29 Nov 2006 in National Assembly:
Order! Order! Mr. Assistant Minister, I said that was overtaken by events. As you know, every Motion is proposed, people contribute and once the Mover is called upon to reply, it is closed.
29 Nov 2006 in National Assembly:
Order! In here, there was a Motion for the Mover to be called upon to reply. It was moved, put and decided. At that particular point, no one raised the issue of an official Government response. So, it is too late to raise that issue now. The Motion has been passed. We are on another Order. In fact, we are two orders down the line. So, that is overtaken by events.
29 Nov 2006 in National Assembly:
Order! You are now beginning to police the Chair! Anybody who was here knows that the Front Bench of the Government side had very poor attendance this morning, especially for this Motion. Everybody who spoke from that Bench spoke as a Member of Parliament representing their constituents. There was no official Government Responder. Do not take us back! There was nobody from your Ministry and you were not there, Mr. Assistant Minister! November 29, 2006 PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES 4017
29 Nov 2006 in National Assembly:
Order, Mr. Assistant Minister! You cannot be on your feet either. I do not want to take our time going back to issues which I have already dealt with. That is a matter which we need to take very seriously. In any case, it is a Private Members' Motion. Sometimes the Government Responder does not want to participate; that is okay. It is a Private Members' Motion. There was actually no indication from the beginning. There was no one to take notes to even respond! To me, that showed that they might have very little interest.
29 Nov 2006 in National Assembly:
Order! I am on my feet! Be patient! I would like to suggest that we drop that matter and move on to where we are at the moment, especially if you came late for this Motion, Mr. Assistant Minister.
29 Nov 2006 in National Assembly:
Are you going to challenge the Chair on the procedure and practice of the House?
29 Nov 2006 in National Assembly:
But you were not there!
29 Nov 2006 in National Assembly:
Order, both of you! Please, follow the procedures, Mr. Wamwere. You were here, but you never attempted to speak as the Government Responder. You missed your chance when the Mover was called upon to reply. You were here! You saw the procedure. When you lost the vote on the Mover to be called upon to reply, you called for quorum and we went through that process. Do you want to take us back? We followed parliamentary procedure to the letter. That is it! Now, we will go to the next business. Next Order!
29 Nov 2006 in National Assembly:
INTRODUCTION OF PRIVATIZATION (AMENDMENT) BILL THAT, being aware that most State corpororations are the economic mainstay of our country; aware that privatization process should be preceded by a policy Sessional Paper outlining the merits and demerits of each State corporation proposed for privitazation; this House grants leave to introduce a Bill entitled 4018 PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES November 29, 2006 privatization (amendment) Bill to amend the privatization Act to provide that Parliament shall by resolution approve the disposal of parastatal assets.
29 Nov 2006 in National Assembly:
Order No.10 is a Motion by Dr. Adhu Awiti. We have gone through the Motions, and all the Orders on the Order Paper. We have gone through Orders Nos. 7, 8, 9 and 10. However, the Movers of the Motions---