Vincent Musyoka Musau

Parties & Coalitions

  • Not a member of any parties or coalitions

All parliamentary appearances

Entries 111 to 120 of 127.

  • 4 Jul 2013 in National Assembly: Thank you, hon. Speaker, Sir. I rise to support this Motion and also thank the Mover, hon. (Dr.) Laboso. The EPAs is the last tactic for the survival of the West. As a country, we should be very careful when signing these agreements. view
  • 4 Jul 2013 in National Assembly: Kenya claims to be industrialized, and we wish to be fully industrialized as soon as possible. If you look at the definition of “industrialization”, you will find that “it is extensive organization of an economy for the purpose of manufacturing”. In other words, when we say that we want to be industrialized, we say we want to manufacture. view
  • 4 Jul 2013 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, Sir, if we allow these agreements that are not favourable to us, then what are we doing to our local manufacturers? In addition to that, we also need to look at this agreement holistically. Killing our manufactures and our goods is killing our jobs. view
  • 4 Jul 2013 in National Assembly: I think they have time and time again been unfair. The unbalanced trade practices with the West have to a large extent been contributing to the payment difficulties being experienced by most African countries. There have been restrictive quotas and prohibitive tariffs against African products which have led to endemic poverty. view
  • 4 Jul 2013 in National Assembly: Hon. Speaker, Sir, it is because of some of these agreements and unfair trade agreements that you will find a European doctor coming and practising in Kenya while a doctor from Kenya has to go back to class in Europe in order to practise in that continent. Hon. Speaker, therefore, it is my opinion, with your guidance, that once passed, some of these Motions should stand committed to the relevant Committees, so that they do not become matters of Members of Parliament just appearing on television transacting business just for the same of it. I also want comprehensive follow ups ... view
  • 17 Apr 2013 in National Assembly: Hon. Deputy Speaker, let me start by congratulating you and Hon. Speaker on your election. I actually voted for you and also campaigned for you. I actually paid some of your agents. view
  • 17 Apr 2013 in National Assembly: Hon. Deputy Speaker, let me start by congratulating you and Hon. Speaker on your election. I actually voted for you and also campaigned for you. I actually paid some of your agents. view
  • 17 Apr 2013 in National Assembly: Let me also take this opportunity to thank the beautiful people of Mwala Constituency, who elected me in one voice. view
  • 17 Apr 2013 in National Assembly: Let me also take this opportunity to thank the beautiful people of Mwala Constituency, who elected me in one voice. view
  • 17 Apr 2013 in National Assembly: Concerning the Presidential Address, I have a few comments. On the issue of laptop computers, I have an alternative view. The kind of laptop computers that have been suggested in this case are not the kind of laptops that hon. Members have. They are not like the Ipads that we have. These are special laptop computers that are designed to train children. Kenya is not the first country where these kinds of laptop computers are being introduced. They are weather resistant and are not as expensive as hon. Members may think. view


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