7 Apr 2022 in Senate:
I thank all Members and wish them well as they go into this state of affairs. There is so much that we do not know about nominations in parties and so on. I however, wish everyone well during that time. I also want to say that during recess, it is also time for family and hoping that Members who also who do not normally have for their families will then retreat to meet with families and network.
7 Apr 2022 in Senate:
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7 Apr 2022 in Senate:
I do not envy our positions when it comes the issue of the current politics of the day. I wish that Members when go out to do politics, let us do our politics peacefully. Let there be politics that do not encourage friction or conflict. Not the kind of things that we saw the other day in Nandi. I really do not want to overemphasize of the fact that when we start politics that are controversial and those of hate, we shall be putting our country in a very difficult position. As we go out on recess, let us think ...
7 Apr 2022 in Senate:
With those few remarks and knowing that Members are anxious to go on this recess, I like to move and ask the young Senator from Narok County to second. I thank you, Madam Temporary Speaker.
31 Mar 2022 in Senate:
On a point of order, Mr. Speaker, Sir. Is the Senator for Narok in order to use a language that is not allowed as a Parliamentary language by our Standing Orders?
31 Mar 2022 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, just to join my colleagues in welcoming the delegation from Machakos and ICT Authority. At this moment, I encourage the use of the benchmarking provisions that has been here before; the fact that for a long time, we could not have anybody in the gallery. Now, we have been able to open up the galleries for these visits. It is very important that our first visitors are from Machakos and the proud Senator of Machakos is here smiling very much. She has done a very good job since she came here, although she feels like she has ...
31 Mar 2022 in Senate:
The ICT Authority, who are here, I want you to know that as your former Cabinet Minister, I know what you are capable of doing. I know that this country could be on the cutting edge of technology due to you. I know that you have a long way to go, but by the time we get coverage and ICT solutions for this country, we ask that you continue to work hard and make this country a hub of ICT.
31 Mar 2022 in Senate:
Welcome and I encourage many of you to keep coming to the Senate. You can promote a lot of your work by just coming to visit the Senate and making sure that you give Senators the correct information on how far we have gone in terms of ICT development. Mr. Speaker, Sir, I conclude by asking Senators from all the counties to join in now because we have businesses to do.
31 Mar 2022 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I congratulate Sen. Khaniri for raising a pertinent issue, a matter which if left unnoticed, we will not be doing our duty. Climate and weather, and metrology, are matters concerning counties.