16 Oct 2008 in National Assembly:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, when I talk about regulatory authorities, I imply the two bodies that he is referring to. So, even if I do not mention them by name, they are implied by regulations. In this sector, the regulatory authority in this country, and the rest of the world are connected. The CCK is connected to all the other authorities that regulate the telecommunications in East Africa, Africa and the rest of the world. I did not mention the name CCK, but I have talked about the regulatory authority.
16 Oct 2008 in National Assembly:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, when Dr. Khalwale wants to know about shareholding in this company, he will ask a Question. Right now, the Question I am prepared to answer is about national security. I am sorry!
16 Oct 2008 in National Assembly:
7 Aug 2008 in National Assembly:
Thank you very much, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. I stand to support this Motion. This is a culmination of a state of mind in this House, which has already gone on recess. I do not need to prove to you that people are tired in this House. The visibility in the House is that even the seats are empty! A good number of people have already proceeded on recess on their own. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, let me just ask the House and plead with hon. Members that recess is factored in our calendar. It is part and parcel of ...
7 Aug 2008 in National Assembly:
So, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I figure---
7 Aug 2008 in National Assembly:
Thank you very much, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. If I had talked to the hon. Member who has just raised the point of order, I would have said: "Look behind you", and then he can tell us if there are any people behind him.
7 Aug 2008 in National Assembly:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, it is time to go on recess. When you are exhausted, you just have to take a little break and come back. We have several reasons to justify this recess. I want to plead with hon. Members that we also need to go back to the Standing Orders; we need to go back to the procedures of this House; we actually need a little bit of time to replenish our knowledge on some of these things. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, there is a lot that we need to do, especially for our new hon. Members who ...
7 Aug 2008 in National Assembly:
On a point of order, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. Could the hon. Member substantiate his claims that the Front Bench is suffering from jet lag?
6 Aug 2008 in National Assembly:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I beg to reply. (a) The number of frequencies assigned to each broadcaster are as indicated in this document here which will be tabled. I hope that the hon. Member has copies. (b) From the data in Appendix I which is in that document, the KBC has been assigned 84 FM frequencies and 47 TV frequencies which is more than any other broadcaster. The broadcaster with the second highest allocation of frequencies is Royal Media Services Ltd. (c) First, I wish to clarify that transition to digital broadcasting is not affecting FM broadcasting but is limited ...
6 Aug 2008 in National Assembly:
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, Royal Media Services is not an individual. It is a corporate entity, but be that as it may, I will give a little background to this story. The Royal Media Services got its frequencies a long time ago, in fact, in the days of the Kenya Posts and Telecommunications (KPTC). It was issued with a broadcast permit on 22nd April, 1997 to broadcast on FM Radio and Television in Nairobi, Nyeri and Mombasa. Subsequently, the then KPTC assigned the company the necessary frequencies to broadcast in these areas. However, these frequencies were cancelled by the CCK ...