5 Jul 2006 in National Assembly:
Order, hon. Members! It is important that an hon. Member consults with the Chair if he or she does not have anyone to second a Motion. That way, one can be advised accordingly. An hon. Member who has been told that he or she will second a Motion should be present in the House at the time of moving the Motion. However, since Mr. Muchiri has been asked to second the Motion, he can go ahead and do it.
5 Jul 2006 in National Assembly:
He is already on track! Mr. Muchiri, proceed!
5 Jul 2006 in National Assembly:
Hon. Members, I will not allow such points of order, where one wants to square a point because someone else referred to his or her name. That cannot be a point of order! Let us try to understand the Standing Orders.
5 Jul 2006 in National Assembly:
So, what did he do that was wrong? Your name is part of this House!
5 Jul 2006 in National Assembly:
Order! You cannot just amend like that! You require to move an amendment. You have to propose it. It has to be seconded and voted upon. So, if you are not going to be here, you can tell somebody else to do that. But you can contribute to the Motion as it is now. 1838 PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES July 5, 2006
5 Jul 2006 in National Assembly:
Order, hon. Members! Prof. Maathai, you will have nine minutes next time. Hon. Members, it is now time to interrupt the business of the House. This House, therefore, stands adjourned until this afternoon, 5th May, 2006, at 2.30 p.m. The House rose at 12.30 p.m.
13 Jun 2006 in National Assembly:
Order, hon. Members! As you can hear, there is too much noise in the House! Could you please consult in low tones, so that we can hear what the Minister is saying? Please, proceed!
13 Jun 2006 in National Assembly:
Hon. Members, I will now give the Floor to Mr. Muturi and then I will give a chance to one hon. Member from the other side of the House.
13 Jun 2006 in National Assembly:
Well, if that is the case---
13 Jun 2006 in National Assembly:
Hon. Members, I indicated that, but there is a request that the Mover be called upon to reply. You can vote to keep debate on or not.