17 Mar 2016 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, I beg to move that the House doth agree with the Committee in the said Report. I also request hon. Jakoyo Midiwo to second the Motion for agreement with the Report of the Committee of the whole House.
17 Mar 2016 in National Assembly:
; Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, I beg to move that the Forest Conservation and Management Bill (National Assembly Bill No.49 of 2015) be now read the Third Time. I would also like to request, hon. Sakuda to second.
17 Mar 2016 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, I beg to report that a Committee of the whole House has considered the Community Land Bill (National Assembly Bill No.45 of 2015) up to Clause 5, approved the same with amendments and seeks leave to sit another day.
17 Mar 2016 in National Assembly:
Hon. Temporary Deputy Speaker, I beg to move that the Political Parties (Amendment) Bill, 2016, be now read a Second Time. This Bill has been brought to this House courtesy of the Departmental Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs. This is pursuant to consultations between the Committee, the political parties, the Registrar of Political Parties and the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC). The Bill seeks to amend the Political Parties Act No.11 of 2011 in order to re-organize the manner in which political parties are managed and remove the existing ambiguities that have been in the legislation.
17 Mar 2016 in National Assembly:
Thank you very much. We would like to welcome them to the House. We hope that they will be motivated to become Members of Parliament when they grow up. The Bill seeks, among other things to ensure that political parties shall promote values of inclusiveness, democracy and participation of the people. The Bill further seeks to ensure that the applicants for registration of a political party uphold the constitutional threshold of the two-thirds gender rule. Most of the political parties do not comply with this rule. If you look at the top echelons of political parties, they are mainly composed ...
17 Mar 2016 in National Assembly:
should not have briefcase political parties. We do not want parties which are controlled by one individual. We want parties that have structures from bottom going up as opposed to from top going down as we have seen some parties promoting in this country. When many parties in the last election were told that they must comply with the rule of participation by the people to recruit members in, at least, 24 counties, they went to Mpesa points and recruited members. We would like to discourage that. We would like the membership to be built from the grassroots as opposed ...
17 Mar 2016 in National Assembly:
Clause 8 of the Bill proposes to amend Section 11 of the principal Act by setting out different procedures by which political parties can merge. There has been clamour for political parties to merge and that process was not clear. It has now been made very clear in this clause.
17 Mar 2016 in National Assembly:
Clause 9 of the Bill proposes to amend Section 14 of the principal Act by setting out a clear mechanism by which political parties may deem their members to have resigned. There has been a lot of confusion. Mere opposition to a political party’s interest or things they are espousing is deemed to suggest that they have vacated their positions as members of that party. There is no vacation of membership by mere association. You must vacate through resignation. Let it be very clear that you have moved and merely crossing to sit on either side should not be taken ...
17 Mar 2016 in National Assembly:
Clause 10 of the Bill seeks to amend Section 15 of the principal Act by clarifying the marginal note to make reference to the content of the section and prohibiting the full registration of provisionally registered political parties that participate in elections contrary to the Act. The passage of these amendments would ensure that the parties that have been provisionally registered do not participate in elections. They must seek full registration and compliance within the provisions of this Act. Clause 11 of the Bill seeks to amend Section 16 of the principal Act by introducing the laws of status as ...
17 Mar 2016 in National Assembly:
be struck off the register of political parties. This is to make it clear that parties should be living institutions and not only formed for negotiating deals with other people.