17 Feb 2022 in Senate:
Thank you, Madam Temporary Speaker.
17 Feb 2022 in Senate:
There are eight Bills due for the Committee of the Whole stage and 21 Bills due for Second Reading. There are six Bills for which debate has been concluded at Second Reading and are now due for division have been scheduled in today’s Order Paper, as well as three Bills at the Committee of the Whole stage that are also awaiting division. I urge honorable Senators to be available in the House to enable the Senate to undertake the divisions on these Bills.
17 Feb 2022 in Senate:
On the matter of debate on the other Bills, they will be allocated slots in the Weekly Program of Senate Business that is circulated every Friday, and accordingly scheduled in the Order Paper for that day. I urge respective Movers to be available in the Senate whenever such business is scheduled in the Order Paper. I take this opportunity to remind all Honourable Senators of the directive of the Speaker to strictly adhere to provisions of Standing Order 59 (3).
17 Feb 2022 in Senate:
As you may be aware, ordinary Motions lapse at the end of every Session. Senators who are interested in Moving Motions that lapsed at the end of the Fifth Session are encouraged to re-file them and give notices afresh.
17 Feb 2022 in Senate:
Finally, I urge respective standing committees to expedite consideration of the 48 Petitions that have not been concluded, as well as Statements pursuant to Standing Orders 47 and 48.
17 Feb 2022 in Senate:
Madam Temporary Speaker, I thank you and hereby lay the statement on the Table of the Senate.
16 Feb 2022 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I beg to lay the following Papers on the Table of the Senate today, 16th February, 2022-
16 Feb 2022 in Senate:
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. I take this opportunity to thank the Members who are raising these very pertinent issues of challenging all of us in our respective positions as Committees. Some of these things fall directly under the Procedure and Rules Committee which is responsible for making sure our Standing Orders are updated and prioritizing which Committees can become Sessional or Standing, including the issue raised about the Committee on Implementation. This is coming to the desk of the Senate Business Committee where Sen. Sakaja sits. You can also begin that process. We have asked for this Committee. We ...
15 Feb 2022 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I want to take this opportunity to support this Petition. It is a very sensitive matter and I am wondering why all along this has not come to the attention of Parliament. It is something that should have been considered a long time ago to amend the Employment Act and all other relevant Acts of Parliament to allow for that. I do appreciate parents who go through this kind of experience. With no support, it can be very difficult. We have always thought that maybe the women who go through such have not actually had a birth, ...
15 Feb 2022 in Senate:
Mr. Speaker, sir, I beg to lay the following Papers on the Table of the Senate, today, 15th February, 2022.