10 Feb 2021 in Senate:
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.
10 Feb 2021 in Senate:
each other. Mostly, let us try to respect our Chair, the Speaker, and each other during debate. I think we can show that this Senate is the Upper House in this country. Thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir. God bless.
10 Feb 2021 in Senate:
Madam Deputy Speaker, I beg to move- THAT, pursuant to Standing Order No.106 (1), the Senate resolves that debate on a Motion not sponsored by the majority or minority party or a Committee, shall be limited in the following manner: A maximum of three hours with not more than twenty minutes for the Mover, twenty minutes for the Majority Party Official Responder, twenty minutes for the minority party official responder and fifteen minutes for each other Senator speaking and that fifteen minutes before the time expires, the Mover shall be called upon to reply. Being a very Procedural Motion; limitation ...
10 Feb 2021 in Senate:
Madam Deputy Speaker, I beg to move- THAT, notwithstanding the provisions of Standing Order No.106 (1), the debate on any Motion for the adjournment of the Senate to a day other than the next normal sitting day in accordance with the Calendar of the Senate shall be limited to a maximum of two hours with not more than 15 minutes for each Senator speaking after which the Senate shall adjourn without question put; provided that when the period of recess proposed by any such Motion does not exceed nine calendar days, the debate shall be limited to a maximum of ...
10 Feb 2021 in Senate:
This is, again, procedural; simply making sure it is clear that for an Adjournment Motion, these are the specifications on how long it will take and how much time each Member takes to speak.
10 Feb 2021 in Senate:
For this one, since there will be no question put, it is simply giving time for each Member speaking. It only clarifies that the debate shall be limited to a maximum of 30 minutes and shall be confined to the question of that adjournment when the period of recess proposed is less that nine calendar days.
10 Feb 2021 in Senate:
This is procedural and something that accommodates our Calendar and us all. It will be very important for Members to support.
10 Feb 2021 in Senate:
I ask the Minority Whip to second.
10 Feb 2021 in Senate:
Madam Deputy Speaker, I beg to move- THAT, pursuant to Standing Order No.106 (1), the Senate resolves that the debate on the Motion on the Presidential Address shall be limited to a maximum of three sitting days with not more than 15 minutes for each Senator speaking,
10 Feb 2021 in Senate:
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Hansard Editor, Senate.