as the Chairperson of EACC. It was forwarded to the President and a copy has been sent to the National Assembly addressed to the Clerk of the National Assembly, dated 1st September, 2016. He has attached a letter dated 31st August 2016, addressed to His Excellency the President, Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta and it was sent through the Attorney-General of the Republic of Kenya ...
1 Sep 2016 in National Assembly:
In light of the new development, I am left with no option but to therefore, withdraw the Motion as contained in today’s Order Paper. It is, indeed, a very sad day and moment that we have to discuss this. When he appeared before us the first time, I was not persuaded that we should deal with it in the manner in which we did. But, thereafter because of the events that occurred, it became necessary that we deal with it in the manner we did.
1 Sep 2016 in National Assembly:
There is nothing wrong. It is also the choice of the other party to decide where they want to go. But it happens that those who are older than us thought that it was a better House where they are not disturbed so much like us here. We carry too many things in the constituency. We normally explain that it is not their responsibility because the Constitution allocates us the power to represent the people and deliberate and resolve issues concerning the people. They represent the interests of the counties. It was a mis-step on our part to send a ...
1 Sep 2016 in National Assembly:
Again, as a lawyer, it is difficult to avoid dealing with issues in the manner we did. The law is very clear and if you are in breach of the law we have no choice. I qualify as a Judge of the Supreme Court. As you know Hon. Njoki Ndugu was one year behind me. So rulings that we The electronic version of the Official Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor.
1 Sep 2016 in National Assembly:
make in that Committee have a force of law. You know Senior Counsel Aluoch who is here is a respected jurist. This Committee operates in accordance with the law. The only thing we asked ourselves is who will be the most suitable person to be the Chair. Maybe in the next advertisement we should indicate that the Chair of EACC, under criteria and qualifications, should be a Member of Opus Dei. We should be assisted by Hon. Wamalwa because it looks like we can only deal with an Opus Dei person as the Chair of EACC because they are impartial.
1 Sep 2016 in National Assembly:
I was just making a recommendation to the appointing authority.