Samuel Poghisio

Parties & Coalitions

Full name

Samuel Losuron Poghisio


25th November 1958


P.O Box 41842, Nairobi


Parliament Buildings
Parliament Rd.
P.O Box 41842 – 00100
Nairobi, Kenya







Prof. Samuel Poghisio

Leader of Majority in the Senate.

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 561 to 570 of 3241.

  • 22 Jul 2021 in Senate: Madam Speaker, there is problem with the Senators of Murang’a, Kiambu and Kitui Counties. view
  • 13 Jul 2021 in Senate: Thank you for the opportunity Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir. I would like to start by congratulating Sen. (Dr.) Zani for not only being a patriot, but also being alive and awake to limitations in time because some of our laws and Acts of Parliament do expire. This is one of them. It expires after 50 years. It is not easy for us to catch that. Sometimes it takes people who are cautious and awake to catch and help us renew our laws and Acts of Parliament. There are three reasons why I would like speak to this. One, there are ... view
  • 13 Jul 2021 in Senate: the national anthems of East African countries, but if you look at the national anthems of the world, we all believe in God as the higher authority. In Kenya, we begin the anthem with “Oh God.” In Tanzania, they start with God. They say, “God bless Africa and God bless Tanzania”. the Ugandan national anthem begins with “Oh Uganda,” but they still bring in God because the African nature is that we know that God is sovereign, and then we have leadership under God. I think very few people like Sen. (Prof.) Ongeri and myself have sung the anthem of ... view
  • 13 Jul 2021 in Senate: county flag on the other, so that anybody coming to visit knows that this is the flag of West Pokot. Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, citizens can also raise the national flags outside their homes. The only difference should be that we should define what size of flags should fly on Government buildings, in cars, and in people’s homes. Those things can be done, so that you do not find a humongous flag covering the whole car. That is why we should do that. In other countries, you can tell a government building by the size of the flag. You can ... view
  • 13 Jul 2021 in Senate: Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I believe that when this House refused that Bill, they were being patriotic. This is because our National Anthem has to remind us of our Independence, which was not an easy thing to get. It came through sweat and blood. I want to support this Bill. I encourage our Members to pass it. I repeat that I congratulate Sen. (Dr.) Zani for this Bill. You can our National Anthem and flag from a far. The people who have held our flag very high are our athletes from 1960s and those days during and after Independence. The ... view
  • 13 Jul 2021 in Senate: Senate that has originated it. I know that this is not a controversial Bill and, therefore, it should go through the other House. It will come back here and make it law. It will be very easy for it to be signed into law. Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I thank Sen. (Dr.) Zani and Members who have contributed. We need more people in the House to participate and contribute. This is the reason that makes us patriots. I thank you and support. view
  • 6 Jul 2021 in Senate: Madam Temporary Speaker, I beg to lay the following Papers on the Table of the Senate, today 6th July, 2021- view
  • 6 Jul 2021 in Senate: Thank you, Madam Temporary Speaker. view
  • 3 Jun 2021 in Senate: Mr. Speaker, Sir, thank you very much for the opportunity to support this Report; that Nakuru gains city status or that this House be able to bestow that honor upon the Municipality of Nakuru. I want to ride on what the speakers who have spoken ahead of me have said. I refer particularly to Sen. Murkomen and Sen. Wetangula who have spoken. They have put the case for Nakuru so well. That is a case for any municipality that may want to apply. There are certain duties that are basically of interest to this House. One of them is this ... view
  • 3 Jun 2021 in Senate: The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate. view


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