1 Mar 2022 in Senate:
Madam, Deputy Speaker, I thank and congratulate Sen. Cherargei for the responsibility that he has taken to bring out this issue of sports tourism. Madam, Deputy Speaker, I particularly wanted to raise the issue that is in the Statement concerning the duplicity of funds for the same reason and purpose without any particular synchronizing of activities. That is, probably, where we need to put a lot of emphasis to the Committee that will look into this. I want to understand why all these funds? What different things are they doing? Which sports tourism has been included in these funds? Sen. ...
1 Mar 2022 in Senate:
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.
1 Mar 2022 in Senate:
I ask the Committee to take this one very seriously. For example, there are many unexploited areas which could really be potential areas with sports for tourism. Other countries have done it and we can do it. I encourage you and Sen. Cherargei to continue pursuing those issues. Wherever the Committee will go and meet, please make sure that you go deeper into, why the duplicity of funds? What are these funds doing? The budgets for the year and so on. We will be able to support you. I thank you very much.
24 Feb 2022 in Senate:
Madam Temporary Speaker, I wish to congratulate Sen. (Dr.) Musuruve, who has become the House conscience on matters of international days, which should be celebrated.
24 Feb 2022 in Senate:
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.
24 Feb 2022 in Senate:
I do not know where she finds them. She, however, keeps giving us information about all the days that are to be celebrated internationally. I congratulate her. Madam Temporary Speaker, this is a very important one. The World Day of Social Justice was established in the year 2007 by the United Nations (UN). It has been declared that 20th February should be celebrated annually as such. Some of the things that we should focus on will be like poverty, gender and physical discrimination, illiteracy and religious discrimination, amongst others. These are issues that also involve modern slavery, human trafficking and ...
24 Feb 2022 in Senate:
Madam Temporary Speaker, pursuant to Standing Order No.52 (1), I hereby present to the Senate the Business of the House commencing Tuesday, 1st March, 2022. On Tuesday, 1st March, 2022, The Senate Business Committee will meet to consider and approve the business for the week. On that day, the Senate will consider the business that will not be concluded from today’s Order Paper as well as business indicated in the Notice Paper that has been annexed on today’s Order Paper. On Wednesday 2nd, March, and Thursday 3rd March, 2022, the Senate will consider business that will not be concluded on ...
24 Feb 2022 in Senate:
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.
24 Feb 2022 in Senate:
(7) The Sports (Amendment) Bill (Senate Bills No.40 of 2021), Sen. Cheruiyot. (8) The Elections (Amendment) (No.2) Bill (Senate Bills No.3 of 2021), Sen. Olekina. (9) The Election Campaign Financing (Amendment) Bill, Senate Bills No.51 of 2021), Sen. Olekina. (10) The New Born and Child Health Bill (Senate Bills No.52 of 2021), Sen. Nyamunga. (11) The Employment (Amendment) Bill (Senate Bills No.54 of 2021); Sen. Cherargei. (12) The Cotton Industry Development Bill (Senate Bills No.55 of 2021); Sen. Ndwiga.
24 Feb 2022 in Senate:
I urge the Movers of these Bills to make an appeal to the Speaker, for reinstatement of the same in the weekly programme in the Senate Business. Upon approval by the Speaker, the Bills should be allocated slots in the weekly programme that is circulated every Friday and accordingly scheduled in the Order Paper.