12 Apr 2007 in National Assembly:
Order, Mr. Muturi! You will continue for 15 minutes next time. Hon. Members, it is now time for the interruption of business. The House, is, therefore, adjourned until Tuesday, 17th April at 2.30 p.m. The House rose at 6.30 p.m.
11 Apr 2007 in National Assembly:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, could the Minister consider developing or designing model stadia for the different levels like the district, provincial and national levels, in order to take care of all the other sports that we need to develop in this country?
11 Apr 2007 in National Assembly:
Thank you very much, Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, for the opportunity to contribute in support of this Report. I need to declare my interest from the very outset that I am a member of the delegation. So, I would like to say a few words on this Report. I continue to lament that when reports like these are being presented in the House, the attendance in the House is normally very poor. I will also continue to encourage hon. Members to take keen interest in these reports because, as I said, in one of the reports, these things do ...
11 Apr 2007 in National Assembly:
Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, it is very disheartening sometimes, the way we do things in this country where one hand does not seem to co-ordinate well with the other hand. This is the political wing of relating to the EU. There is, of course, the Executive wing that goes on with the same thing. There is no way that we even have meetings. We should be having meetings with the relevant Ministers, especially when it comes to negotiating the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) or the European Development Fund (EDF). When we come back from these meetings, we do not ...
11 Apr 2007 in National Assembly:
Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, when a country gets independence, the flag is hoisted. When Kenya got Independence in 1963, the Kenyan flag was hoisted on Mt. Kenya and everywhere else. Do you know when the Kenyan flag was hoisted in Kacheliba Constituency? It was in July, 1970.
11 Apr 2007 in National Assembly:
Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, I do not know what the opposite of information is, but that would be it. Kacheliba Constituency was left in Uganda. It was under Ugandan administration since 1931. So, in 1963 when Kenya got independence, the flag that was flying at Kacheliba Constituency was the Ugandan flag. Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, in 1970, the Kenyan flag was hoisted and the Ugandan flag lowered. Mr. Nyachae was the Provincial Commissioner (PC) at that time and he presided over the ceremony. Is that not the same as getting independence that year?
11 Apr 2007 in National Assembly:
Yes. Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, that is how far back we are. That is why the last time I was contributing on the President's Speech, I said that now that Kacheliba Constituency is a district, it was the beginning of the "Kenyanisation" of that constituency. Basically, that means we can now begin to have a "spoon" for reaching out and getting the piece of the national cake. I believe that those who got Independence in 1963 forgot about Kacheliba Constituency. It was left under Uganda Government for several years. They did not think that it was part of this ...
11 Apr 2007 in National Assembly:
Thank you, Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir. Basically, what I am saying is that many times big projects come from the ACP-EU negotiations. This is especially from the European Development Fund (EDF). We get projects for provision of electricity. May those 566 PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES April 11, 2007 projects now be taken to the north. Mr. Temporary Deputy Speaker, Sir, there is a facility included on this Report; the water facility of the EDF. I do not need to talk very much on what I mean. Another hon. Member had talked about it. However, when we get aid for water projects, ...
11 Apr 2007 in National Assembly:
That was the Member for Kacheliba.
11 Apr 2007 in National Assembly:
Order, hon. Members! The consultations at the corner on the Government side are too loud. Please, consult in low tones!