24 Mar 2022 in Senate:
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I do not know where this is coming from. I just want to follow from the Standing Order No.100. You cannot demand, for example, for common ordinary documents which are already in public domain and you have been given an assignment that you can look at them. I do not see why we would spend so much time on an issue which does not require substantiation at all.
24 Mar 2022 in Senate:
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, following from Sen. Omogeni, his Statement is a statement of fact. All he is saying is that Intergovernmental Budget and Economic Council (IBEC) is chaired by the Deputy President. The rest is actually figures that have to do with money. It is not politics; it is not attacking the Deputy President at all. That is the most important thing to say.
24 Mar 2022 in Senate:
Point of order, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir. Again, invoking Standing Order No.100, we will continue forever because we do not come to the same understanding of what Sen. Omogeni is saying. Of course, I cannot stand on a point of order on somebody who is just finding strength to do a point of order. However, let me just inform the House that there is no rule against press statements. What cannot be brought to this House are newspapers. There is no ruling against having a press statement. If it can be brought to you---
24 Mar 2022 in Senate:
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, on the other hand, ---
24 Mar 2022 in Senate:
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, am I not on the Floor?
24 Mar 2022 in Senate:
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24 Mar 2022 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir. I rise to support the Statement by the Chairman of the Committee on Finance and Budget on the issue of grants in the counties.
24 Mar 2022 in Senate:
I also stand to make things easier for our Senators. A good number of speakers this afternoon have got one wrong on this matter. They have blamed the Leader of Majority for prioritizing the Division of Revenue Bill. Blaming the Senate Majority Leader who sits in this House every day are the people who do not come to the Chamber or follow debates. The worst thing is, the people who blamed the Senate Majority Leader, are Members of the Senate Business Committee (SBC). It makes no sense.
24 Mar 2022 in Senate:
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, the Senate Majority Leader does not prioritize Bills and is not responsible for the Order Paper. It is the SBC of which Sen. Sakaja and Sen. Kibiru are Members of. They knew exactly that the Division of Revenue Bill will be in the Order Paper. They knew it would reach and it was prioritized. It was also put as the first item.