22 Mar 2022 in Senate:
billion for leasing of medical equipment and Kshs454 million to supplement construction of county headquarters. (3) The Bill also proposes an upward revision of consolidated fund services for the Financial Year 2022/2023 budget, to Kshs46.9 billion, in order to retain a deficit at the 2021 Budget Policy Statement (BPS) level, while the national Government ceiling has already been revised downwards by Kshs15 billion, while maintain the county equitable share at the same level. Madam Temporary Speaker, I wish to state that the Division of Revenue Bill, 2022, is a very important Bill. It is time bound. It contributes immensely to ...
22 Mar 2022 in Senate:
Madam Temporary Speaker, I beg to reply and decry the fact that in other jurisdictions, when they are dealing with the Division of Revenue Bill, Senators would be scrambling to speak to this kind of Bill. Madam Temporary Speaker, as you can imagine, this is the most important thing that we do here. This is what defines devolution and the reason the Senate exists. I know that people are busy looking for votes, but this is the time they should all be stooping back to the Senate to speak to this one. Very soon, we will of course have the ...
22 Mar 2022 in Senate:
Sen. Olekina also spoke. I thank them for understanding the importance of this Bill. At this moment in time, this is the most important Bill. The governors who will be elected next, will be very fortunate, because they will have to be creative. Unfortunately, they will inherit so many pending bills and things like that, so they have to be creative to deal with them. Madam Temporary Speaker, this year’s Division of Revenue Bill has been prepared under very difficult circumstances of revenue collection and trying to balance between the national Government and the devolved units. We appreciate the fact ...
22 Mar 2022 in Senate:
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.
22 Mar 2022 in Senate:
have a budget of Kshs2.1 trillion and the counties will receive Kshs370 billion. That is a good indicator that we have not gone below what we were getting the last financial year. I commend the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) and the National Treasury who work to ensure that we collect revenue. I thank them for looking at what is in the best interest of the country. We have talked about the challenges. We spoke about the fact people have to be creative in order to survive. We have also talked about the difficulty of life and the cost of living ...
3 Mar 2022 in Senate:
Madam Deputy Speaker, this is a very important function of Committees and Committee Chairperson. When the Committee Chairperson is not available, there are other Members of those Committees. It is not correct for us to say that just because the Chairperson is not here, we keep putting off a matter. It is the responsibility of that Chairperson to organize a Member or their Vice-Chairpersons or whoever to run the business. Otherwise, if we continue waiting, --
3 Mar 2022 in Senate:
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposes only.A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.
3 Mar 2022 in Senate:
It is well known that it should be organized that way. Therefore, on those accounts, some of these things should just be dropped like everybody else. The account of just not being here is not a very good reason. We should start putting that as a matter to be considered by the SBC that a Chairperson missing means that there is no business. I do not think that should be correct.
3 Mar 2022 in Senate:
Thank you, Madam Deputy Speaker. I want to respond by saying that I concur with you and Sen. Mutula Kilonzo Jnr. I think your suggestion that we actually have a joint meeting not with one Chairperson, but the entire Liaison Committee, will sort out these things. We should be able to seize the matters knowing that we do not have the luxury of time.
3 Mar 2022 in Senate:
On the other hand, I just want to clarify that when we say we drop something, we are not dropping it completely. It is always dropped so that they can restore it by taking responsibility and coming to the Speaker. Although these are our own, that does not give the Chairperson the leeway to just decide to be away. The emphasis is that we need to wake up and have our Liaison Committee to even stand for each other.