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- Page 1 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
Thursday, 5th December, 2024
The House met in the Senate Chamber, Parliament Buildings, at 2.30 p.m.
[The Deputy Speaker (Sen. Kathuri) in the Chair]
Murungi Kathuri
(The Deputy Speaker)
Clerk, do we have quorum? Serjeant-at- Arms, kindly ring the Quorum Bell for 10 minutes.
(The Quorum Bell was rung)
Murungi Kathuri
(The Deputy Speaker)
Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale, I understand that Members are just next door, go with the Serjeant-At-Arms.
(Sen. (Dr.) Oburu consulted Sen. (Prof.) Tom Odhiambo Ojienda, SC)
Murungi Kathuri
(The Deputy Speaker)
Order, hon. Senators. Sen. (Dr.) Oburu and Sen. (Prof.) Tom Odhiambo Ojienda, SC, kindly. Clerk, proceed to call the first Order.
(Loud consultations)
Murungi Kathuri
(The Deputy Speaker)
Order, hon. Senators. We have started the House my dear friend, Senate Majority Leader. Hon. Senators, we have several Papers to be laid this afternoon. We start with the Co-Chairperson of the Mediation Committee on the Conflict of Interest Bill (National Assembly Bills No.12 of 2023). Proceed, Senate Majority Leader.
Murungi Kathuri
(The Deputy Speaker)
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 2 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
Aaron Kipkirui Cheruiyot
(The Senate Majority Leader)
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I beg to lay the following Paper on the Table of the Senate today, 5th December, 2024- Report of the Mediation Committee on the Conflict of Interest Bill (National Assembly Bills No.12 of 2023). I beg to lay.
(Sen. Cheruiyot laid the document on the Table)
Murungi Kathuri
(The Deputy Speaker)
Next is the Chairperson Standing Committee on Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries. Proceed, Sen. Munyi Mundigi, the Vice-Chairperson.
Sen. Munyi Mundigi
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I beg to lay the following papers on the Table of the Senate today, 5th December, 2024- Report of the Standing Committee on Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries on a Petition to the Senate regarding the catastrophic maize diseases that famers in Bomet County have endured for the last 12 years.
Report of the Standing Committee on Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries on a Petition to the Senate regarding the EACC graft investigation on the West Kano irrigation scheme.
(Sen. Munyi Mundigi laid the documents on the Table)
Murungi Kathuri
(The Deputy Speaker)
Thank you. Next is the Chairperson, Standing Committee on Labour and Social Welfare. Sen. Murgor, just come before the Floor as the Paper is here.
Murungi Kathuri
(The Deputy Speaker)
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 3 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
Sen. Murgor
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I beg to lay the following paper on the Table of the Senate today, 5th December, 2024- Report of the Standing Committee on Labour and Social Welfare on its consideration of the County Library Services Bill (Senate Bills No. 40 of 2024). I lay.
(Sen. Murgor laid the document on the Table)
Murungi Kathuri
(The Deputy Speaker)
Next is the Chairperson Committee on Roads, Transportation and Housing.
Aaron Kipkirui Cheruiyot
(The Senate Majority Leader)
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I beg to lay the following Paper on the Table of the Senate today, Thursday 5th December, 2024- Report of the Standing Committee on Roads, Transportation and Housing on its consideration of the National Construction Authority (Amendment) Bill (National Assembly Bills No. 59 of 2022). I beg to lay.
(Sen. Cheruiyot laid the document on the Table)
Murungi Kathuri
(The Deputy Speaker)
Thank you. The Chairperson Committee on Health. Proceed, Sen. Okenyuri. Let us give the chance to the youth.
Sen. Okenyuri
Thank you. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I beg to lay the following Papers on the Table of the Senate today, 5th December, 2024- Report of the Standing Committee on Health on the County Oversight and Networking Engagements to Taita Taveta, Mombasa and Kwale counties.
Report of the Standing Committee on Health on the inspection tour of health facilities in West Pokot, Trans Nzoia and Turkana counties. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 4 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
This is on behalf of the Chairperson, Standing Committee on Health.
(Sen. Okenyuri laid the documents on the Table)
Murungi Kathuri
(The Deputy Speaker)
Thank you. Next is the Chairperson, Committee on County Public Investments and Special Funds (CPISF). Who is the Vice-Chairperson on the CPISF or a Member of the Committee?
Cherarkey K Samson
The Vice-Chairperson is not even aware that he is the Vice- Chairperson.
Murungi Kathuri
(The Deputy Speaker)
Who is the Vice-Chairperson?
Cherarkey K Samson
Sen. Tom Odhiambo Ojienda, SC.
Murungi Kathuri
(The Deputy Speaker)
Sen. Ojienda is the Vice-Chairperson?
Cherarkey K Samson
Yes, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir.
Sen. (Prof.) Tom Odhiambo Ojienda, SC
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I beg to lay the following Papers on the Table of the Senate today, 5th December, 2024- Reports of the Select Committee on County Public Investments and Special Funds on the Consideration of the Audit Reports of the following County Bursary Funds for the Financial Years 2019/2020, 2020/2021 and 2021/2022- 1. Baringo County Education Bursary and Scholarship Fund 2. Bomet County Bursary Fund 3. Bomet County Education Revolving Fund 4. Bungoma County Education Support Scheme 5. Elgeyo Marakwet County Education Fund 6. Garissa County Scholarship Fund 7. Homa Bay County Bursary Fund 8. Kajiado County Bursary Grants and Scholarship Fund 9. Kericho County Bursary Fund 10. Kiambu County Education Bursary Fund 11. Kilifi Ward Scholarship Fund 12. Kirinyaga County Education Bursary Fund 13. Kisii County Bursary Fund 14. Kwale County Bursary Fund 15. Laikipia County Bursary Fund 16. Lamu County Bursary and Scholarship Fund 17. Machakos County Bursary Fund 18. Makueni County Bursary Fund 19. Mandera County Education Bursary Fund 20. Marsabit County Education Fund 21. Migori County Ward Development Fund 22. Mombasa County Elimu Fund The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 5 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
Sen. (Prof.) Tom Odhiambo Ojienda, SC
23. Nakuru County Bursary Fund 24. Nandi County Education Fund 25. Narok County Bursary Fund 26. Nyamira County Education Bursary Fund 27. Nyandarua County Bursary Fund 28. Nyeri County Elimu Fund 29. Samburu County Bursary Fund 30. Siaya County Education Bursary Fund 31. Taita Taveta County Education Fund 32. Tana River County Ward Bursary Fund 33. Tharaka Nithi County Bursary Development Fund 34. Trans Nzoia County Elimu Bursary Fund 35. Turkana County Education and Skills Development Fund 36. Uasin Gishu County Bursary and Skills Development Support Fund 37. Uasin Gishu County Education Revolving Fund 38. Vihiga County Education Fund 39. Wajir County Bursary Fund 40. West Pokot County Bursary Fund.
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I also wish to lay on the Table of the Senate the Report of the Select Committee on County Public Investments and Special Funds on the Consideration of the Audit Reports of the following County Hospitals for the Financial Year 2021/2022- 1. Kapsabet County Referral Hospital 2. Karatina Sub County Hospital 3. Kilifi Health Improvement Fund 4. Kinango Sub-County Hospital 5. Kwale Sub County Hospital 6. Longisa County Referral Hospital 7. Lunga Sub County Hospital 8. Migori County Level 4 Hospital 9. Msambweni Sub-County Hospital 10. Mt. Kenya Sub County Hospital 11. Mukurweini Sub County Hospital 12. Othaya Sub County Level 4 Hospital
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, in addition, I beg to lay the Reports of the Select Committee on County Public Investments and Special Funds on the Consideration of the The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 6 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
Audit Reports of the following Municipalities for Financial Years 2020/2021, 2021/2022 and 2022/2023- For financial year 2020/2021, I beg to lay the following reports on the Table of the Senate- 1. Eldoret Municipality 2. Kisii Municipality 3. Kitale Municipality 4. Lamu Municipality 5. Mwatate Municipality 6. Rumuruti Municipality Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, for the Financial Year 2021/2022, I beg to lay the following reports on the Table of the Senate- 1. Eldoret Municipality 2. Kakamega Municipality 3. Kisii Municipality 4. Kitale Municipality 5. Lamu Municipality 6. Migori Municipality 7. Mumias Municipality 8. Muranga Municipality 9. Mwatate Municipality 10. Rongo Municipality 11. Rumuruti Municipality Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, for the Financial Year 2022/2023, I beg to lay the following reports on the Table of the Senate- 1. Eldoret Municipality 2. Kakamega Municipality 3. Kitale Municipality 4. Migori Municipality 5. Mumias Municipality 6. Muranga Municipality 7. Rongo Municipality 8. Rumuruti Municipality Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, for the avoidance of doubt, I am the Vice-Chairperson of the Standing Committee on County Public Investments and Special Funds (CPISF), for your information. Thank you.
(Sen. Tom Ojienda Odhiambo laid the documents on the Table)
Murungi Kathuri
(The Deputy Speaker)
Next is the Chairperson of the County Public Accounts Committee (CPAC).
Murungi Kathuri
(The Deputy Speaker)
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 7 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
Moses Otieno Kajwang'
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I beg to lay the following Papers on the Table of the Senate today, 5th December, 2024- Reports of the Senate County Public Accounts Committee on consideration of the reports of the Auditor-General on the financial statements of the following county executives: Kitui, Bungoma, Embu, Baringo, Nyandarua, Garissa, Laikipia, for the financial ears 2019/2020; and Kirinyaga, Kilifi, Kericho, for the financial years 2020/2021, Volume 5. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I also beg to lay reports of the Senate County Public Accounts Committee on the consideration of the reports of the Auditor-General on the financial statements of the following county executives: Mombasa, Nakuru, for the financial years 2019/2020; Nyeri, Bomet, Kiisi, Turkana, Trans Nzoia, Nyandarua, for the financial years 2020/202; Nairobi, for the financial years 2017/2018, 2018/2019, 2019/2020; Kwale County, for the financial years 2020/2021, and 2021/2022, Volume 6. Finally, reports of the Senate County Public Accounts Committee on the reports of the Auditor-General on the financial statements of the following county assemblies: Machakos, Turkana, Kisii, Uasin Gishu, Kirinyaga, for the financial years 2019/2020, and 2020/202; and Nyeri and Tana River for the financial years 2020/2021, Volume 7. I thank you, Mr. Speaker, Sir and I beg to lay.
(Sen. M. Kajwang’ laid the documents on the Table)
Murungi Kathuri
(The Deputy Speaker)
Next is the Senate Majority Leader.
Aaron Kipkirui Cheruiyot
(The Senate Majority Leader)
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I beg to lay the following Paper on the Table of the Senate, today, Thursday, 5th December 2024- Report of the Auditor-General on the Bura Municipality, County Government of Garissa for the six-month period ended 30th June, 2024.
(Sen. Cheruiyot laid the document on the Table)
Murungi Kathuri
(The Deputy Speaker)
Okay, that is the end of that. Let us move on to the next order, Clerk. The Senate Majority leader, there is the Paper you read on the Mediation Committee. Now, you can give notice of the Motion.
Murungi Kathuri
(The Deputy Speaker)
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 8 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
Aaron Kipkirui Cheruiyot
(The Senate Majority Leader)
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I rise to give notice of the following Motion- THAT the Senate adopts the report of the Mediation Committee on the Conflict of Interest Bill (National Assembly Bill No. 12 of 2023) laid on the Table of the Senate, today, Thursday, 5th December 2024, and further pursuant to Article 113(2) of the Constitution and Standing Order No. 167(3) of the Senate, approves the mediated version of the Bill.
Murungi Kathuri
(The Deputy Speaker)
Thank you. Next is the Chairperson Committee on Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries.
Sen. Munyi Mundigi
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I beg to give notice of the following Motion- THAT the Senate adopts the report of the Standing Committee on Agriculture, Livestock, and Fisheries on a petition to the Senate regarding the catastrophic maize diseases that farmers in Bomet County have endured for the last 12 years, laid on the table of Senate, today, Thursday, 5th December, 2024.
(Sen. Munyi Mundigi laid the document on the Table)
Murungi Kathuri
(The Deputy Speaker)
You can read the other one.
Sen. Munyi Mundigi
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I beg to give notice of the following Motion- THAT the Senate adopts the report of the Standing Committee on Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries on a petition to the Senate regarding the EACC graft investigation of the West Kano Irrigation Scheme laid on the table of Senate, today, Thursday, 5th December, 2024.
(Sen. Munyi Mundigi laid the document on the Table)
Murungi Kathuri
(The Deputy Speaker)
Very well, Sen. Mundigi. You qualify for some promotion. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 9 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
Murungi Kathuri
(The Deputy Speaker)
Next is the Chairperson for the County Public Investments and Special Funds (CPISF). You have three notices of Motion to give.
Sen. (Prof.) Tom Odhiambo Ojienda, SC
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I beg to give notice of the following Motion- THAT the Senate adopts the report of the Select Committee on the County Public Investment and Special Funds on the consideration of the audit reports for the following county bursary funds for the financial years 2019/2020, 2020/2021 and 2021/2022- Baringo County Education Bursary and Scholarship Fund, Bomet County Bursary Fund, Bomet County Education Devolving Fund, Bungoma County Education Support Scheme, Elgeyo Marakwet County Education Fund, Garissa County Scholarship Fund, Homa Bay County Bursary Fund, Kajiado County Bursary Grants and Scholarship Fund, Kericho County Bursary Fund, Kiambu County Education Bursary Fund, Kilifi Ward Scholarship Fund, Kirinyaga County Education Bursary Fund, Kisii County Bursary Fund, Kwale County Bursary Fund, Laikipia County Bursary Fund, Lamu County Bursary and Scholarship Fund, Machakos County Bursary Fund, Makueni County Bursary Fund, Mandera County Education Bursary Fund, Marsabit County Education Fund, Migori County Ward Development Fund, Mombasa County Elimu Fund, Nakuru County Bursary Fund, Nandi County Education Fund, Narok County Bursary Fund, Nyamira County Education Bursary Fund, Nyandarua County Bursary Fund, Nyeri County Elimu Fund, Samburu County Bursary Fund, Siaya County Education Bursary Fund, Taita Taveta County Education Fund, Tana River County Ward Bursary Fund, Tharaka Nithi County Bursary Development Fund, Trans Nzoia County Elimu Bursary Fund, Turkana County Education and Skills Development Fund, Uasin Gishu County Bursary and Skills Development Support Fund, Uasin Gishu County Education Revolving Fund, Vihiga County Education Fund, Wajir County Bursary Fund and West Pokot County Bursary Fund, laid on the table of Senate today, Thursday, 5th December, 2024.
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, in addition, I beg to give notice of the following Motion- THAT the Senate adopts the report of the Select Committee on the County Public Investment and Special Funds, on the consideration of this report for the following county hospitals for the year 2021/2022- Kapsabet County Referral Hospital, Karatina Sub-County Hospital, Kilifi Health Improvement Fund, Kinango Sub-County Hospital, Kwale Sub-County The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 10 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
Hospital, Longisa County Referral Hospital, Lunga Lunga Sub-County Hospital Migori County Level 4 Hospital, Msambweni Sub-County Hospital, Mount Kenya Sub-County Hospital, Mukurweini Sub-County Hospital and Othaya Sub-County Level 4 Hospital laid on the table of Senate today, Thursday, 5th September, 2024.
Mr. Speaker, Sir, finally, I beg to give notice of the following Motion- THAT the Senate adopts the report of the Select Committee on the County Public Investment and Special Funds, on the consideration of the audit report for the following municipalities, for the financial years 2020/2021, 2022/2023. For the year 2020/2021, Eldoret Municipality, Kisii Municipality, Kitale Municipality, Lamu Municipality, Mwatate Municipality, and Rumuruti Municipality. For the financial years 2021/2022, Eldoret Municipality, Kakamega Municipality, Kisii Municipality, Kitale Municipality, Lamu Municipality, Migori Municipality, Mumias Municipality, Murangá Municipality, Mwatate Municipality, Rongo Municipality and Rumuruti Municipality. For the financial years 2022/2023, Eldoret Municipality, Kakamega Municipality, Kitale Municipality, Migori Municipality, Mumias Municipality, Murangá Municipality, Rongo Municipality and Rumuruti Municipality laid on the table of Senate today, Thursday, 5th September, 2024. I thank you and, beg to lay.
Murungi Kathuri
(The Deputy Speaker)
The Chairperson of the Senate Standing Committee on Health, please proceed.
Sen. Okenyuri
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I beg to give notice of the following Motion- THAT, the Senate adopts the Report of the Standing Committee on Health on the County Oversight and Networking Engagements to Taita Taveta, Mombasa, and Kwale counties.
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I beg to give notice of the following Motion- THAT, the Senate adopts Report of the Standing Committee on Health on the Inspection Tour of Health Facilities in West Pokot, Trans Nzoia and Turkana counties. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 11 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, finally, I beg to give notice of the following Motion- THAT, the Senate adopts the Report of the Standing Committee on Health on the Inspection Tour of Health Facilities in West Pokot, Trans Nzoia, and Turkana counties laid on the table of Senate today, Thursday, 5th September, 2024. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I do this on behalf of the Chairperson of the Senate Standing Committee on Health. I thank you.
Murungi Kathuri
(The Deputy Speaker)
The Chairperson of the Senate County Public Accounts Committee (CPAC), give notice of Motion.
Moses Otieno Kajwang'
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I beg to give notice of the following Motion- THAT, the Senate adopts the reports of the Senate County Public Accounts Committee on consideration of reports of the Auditor-General on the financial statements of the following county executives- Kitui, Bungoma, Embu, Baringo, Nyandarua, Garissa, Laikipia financial year 2019/2020, and Kirinyaga, Kilifi, Kericho, financial year 2020/2021, Vol.5, laid on the table of Senate today, Thursday, 5th September, 2024.
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I also beg to give notice of the following Motion- THAT the Senate adopts the reports of the Senate County Public Accounts Committee on the consideration of the reports of the Auditor-General on the financial statements of the following county executives- Mombasa, Nakuru for financial year 2019-2020, Nyeri, Bomet, Kisii, Turkana, Trans Nzoia, Nyandarua for financial year 2020/2021, Nairobi City, financial years 2017/2018, 2018/2019 and 2019/2020, Kwale County for financial years 2020/2021 and 2021/2022, Vol. 6 laid on the table of Senate today, Thursday, 5th September, 2024.
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I also beg to give notice of the following Motion- The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 12 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
THAT, the Senate adopts the reports of the Senate County Public Accounts Committee on the reports of the Auditor-General on the financial statements of the following county assemblies- Machakos, Turkana, Kisii, Uasin Gishu, Kirinyaga, for financial years 2019/2020 and 2020/2021, and Nyeri, Tana River, for the financial year 2020/2021, Vol.7, laid on the table of Senate today, Thursday, 5th September, 2024. Thank you, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir.
(Sen. M. Kajwang’ laid the documents on the Table)
Murungi Kathuri
(The Deputy Speaker)
Next Order, Clerk.
Sen. Cherarkey, please proceed.
Cherarkey K Samson
Thank you, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. I rise, first, on Standing Order No.52(1) to make a Statement on an issue of general topical concern and national importance, regarding the collapsed and almost dysfunctional health care system across all medical facilities in Nandi County. Nandi County is facing a dire health crisis. Hospitals lack essential drugs, suffer from poor sanitation and are served by inadequate and demoralized health care workers, despite allocation of Kshs140 million in this financial year to Kapsabet County Referral Hospital. The county government has failed to harmonize promotions for doctors, nurses, clinical officers and other health care workers, subjecting them to poor working conditions, lack of medical cover and unpaid statutory deductions, loans, SACCO contributions, and union dues, despite these deductions appearing on their pay slips. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, health workers are further demoralized by illegal mass layoffs and removal from payrolls, including support and casual workers. This has left the remaining staff overwhelmed by unimaginable workloads and poor conditions. For example, Kapsabet County Referral Hospital lacks neurosurgeons and gynaecologists, leaving critical patients' needs unmet, especially on neurosurgeons, whenever accidents of motorbikes happen. Despite this crisis, the governor has prioritized irregular employment of his cronies, political associates and campaign supporters at the expense of critical service delivery and health care improvement. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, during my visit to Kapsabet County Referral Hospital on Sunday, 1st December, 2024, at 8.00 p.m., I observed a total collapse of services. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 13 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
Cherarkey K Samson
There were no painkillers, gloves, syringes and masks, patients were being told to buy these items from nearby chemists in Kapsabet Town. Patients were sleeping on dilapidated beds, sharing spaces and even sleeping on corridors without medication or specialized attention. For instance, there were no neurosurgeons to attend to patients with head injuries. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I walked in when a dead body was being moved after four hours lying in the glare and view of the patients in the ward, yet it had not been taken to mortuary. This failure persists despite Nandi County receiving over Kshs60 billion in shareable revenue over seven years alongside other sources, such as own-source revenue. For example, Kapsabet County Referral Hospital had an approval of Kshs140 million for this financial year, yet it has totally collapsed. The governor must take responsibility for this mess and be held accountable as the County Chief Executive Officer. The innocent people of Nandi County should not continue to suffer from inadequate health care and poor development as presided over by Sang’. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I urge the Nandi County Assembly to immediately table an impeachment Motion. This will be the best Christmas gift to the people of Nandi County if Sang’ is impeached for gross violation of the Constitution, abuse of office, corruption and human rights abuses, particularly in health care. This is the least that the county assembly can do for the people who overwhelmingly support this call. Should the County Assembly of Nandi fail to act, the people of Nandi County will initiate a signature collection drive to remove the inept Governor Sang from office. Investigations by payroll fraud and irregular employment practice must be conducted by the Directorate of Criminal Investigation (DCI) and Ethics and Anti-Corruption (EACC). To date, no action has been taken against individuals who harass and harm critics of the governor, allowing impunity to thrive. One youth was injured and the Inspector- General of Police has never arrested the culprits despite people walking around with machetes and jembe sticks. That is the only performance that the governor has done, so far - buying machetes and jembe sticks. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, in conclusion, the solution to Nandi County's challenges - restoring health care services, fixing roads, addressing the wage bill and achieving meaningful development - lies in the immediate removal of Governor Sang’. I call upon the Senate Committee on Health to urgently visit Kapsabet County Referral and other medical facilities in Nandi County to recommend corrective measures that will restore confidence in the county's health care system. I thank you for your indulgence.
Murungi Kathuri
(The Deputy Speaker)
Sen. Hezena, please proceed.
Sen. Lemaletian
Thank you, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. I rise pursuant to Standing Order No.52(1) to make a statement on a matter of general topical concern, namely the African Women Audacity Conference, which was held in Kenya from the 28th of October to 13th of November, 2024. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 14 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
Sen. Lemaletian
This landmark event brought together a diverse group of both seasoned and emerging female leaders from across Africa, alongside male champions of gender equality, through my office. The conference served as a crucial platform for discussing the pressing need for increased female representation in leadership roles across all spheres of governance, from politics to the private sector and civil society. The choice of Kenya as the host country for this conference is a testament to the significant strides our nation has made in advancing women's leadership. Kenya has demonstrated a parallel commitment to gender parity with notable leaders such as Chief Justice Hon. Martha Koome, the Deputy Chief Justice, Lady Justice Philomena Mwilu, Chief Registrar, Hon. Winfrida Boyani Mokaya and Attorney General, Hon. Dorcas Oduor. All of whom are women in top leadership positions within our judicial and legal frameworks. Their leadership reinforces that gender equality in governance is not merely an aspiration, but a tangible reality that Kenya continues to actively pursue. The conference featured several distinguished speakers, including Ambassador Gertrude Mongella of Tanzania and Dr. Louisa Akaiso, the founder of Women Win Africa, who co-hosted the event with me. These distinguished leaders shared invaluable insights on the challenges that women face in leadership roles, emphasizing the urgent need for greater female representation at all levels of decision-making. Among them was also Aya Chebbi, the Great Tunisian Pan-African. This conference was not just a platform for dialogue; it was a call to action. A key outcome was the recognition of the critical need for more women on the ballot. Female under-representation in elected positions remains a crucial barrier to the achievement of gender parity in governance. To address this, the Women at the Ballot campaign was launched as an initiative to equip women with the necessary resources, tools and support to run for office, win, and lead effectively. The conference also emphasized the need for increased female participation in appointive positions. Despite progress, women remain under-represented in key decision- making roles, which limits their ability to achieve truly inclusive governance. Gender equality in leadership is not just a matter of justice; it is essential for the long-term prosperity and sustainable development of our nation and continent. I call on my fellow Senators and leaders to support these efforts with determination and urgency. We must ensure that women are empowered not only on the ballot, but also within the corridors of power. Let us take bold actions to remove barriers that hinder women's advancement and create a future where leadership truly reflects the full diversity of our society.
Sen. Kathri
(The Deputy Speaker)
Thank you, Sen. Lemaletian. Hon. Senators, now there are two Papers to be laid by the Chairperson Standing Committee on Trade, Industrialization and Tourism. It can also be done by the Vice- Chairperson or a Member. Sen. Okenyuri, please, proceed to lay the Papers and give the notices of Motion.
Sen. Kathri
(The Deputy Speaker)
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 15 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
Sen. Okenyuri
Thank you Mr. Deputy Speaker Sir. On behalf of the Chairperson Standing Committee on Trade, Industrialization, and Tourism, I beg to lay the following Papers on the table of the Senate today, Thursday, 5th December, 2024-
Report of the Standing Committee on Trade, Industrialization, and Tourism on a Petition regarding the introduction of the Hospitality Professionals Bill of 2023.
Report of the Standing Committee on Trade, Industrialization, and Tourism on a Petition concerning the alleged fraudulent dealings at the GOPLC, East Africa Breweries Ltd, Kenya Breweries, and UDV Kenya Ltd.
Sen. Okenyuri
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, on behalf of the Chairperson Standing Committee of Trade, Industrialization and Tourism, I beg to give notice of the following Motions- THAT the Senate adopts a report of the Standing Committee on Trade, Industrialization and Tourism on a petition regarding the introduction of the Hospitality Professionals Bill of 2023 laid on the table of Senate today, Thursday, 5th September, 2024.
THAT, the Senate adopts a report of the Standing Committee on Trade, Industrialization, and Tourism on a petition concerning the alleged fraudulent dealings at the GOPLC, East Africa Breweries Ltd., Kenya Breweries, and UDV Kenya Ltd, laid on the table of Senate today, Thursday, 5th September, 2024.
Murungi Kathuri
(The Deputy Speaker)
Thank you. Hon. Senators. There is a communication I want to make before we go to the Committee of the Whole.
Murungi Kathuri
(The Deputy Speaker)
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 16 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
Hon. Senators, I wish to report to the Senate that pursuant to Standing Order No.46(3), I received the following Message from the Speaker of the National Assembly regarding the consideration of the President's reservations to the County Allocation of Revenue Bill, (Senate Bill No.25 of 2024.) The Message, dated Thursday, 5th December, 2024, was received by the Office of the Clerk of the Senate on the same date. Pursuant to Standing Order No.46(4), I now report the Message- Pursuant to the provisions of Standing Order Nos.41(1) and 142 of the National Assembly Standing Orders, I hereby convey the following Message from the National Assembly. WHEREAS the County Allocation of Revenue Bill, (Senate Bill No.25 of 2024), was published as a Bill seeking to provide for the equitable allocation of revenue raised nationally among the county governments for the financial year 2024/2025, and, WHEREAS on 10th July, 2024, His Excellency the President refunded the Bill back to Parliament for reconsideration in accordance with the provisions of Article 115 of the Constitution. FURTHER, whereas on Thursday, 5th December, 2024, the National Assembly consented to the President's reservations to the County Allocation of Revenue Bill, Senate Bill No.25 of 2024, and passed the Bill a Second Time with amendments that fully accommodate the President's reservations being in the form passed by the Senate with respect to the total equitable share of Ksh387,425,000,000, and the attendant First Schedule; NOW THEREFORE, in accordance with provisions of Article 115 of the Constitution and Standing Orders 41(1) of the National Assembly Standing Orders, I hereby convey the same decision of the National Assembly to the Senate. Hon. Senators, the County Allocation of Revenue Bill, (Senate Bill No.25 of 2024), having been passed in the same by the Senate and the National Assembly, will now be referred to His Excellency the President for consent pursuant to Article 115(4) of the Constitution. I thank you. Hon. Senators, we will revert to the Statements later after the Divisions.
(Interruption of Statements Hour)
Next Order, Clerk.
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 17 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
Third Reading
(Bill deferred)
Murungi Kathuri
(The Deputy Speaker)
Okay, let us now go to the Committee of the Whole from Order No.9 to Order No.14. Clerk, please proceed to call out the Orders.
(Orders for Committee read)
[The Deputy Speaker (Sen. Kathuri) left the Chair]
[The Temporary Chairperson (Sen. Mumma) in the Chair]
Sen. Mumma
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Hon. Senators, we are now in the Committee of the Whole.
(Several Senators stood up in their places)
Sen. Mumma
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Hon. Senators, kindly sit down. Sen. M. Kajwang’ and Sen. Ledama, kindly resume your seats. We are now in the Committee of the Whole to consider the Fire and Rescue Services Professionals Bill (Senate Bills No.55 of 2023). The Clauses have already been conversed and we are now moving into Division. The voting will be electronic. I will now put the Question. Hon. Members, please log out and log in to vote. Serjeant-at-Arms, please collect all unattended cards.
(The Clerk-at-the-Table consulted with the Temporary Chairperson)
Sen. Mumma
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Serjeant-at-Arms, please ring the Division Bell for three minutes.
Sen. Mumma
(The Temporary Chairperson)
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 18 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
(The Division Bell was rung)
Sen. Mumma
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Serjeant-at-Arms, you may close the Doors and draw the Bars.
(The Doors were closed and the Bars drawn)
Sen. Mumma
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Hon. Members, we are now voting. Let me repeat the question. You may now vote.
(Electronic voting in progress)
The Temporary Chairperson
(Sen. Mumma)
Sen. Korir, please approach the Clerks-at-the-Table.
(Sen. Korir walked to the Dispatch Box to vote manually)
[The Temporary Chairperson (Sen. Mumma) left the Chair]
[The Temporary Chairperson (Sen. Abdul Haji) in the Chair]
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Hon. Senators, we are going to the next Division, which I will put the question so that you vote.
(Electronic voting in progress)
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Sen. Cherarkey and Sen. Wakili Sigei, please come and vote.
(Sen. Cherarkey and Sen. Wakili Sigei walked to the Dispatch Box to vote manually)
(Question, that Clauses 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 29, 31, 36, 37, 2 and the Long Title be part of the Bill, put and the Senate proceeded to vote by county delegations)
Sen. Abass, Wajir County; Sen. Abdul Haji, Garissa County; Sen. Ali Roba, Mandera County; Sen. Cherarkey, Nandi County; Sen. Cheruiyot, Kericho County; Sen. Chute, Marsabit County; Sen. Dullo, Isiolo County; Sen. Gataya Mo Fire, Tharaka Nithi County; Sen. Joe Nyutu, Murang’a County; Sen. Kathuri, Meru County; Sen. Kavindu Muthama, Machakos County; Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale, Kakamega County; Sen. Kinyua, Laikipia County; Sen. Kisang, Elgeyo-Marakwet County; Sen. Korir, Bomet The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 19 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
County; Sen. Lomenen, Turkana County; Sen. M. Kajwang’, Homa Bay County; Sen. Munyi Mundigi, Embu County; Sen. Murgor, West Pokot County; Sen. (Dr.) Oburu, Siaya County; Sen. Oketch Gicheru, Migori County; Sen. Okiya Omtatah, Busia County; Sen. Olekina, Narok County; Sen. Onyonka, Kisii County; Sen. Sifuna, Nairobi City County; Sen. (Prof.) Tom Odhiambo Ojienda; Kisumu County; Sen. Wafula, Bungoma County; and, Sen. Wambua, Kitui County.
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Hon. Senators, the results of the division are as follows-
0 The “Ayes” have it.
(Question carried by 28 votes to nil)
(Question that Clause 3 (as amended), Clause 4 (as amended), Clause5 (as amended), Clause 6 (as amended), Clause 7 (as amended), Clause 8, Clause 9, Clause 10, Clause 11, Clause 12, Clause 13, Clause 14 (as amended), Clause 15, Clause 16 (as amended), Clause 17 (as amended), Clause 18 (as amended), Clause 19, Clause 20 (as amended), Clause 21, Clause 22, Clause 23, Clause 24, Clause 25, Clause 26, Clause 27, Clause 28, Clause 29 (as amended) Clause 30, Clause 31 (as amended), Clause 32, Clause 33, Clause 34, Clause 35, Clause 36 (as amended), Clause 37 (as amended), Clause 2 (as amended), the Long Title (as amended), the Title and Clause 1 be part of the Bill put and the Senate proceeded to vote by county delegations)
Sen. Abass, Wajir County; Sen. Abdul Haji, Garissa County; Sen. Ali Roba, Mandera County; Sen. Cherarkey, Nandi County; Sen. Cheruiyot, Kericho County; Sen. Chute, Marsabit County; Sen. Dullo, Isiolo County; Sen. Gataya Mo Fire, Tharaka Nithi County; Sen. Joe Nyutu, Murang’a County; Sen. Kathuri, Meru County; Sen. Kavindu Muthama, Machakos County; Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale, Kakamega County; Sen. Kinyua, Laikipia County; Sen. Kisang, Elgeyo-Marakwet County; Sen. Lomenen, Turkana County; Sen. M. Kajwang’, Homa Bay County; Sen. Munyi Mundigi, Embu County; Sen. Murgor, West Pokot County; Sen. (Dr.) Oburu, Siaya County; Sen. Oketch Gicheru, Migori County; Sen. Okiya Omtatah, Busia County; Sen. Olekina, Narok County; Sen. Onyonka, Kisii County; Sen. Sifuna, Nairobi City County; Sen. (Prof.) Tom Odhiambo Ojienda; Kisumu County; Sen. Wafula, Bungoma County; Sen. Wakili Sigei, Bomet County; and, Sen. Wambua, Kitui County.
Nil The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 20 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Hon. Senators, the results of the division are as follows-
0 The “Ayes” have it.
(Question carried by 28 votes to 0)
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Hon. Senators, the Public Transport (Motorcycle Regulation) Bill (Senate Bills No.38 of 2023) has some amendments that are yet to be completed.
(Committee of the Whole deferred)
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
So, we will move to the next Order.
(Sen. Kibwana on 28.5.2024)
(Resumption of debate interrupted on 28.11.2024)
(Sen. Gataya Mo Fire consulted loudly)
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Sen. Mo Fire, do you know which Bill we are now moving to?
Sen. Gataya Mo Fire
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Which one?
The Temporary Chairperson
(Sen. Abdul Haji)
Order, Hon. Senators. Kindly proceed to vote. You have less than 10 seconds.
(Electronic voting in progress)
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 21 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
Deputy Speaker, have you voted? You are out of time. Sen. Wakili Sigei, Deputy Speaker and the Senate Majority Leader, kindly.
(Loud consultations)
Sen. Murgor, kindly approach the Dispatch Box.
(Sen. Murgor walked to the Dispatch Box to vote manually)
Sen. Wakili Sigei, Sen. Oketch Gicheru, Sen. Onyonka and Senate Majority Whip, kindly take your seats.
(Several Senators took their seats)
We want to move very fast, so that we can finish in good time. You only have 30 seconds to vote. So, I urge you all to take your seats and stay at your stations until we complete the voting. Let us move to Division number two. Start voting Senators.
(Electronic voting in progress)
Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale, Sen. Wakili Sigei and Sen. Wafula approach the Dispatch Box.
(Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale, Sen. Wakili Sigei and Sen. Wafula walked to the Dispatch Box to vote manually)
Sen. Faki, approach the Dispatch Box.
(Sen. Faki walked to the Dispatch Box to vote manually)
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Sen. Joe Nyutu, approach the Dispatch Box.
(Sen. Joe Nyutu walked to the Dispatch Box to vote manually)
(Electronic voting in progress)
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 22 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
(Question that, Clause 2 and Clauses 3 be amended as proposed, put and the Senate proceeded to vote by County Delegations)
: Sen. Abass Sheikh Mohamed, Wajir County; Sen. Abdul Haji, Garissa County; Sen. Ali Roba, Mandera County; Sen. Cherarkey, Nandi County; Sen. Cheruiyot, Kericho County; Sen. Chute, Marsabit County; Sen. Dullo, Isiolo County; Sen. Gataya Mo Fire, Tharaka Nithi County; Sen. Joe Nyutu, Murang’a County; Sen. Kathuri, Meru County; Kavindu Muthama, Machakos County; Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale, Kakamega County; Sen. Kinyua, Laikipia County; Sen. Kisang, Elgeyo Marakwet County; Sen. Lomenen, Turkana County; Sen. M. Kajwang’, Homa Bay County; Sen. Mandago, Uasin Gishu County; Sen. Munyi Mundigi, Embu County; Sen. Murgor, West Pokot County; Sen. (Dr.) Oburu, Siaya County; Sen. Oketch Gicheru, Migori County; Sen. Okiya Omtatah, Busia County; Sen. Olekina, Narok County; Sen. Onyonka, Kisii County; Sen. Sifuna, Nairobi County; Sen. (Prof.) Tom Ojienda Odhiambo, SC Kisumu County; Sen. Wafula, Bungoma County; Sen. Wakili Sigei, Bomet County; and, Sen. Wambua, Kitui County.
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Hon. Senators, the results for the Public Finance Management (Amendment) Bill (Senate Bills No.40 of 2023), First Division.
: 29
: 0
: 0 The “Ayes” have it.
(Question carried by 29 votes to Nil)
(Question that, Clause 2 (As amended) Clauses 3 (As Amended), The Title and Clause 1 be part of the Bill, put and the Senate proceeded to vote by County Delegations)
: Sen. Abass Sheikh Mohamed, Wajir County; Sen. Abdul Haji, Garissa County; Sen. Ali Roba, Mandera County; Sen. Cherarkey, Nandi County; Sen. Cheruiyot, The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 23 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
Kericho County; Sen. Chesang, Trans Nzoia County; Sen. Chute, Marsabit County; Sen. Dullo, Isiolo County; Sen. Faki, Mombasa County; Sen. Gataya Mo Fire, Tharaka Nithi County; Sen. Joe Nyutu, Murang’a County; Sen. Kathuri, Meru County; Kavindu Muthama, Machakos County; Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale, Kakamega County
Sen. Kinyua, Laikipia County; Sen. Kisang, Elgeyo Marakwet County; Sen. Lomenen, Turkana County; Sen. M. Kajwang’, Homa Bay County; Sen. Mandago, Uasin Gishu County; Sen. Mbugua, Nyandarua County; Sen. Munyi Mundigi, Embu County; Sen. Murgor, West Pokot County; Sen. (Dr.) Oburu, Siaya County; Sen.Oketch Gicheru, Migori County; Sen. Okiya Omtatah, Busia County; Sen. Olekina, Narok County; Sen. Onyonka, Kisii County; Sen. (Prof.) Tom Ojienda Odhiambo, SC Kisumu County; Sen. Wafula, Bungoma County; Sen. Wakili Sigei, Bomet County;and, Sen. Wambua, Kitui County.
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Hon. Senators, these are the results for the Second Division -
: 32
: 0
: 0 The “Ayes” have it.
(Question carried by 32 votes to Nil)
Hon. Senators, we are proceeding to the next Order. Voting for the Intergovernmental Relations (Amendment) Bill (Senate Bills No.12 of 2024). Division One. Hon. Senators, voting is 30 seconds. Please, proceed to vote as soon as the question is put on the screen. Start voting Senators. Sen. Faki, Sen. Joe Nyutu, Sen. Murgor and Sen. Cherarkey, approach the Dispatch Box.
(Sen. Faki, Sen. Joe Nyutu, Sen. Murgor and Sen. Cherarkey, Walked to the Dispatch Box to vote manually)
Hon. Senators, we are voting on the Second Division. Senators, please take your seats and start voting.
(Electronic voting in progress)
Sen. Faki, start voting. Sen. Gataya Mo Fire and Sen. Cherarkey approach the Dispatch Box.
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 24 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
(Sen. Gataya Mo Fire and Sen. Cherarkey Walked to the Dispatch Box to vote manually)
(Question, that New Clauses 11A, 11B, 11C, 11D and 11E be now red a Second Time, put and the Senate proceeded to vote by County Delegations)
Sen. Abass, Wajir County; Sen. Abdul Haji, Garissa County; Sen. Ali Roba, Mandera County; Sen. Cherarkey, Nandi County; Sen. Cheruiyot, Kericho County; Sen. Chesang, Trans Nzoia County; Sen. Chute, Marsabit County; Sen. Dullo, Isiolo County; Sen. Faki, Mombasa County; Sen. Gataya Mo Fire, Tharaka Nithi County; Sen. Joe Nyutu, Murangá County; Sen. Kathuri, Meru County; Sen. Kavindu Muthama, Machakos County; Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale, Kakamega County; Sen. Kisang’, Elgeyo Marakwet County; Sen. Kinyua, Laikipia County; Sen. Lomenen, Turkana County; Sen. M. Kajwang’, Homa Bay County; Sen. Mandago, Uasin Gishu County; Sen. Mbugua, Nyandarua County; Sen. Munyi Mundigi, Embu County; Sen. Murgor, West Pokot County; Sen. (Dr.) Oburu, Siaya County; Sen. Oketch Gicheru, Migori County; Sen. Okiya Omtatah, Busia County; Sen. Olekina, Narok County; Sen. Onyonka, Kisii County; Sen. (Prof.) Tom Ojienda, SC; Sen. Wafula, Bungoma County; Sen. Wakili Sigei, Bomet County; and, Sen. Wambua, Kitui County.
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Hon. Senators, the results are as follows:
0 The “Ayes” have it.
(Question carried by 31 votes to Nil)
(Question, that Clause 17 be deleted, put and the Senate proceeded to vote by County Delegations)
Sen. Abass, Wajir County; Sen. Abdul Haji, Garissa County; Sen. Ali Roba, Mandera County; Sen. Cherarkey, Nandi County; Sen. Cheruiyot, Kericho County; Sen. Chesang, Trans Nzoia County; Sen. Chute, Marsabit County; Sen. Dullo, Isiolo County; Sen. Faki, Mombasa County; Sen. Gataya Mo Fire, Tharaka Nithi County; Sen. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 25 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
Joe Nyutu, Murangá County; Sen. Kathuri, Meru County; Sen. Kavindu Muthama, Machakos County; Sen. Kisang’, Elgeyo Marakwet County; Sen. Kinyua, Laikipia County; Sen. Lomenen, Turkana County; Sen. M. Kajwang’, Homa Bay County; Sen. Mandago, Uasin Gishu County; Sen. Mbugua, Nyandarua County; Sen. Munyi Mundigi, Embu County; Sen. Murgor, West Pokot County; Sen. (Dr.) Oburu, Siaya County; Sen. Oketch Gicheru, Migori County; Sen. Okiya Omtatah, Busia County; Sen. Olekina, Narok County; Sen. Onyonka, Kisii County; Sen. (Prof.) Tom Ojienda, SC; Sen. Wafula, Bungoma County; Sen. Wakili Sigei, Bomet County; and, Sen. Wambua, Kitui County.
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Hon. Senators, the results are as follows-
0 The “Ayes” have it.
(Question carried by 30 votes to Nil)
(Question, that Clauses 3, 4, 6, 12 and 13 be amended as proposed put and the Senate proceeded to vote by County Delegations)
Sen. Abass, Wajir County; Sen. Abdul Haji, Garissa County; Sen. Ali Roba, Mandera County; Sen. Cherarkey, Nandi County; Sen. Cheruiyot, Kericho County; Sen. Chesang, Trans Nzoia County; Sen. Chute, Marsabit County; Sen. Dullo, Isiolo County; Sen. Faki, Mombasa County; Sen. Gataya Mo Fire, Tharaka Nithi County; Sen. Joe Nyutu, Murangá County; Sen. Kathuri, Meru County; Sen. Kavindu Muthama, Machakos County; Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale, Kakamega County; Sen. Kisang’, Elgeyo Marakwet County; Sen. Kinyua, Laikipia County; Sen. Lomenen, Turkana County; Sen. M. Kajwang’, Homa Bay County; Sen. Mandago, Uasin Gishu County; Sen. Mbugua, Nyandarua County; Sen. Munyi Mundigi, Embu County; Sen. (Dr.) Oburu, Siaya County; Sen. Oketch Gicheru, Migori County; Sen. Okiya Omtatah, Busia County; Sen. Olekina, Narok County; Sen. Onyonka, Kisii County; Sen. (Prof.) Tom Ojienda, SC; Sen. Wafula, Bungoma County; Sen. Wakili Sigei, Bomet County; and, Sen. Wambua, Kitui County.
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Hon. Senators, the results of the Division are as follows-
0 The “Ayes” have it.
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 26 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
(Question carried by 30 votes to Nil)
(Question, that Clause 3 (as amended), 4 (as amended), 5, 6 (as amended), 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 (as amended), 14, 15, 16, 17 (deleted), New Clause 11A, New Clause 11B, New Clause 11C, New Clause 11D, New Clause 11E, Clause 2( as amended), the Title and Clause 1 of the Bill put and the Senate proceeded to vote by County Delegations)
Sen. Abass, Wajir County; Sen. Abdul Haji, Garissa County; Sen. Ali Roba, Mandera County; Sen. Cherarkey, Nandi County; Sen. Cheruiyot, Kericho County; Sen. Chesang, Trans Nzoia County; Sen. Chute, Marsabit County; Sen. Dullo, Isiolo County; Sen. Faki, Mombasa County; Sen. Gataya Mo Fire, Tharaka Nithi County; Sen. Githuku, Lamu County; Sen. Joe Nyutu, Murangá County; Sen. Kathuri, Meru County; Sen. Kavindu Muthama, Machakos County; Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale, Kakamega County; Sen. Kisang’, Elgeyo Marakwet County; Sen. Kinyua, Laikipia County; Sen. Lomenen, Turkana County; Sen. M. Kajwang’, Homa Bay County; Sen. Mandago, Uasin Gishu County; Sen. Mbugua, Nyandarua County; Sen. Munyi Mundigi, Embu County; Sen. Murgor, West Pokot County; Sen. (Dr.) Oburu, Siaya County; Sen. Oketch Gicheru, Migori County; Sen. Okiya Omtatah, Busia County; Sen. Olekina, Narok County; Sen. Onyonka, Kisii County; Sen. (Prof.) Tom Ojienda, SC; Sen. Wafula, Bungoma County; Sen. Wakili Sigei, Bomet County; and, Sen. Wambua, Kitui County.
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
The results are as follows-
0 The “Ayes” have it.
(Question carried by 31 votes to Nil)
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Hon. Senators, we will proceed to the Division of the next Bill; The Political Parties (Amendment) (No.2) Bill (Senate Bills No.26 of 2024).
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Sen. Let us proceed Senators. Let us start with clauses with amendments.
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 27 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
( Question that, Clauses5, 7, 8 and 2 be amended as proposed
put and the Senate Proceeded to vote by County Delegations)
(Electronic voting in progress)
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Hon. Senators, let us proceed. Prepare to vote, Senators.
(Question that, Clauses5, 7, 8 and 2 be amended as proposed, put and the Senate proceeded to vote by County Delegations)
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Start voting.
(Electronic voting in progress)
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Prepare to vote for the next, Senators. Start voting. Sen. Kavindu, please vote. Sen. Mo Fire, Sen. Wafula, please vote.
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Hon. Senators, the results for the Political Parties (amendment) No.2 Bill (Senate Bills No.26 of 2024) are as follows-
(Question that, Clauses5,7,8 and 2 be amended as proposed, put and the Senate proceeded to vote by County Delegation)
Sen. Abass, Wajir County; Sen. Abdul Haji, Garissa County; Sen. Ali Roba, Mandera County; Sen. Cherarkey, Nandi County; Sen. Cheruiyot, Kericho County; Sen. Chesang, Trans Nzoia County; Sen.Chute, Marsabit County; Sen. Dullo, Isiolo County; Sen. Faki, Mombasa County; Sen. Gataya Mo Fire, Tharaka Nithi County; Sen. Githuku, Lamu County; Sen. Joe Nyutu, Murang’a County; Sen. M. Kajwang’, Homa Bay County; Sen. Kathuri, Meru County; Sen. Kavindu Muthama, Machakos County; Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale, Kakamega County; Sen. Kinyua, Laikipia County; Sen. Kisang, Elgeyo Marakwet County; Sen. Lomenen, Turkana County; Sen. Mandago, Uasin Gishu County; Sen. Mbugua, Nyandarua County; Sen. Munyi Mundigi, Embu County; Sen. (Dr.) Oburu Oginga, Siaya County; Sen. (Prof.) Tom Odhiambo Ojienda SC, Kisumu County; Sen. Oketch Gicheru, Migori County; Sen. Okiya Omtatah, Busia County; Sen. Olekina, Narok County; Sen. Onyonka, Kisii County; Sen. Wafula, Bungoma County; Sen. Wakili Sigei, Bomet County; and, Sen. Wambua, Kitui County. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 28 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Hon. Senators, I wish to announce the results of this Division -
: 31
: 0
: 0 The “Ayes” have it
(Question carried by 31 votes to Nil)
(Clauses 5, 7, 8 and 2 be amended as proposed agreed to) (Question that, New Clauses 2A. 4A, 6A, 7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, and 7E be now read a Second Time, put and the Senate proceeded to vote by County Delegations)
Sen. Abass, Wajir County; Sen. Abdul Haji, Garissa County; Sen. Ali Roba, Mandera County; Sen. Cherarkey, Nandi County; Sen. Cheruiyot, Kericho County; Sen. Chesang, Trans Nzoia County; Sen.Chute, Marsabit County; Sen. Dullo, Isiolo County; Sen. Faki, Mombasa County; Sen. Gataya Mo Fire, Tharaka Nithi County; Sen. Githuku, Lamu County; Sen. Joe Nyutu, Murang’a County; Sen. M. Kajwang’, Homa Bay County; Sen. Kathuri, Meru County; Sen. Kavindu Muthama, Machakos County; Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale, Kakamega County; Sen. Kisang, Elgeyo Marakwet County; Sen. Lomenen, Turkana County; Sen. Mandago, Uasin Gishu County; Sen. Mbugua, Nyandarua County; Sen. Munyi Mundigi, Embu County; Sen. (Dr.) Oburu Oginga, Siaya County; Sen. (Prof.) Tom Odhiambo Ojienda SC, Kisumu County; Sen. Oketch Gicheru, Migori County; Sen. Okiya Omtatah, Busia County; Sen. Olekina, Narok County; Sen. Onyonka, Kisii County; Sen. Wafula, Bungoma County; Sen. Wakili Sigei, Bomet County; and, Sen. Wambua, Kitui County.
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Hon. Senators, I wish to announce the results of this Division -
: 30
: 0
: 0 The “Ayes” have it
(Question carried by 30 votes to Nil)
ELECTRONIC VOTING The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 29 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
(Question that, Clauses3,4,5(amended), 6,7(amended), 8, New Clause 2A, New Clauses 4A, New clause 6A, New Clause 7A, New Clause 7B, New Clause 7C, New Clause 7D, New Clause 7E, Clause 2 (as amended), the Title and Clause 1 be part of the Bill, put and the Senate proceeded to vote by County Delegations)
Sen. Abass, Wajir County; Sen. Abdul Haji, Garissa County; Sen. Ali Roba, Mandera County; Sen. Cherarkey, Nandi County; Sen. Cheruiyot, Kericho County; Sen. Chesang, Trans Nzoia County; Sen.Chute, Marsabit County; Sen. Dullo, Isiolo County; Sen. Faki, Mombasa County; Sen. Joe Nyutu, Murang’a County; Sen. M. Kajwang’, Homa Bay County; Sen. Kathuri, Meru County; Sen. Kavindu Muthama, Machakos County; Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale, Kakamega County; Sen. Kinyua, Laikipia County; Sen. Kisang, Elgeyo Marakwet County; Sen. Lomenen, Turkana County; Sen. Mandago, Uasin Gishu County; Sen. Mbugua, Nyandarua County; Sen. Munyi Mundigi, Embu County; Sen. (Dr.) Oburu Oginga, Siaya County; Sen. (Prof.) Tom Odhiambo Ojienda SC, Kisumu County; Sen. Oketch Gicheru, Migori County; Sen. Okiya Omtatah, Busia County; Sen. Olekina, Narok County; Sen. Onyonka, Kisii County; Sen. Wakili Sigei, Bomet County; and, Sen. Wambua, Kitui County.
Sen. Veronica Maina
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Hon. Senators, I wish to announce the results of this Division -
0 The “Ayes” have it
(Question carried by 29 votes to Nil)
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Senators, let us now proceed to the next Bill - The Elections Amendment No.2 Bill (Senate Bills No.29 of 2024)
(Several Senators stood up in their place)
Sen. Mo Fire, we are voting for the next Bill. Sen. Mbugua, Sen. Githuku, please, be at your station, we are about to vote. Start voting, Senators.
(Electronic voting in progress)
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 30 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Sen. Wakili Sigei please, approach the Desk
(Sen. Wakili Sigei walked to the Dispatch Box to vote manually)
(Electronic voting in progress)
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Hon. Senators, let us proceed to the clauses with amendments. Hon. Senators, you have 20 seconds, you may proceed to vote.
(Electronic voting in progress)
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Sen. Gataya Mo Fire, Sen. Onyonka, and Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale, please approach the Dispatch Box and vote.
(Sen. Gataya Mo Fire, Sen. Onyonka and Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale walked to Dispatch Box to vote manually
(Electronic voting in progress)
Hon. Senators, let us proceed and I urge that you be a little bit attentive like Sen. Olekina. Stay at your stations. Hon. Senators, please, prepare to vote. Kindly, start voting.
(Electronic voting in progress)
Sen. Wakili Sigei, please, approach the Dispatch Desk to vote.
(Sen. Wakili Sigei walked to the Dispatch Box to vote manually)
Hon. Senators, we have concluded voting on the Elections (Amendment) (No.2) Bill (Senate Bills No.29 of 2024). Before I announce the results, the Hon. Senators who have been assisted to vote this year--- Let me not finish that sentence. All those Senators who have behaved like Sen. Olekina this year, please pat yourself on the back. The ones who are assisted, try harder next year. These are the results for the three Divisions on the Elections (Amendment) (No.2) Bill (Senate Bills No.29 of 2024).
(Question, that Clause 30 be deleted, put and the Senate
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 31 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
proceeded to vote by County Delegations)
Sen. Abass, Wajir County; Sen. Abdul Haji, Garissa, County; Sen. Ali Roba, Mandera County; Sen. Cherarkey, Nandi County; Sen. Cheruiyot, Kericho County; Sen. Chesang, Trans Nzoia County; Sen. Chute, Marsabit County; Sen. Dullo, Isiolo County; Sen. Faki, Mombasa County; Sen. Gataya Mo Fire, Tharaka Nithi County; Sen. Githuku, Lamu County; Sen. Joe Nyutu, Murang’a County; Sen. Kathuri, Meru County; Sen. Kavindu Muthama, Machakos County; Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale, Kakamega County; Sen. Kinyua, Laikipia County; Sen. Kisang, Elgeyo Marakwet County; Sen. Lomenen, Turkana County; Sen. Mandago, Uasin Gishu County; Sen. Mbugua, Nyandarua County; Sen. M. Kajwang’, Homa Bay County; Sen. Munyi Mundigi, Embu County; Sen. (Dr.) Oburu, Siaya County; Sen. Oketch Gicheru; Migori County; Sen. Okiya Omtatah, Busia County; Sen. Olekina, Narok County; Sen. Onyonka, Kisii County; Sen. Osotsi, Vihiga County; Sen. (Prof.) Tom Odhiambo Ojienda, Kisumu County; Sen. Wafula, Bungoma County; Sen. Wakili Sigei, Bomet County; and, Sen. Wambua, Kitui County.
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Hon. Senators, the results of the Division are as follows-
Nil The “Ayes” have it.
(Question carried by 32 votes to Nil)
(Question, that Clauses 3, 4, 14, 15, 16, 21, 23, 25, 31, and Clause 2 be amended as proposed, put and the Senate proceeded to vote by County Delegation)
Sen. Abass, Wajir County; Sen. Abdul Haji, Garissa, County; Sen. Ali Roba, Mandera County; Sen. Cherarkey, Nandi County; Sen. Cheruiyot, Kericho County; Sen. Chesang, Trans Nzoia County; Sen. Chute, Marsabit County; Sen. Dullo, Isiolo County; Sen. Faki, Mombasa County; Sen. Gataya Mo Fire, Tharaka Nithi County; Sen. Githuku, Lamu County; Sen. Joe Nyutu, Murang’a County; Sen. Kathuri, Meru County; Sen. Kavindu Muthama, Machakos County; Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale, Kakamega County; Sen. Kinyua, Laikipia County; Sen. Kisang, Elgeyo Marakwet County; Sen. Lomenen, Turkana County; Sen. Mandago, Uasin Gishu County; Sen. Mbugua, Nyandarua County; Sen. M. Kajwang’, Homa Bay County; Sen. Munyi Mundigi, Embu County; Sen. (Dr.) Oburu, Siaya County; Sen. Okiya Omtatah, Busia County; Sen. Olekina, Narok County; Sen. Onyonka, Kisii County; Sen. Osotsi, Vihiga County; Sen. Wafula, Bungoma County; Sen. Wakili Sigei, Bomet County; and, Sen. Wambua, Kitui County. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 32 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Hon. Senators, the results of the Division are as follows-
Nil The “Ayes” have it.
(Question carried by 30 votes to Nil)
(Question, that Clause 3 (as amended), 4 (as amended), 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 (as amended), 15 (as amended), 16 (as amended), 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 (as amended), 22, 23 (as amended), 24, 25 (as amended), 26, 27, 28, 29, 31 (as amended), 32, 33, Clause 2 (as amended), the Title and Clause 1 be part of the Bill, put and the Senate proceeded to vote by Count Delegation)
Sen. Abass, Wajir County; Sen. Abdul Haji, Garissa, County; Sen. Ali Roba, Mandera County; Sen. Cherarkey, Nandi County; Sen. Cheruiyot, Kericho County; Sen. Chesang, Trans Nzoia County; Sen. Chute, Marsabit County; Sen. Dullo, Isiolo County; Sen. Faki, Mombasa County; Sen. Gataya Mo Fire, Tharaka Nithi County; Sen. Githuku, Lamu County; Sen. Joe Nyutu, Murang’a County; Sen. Kathuri, Meru County; Sen. Kavindu Muthama, Machakos County; Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale, Kakamega County; Sen. Kinyua, Laikipia County; Sen. Kisang, Elgeyo Marakwet County; Sen. Lomenen, Turkana County; Sen. Mandago, Uasin Gishu County; Sen. Mbugua, Nyandarua County; Sen. M. Kajwang’, Homa Bay County; Sen. Munyi Mundigi, Embu County; Sen. (Dr.) Oburu, Siaya County; Sen. Oketch Gicheru; Migori County; Sen. Okiya Omtatah, Busia County; Sen. Olekina, Narok County; Sen. Onyonka, Kisii County; Sen. Osotsi, Vihiga County; Sen. (Prof.) Tom Odhiambo Ojienda, Kisumu County; Sen. Wafula, Bungoma County; Sen. Wakili Sigei, Bomet County; and, Sen. Wambua, Kitui County.
Sen. Abul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Hon. Senators, the results of the Division are as follows-
0 The “Ayes” have it.
(Question carried by 32 votes to Nil)
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 33 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
Thank you very much, Senators. We are now moving to the Division on the Public Transport (Motorcycle Regulation) Bill (Senate Bills No.38 of 2023).
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Hon. Senators, we have one more Bill to consider today, which is the Public Transport (Motorcycle Regulation) Bill (Senate Bills No.38 of 2023). I wish to bring to your attention an important clarification on some of the clauses of this Bill before we go into Division on the Bill.
Clause 5
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
During canvassing of the clauses by the Committee of the Whole on Thursday, 28th, November, 2024, Sen. Osotsi's amendments were preferred since they were more comprehensive and captured the Committee Chairperson’s proposals. The Chairperson thus requested to consider withdrawing the Committee's amendments with respect to (b) and (d) of the clause. The Chairperson's withdrawal of the amendments, therefore, should have been expressly stated to have been parts of (b) and (c). This did not come out clearly at the time. I would now like to give the Chairperson the opportunity to make the pronouncements before we proceed to Division. Proceed, Sen. Mohamed Chute.
Chute Mohamed Said
Thank you, Mr. Temporary Chairperson, Sir. I withdraw part (b) and (c) of Clause 5 as amended by the Committee.
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Thank you, Chairperson. I would like to clarify that in view of Sen. Osotsi’s amendments, part (d) 2 (b) of the Chairperson's amendments will be dropped if approved. Hon. Senators, having pronounced that, I, therefore, go ahead to put the question.
(Question of the amendment proposed)
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Division will be at the end.
Clause 9
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
The Chairperson's amendment in subclause (1) makes reference to co-operative societies instead of Savings and Co- operative Societies. However, the proposal by Sen. Osotsi makes reference to Savings and Co-operative Societies. In the event that the amendment by the Chairperson is carried, Sen. Osotsi's amendment will be revised accordingly.
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 34 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
Clause 2
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Hon. Senators, you may recall that Sen. Osotsi's proposed amendment to this clause as moved by Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale on behalf of Sen. Osotsi was purported to have been withdrawn. However, this amendment introduces a new definition, which, if not carried, will make the amendments to Clause 14 of the Bill incoherent. I, therefore, would like to give Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale the opportunity to move the amendment to Clause 2 as proposed by Sen. Osotsi before we proceed to a Division as this will provide clarity for the proposed amendment to Clause 14 as proposed by Sen. Osotsi. Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale, proceed.
Bonny Khalwale
Mr. Temporary Chairman, Sir, I beg to move- THAT Clause 2 of the Bill is amended by deleting the definition of the term “employment contract” and substituting therefor the following new definition- “contract” means a written or oral agreement between the owner of a motorcycle and a rider which provides the terms and conditions of engagement, including wages, working hours, duties and responsibilities and other relevant matters.
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Thank you. Hon. Senators.
(Question of the amendment proposed)
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Division will be at the end. Hon. Senators, we are now proceeding to the Division. Please be prepared to vote. Hon. Senators, you can now start voting.
(Electronic voting in progress)
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Hon. Senators, we will now vote on clauses for deletion after putting the question. Start voting now.
(Electronic voting in progress)
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Hon. Senators, the third Division are clauses with amendments. I will put the question, then you vote. Hon. Senators, start voting now.
(Electronic voting in progress)
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Sen. Wakili Sigei, Sen. Wafula and Sen. Mandago, please approach the Clerk’s Table
(Sen. Wakili Sigei, Sen. Wafula and Sen. Mandago walked to the Dispatch Box to vote manually)
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 35 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Hon. Senators, let us proceed to the fourth Division on all clauses if deletions are not carried. I will put the question so that you vote. Hon. Senators prepare to vote. Start voting.
(Electronic voting in progress)
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Can the Senate Majority Leader and the Senate Majority Whip come to the Dispatch Box? Majority Leader and the Majority Whip.
(Sen. Cheruiyot and Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale walked to the Dispatch Box to vote manually)
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Hon. Senators, these are the results of the Public Transport (Motorcycle Regulations) Bill (Senate Bills No. 38 of 2023).
(Question, that New Clause 3A,6A,6B,6C,6E,7A,28A,30 and New Schedule be read a Second Time, put and the Senate proceeded to vote by County Delegations)
Sen. Abass, Wajir County; Sen. Abdul Haji, Garissa County; Sen. Ali Roba, Mandera County; Sen. Cherarkey, Nandi County; Sen. Cheruiyot, Kericho County; Sen. Chute, Marsabit County; Sen. Dullo, Isiolo County; Sen. Faki, Mombasa County; Sen. Gataya Mo Fire, Tharaka Nithi County; Sen. Githuku, Lamu County; Sen. Joe Nyutu, Murang’a County; Sen. Kathuri, Meru County; Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale, Kakamega County; Sen. Kavindu Muthama, Machakos County; Sen. Kinyua, Laikipia County; Sen. Kisang, Elgeyo Marakwet County; Sen. Lomenen, Turkana County; Sen. M. Kajwang', HomaBay County; Sen. Mandago, Uasin Gishu County; Sen. Mbugua, Nyandarua County; Sen. Munyi Mundigi, Embu County; Sen. (Dr.) Oburu, Siaya County; Sen. Oketch Gicheru, Migori County; Sen. Okiya Omtatah, Busia County; Sen. Olekina, Narok County; Sen. Onyonka, Kisii County; Sen. Osotsi, Vihiga County; Sen. (Prof.) Tom Odhiambo jienda, SC, Kisumu County; Sen. Wafula, Bungoma County; Sen. Wakili Sigei, Bomet County; and, Sen. Wambua, Kitui County.
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Hon. Senators, these are the results of the Division on the National Assembly’s amendments to the Cotton Industry Development Bill (Senate Bills No. 5 of 2023).
0 The “Ayes” have it.
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 36 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
( Question carried by 31 votes to Nil)
(Question, that Clauses 8 and 21 be deleted put, and the Senate proceeded to vote by County Delegations)
Sen. Abass Sheikh Mohamed, Wajir County; Sen. Abdul Haji, Garissa County; Sen. Ali Roba, Mandera County; Sen. Cherarkey, Nandi County; Sen. Cheruiyot, Kericho County; Sen. Chesang, Trans Nzoia County; Sen. Chute, Marsabit County; Sen. Dullo, Isiolo County; Sen. Faki, Mombasa County; Sen. Gataya Mo Fire, Tharaka Nithi County; Sen. Githuku, Lamu County; Sen. Joe Nyutu, Murang’a County; Sen. Kathuri, Meru County; Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale, Kakamega County; Sen. Kinyua, Laikipia County; Sen. Kisang, Elgeyo Marakwet County; Sen. Lomenen, Turkana County; Sen. M. Kajwang', HomaBay County; Sen. Mbugua, Nyandarua County; Sen. Munyi Mundigi, Embu County; Sen. (Dr.) Oburu, Siaya County; Sen. Oketch Gicheru, Migori County; Sen. Okiya Omtatah, Busia County; Sen. Olekina, Narok County; Sen. Onyonka, Kisii County; Sen. Osotsi, Vihiga County; Sen. (Prof.) Tom Ojienda Odhiambo, SC, Kisumu County; Sen. Wafula, Bungoma County; Sen. Wakili Sigei, Bomet County; and, Sen. Wambua, Kitui County.
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Hon. Senators, these are the results of the Division on the National Assembly amendments to the Cotton Industry Development Bill (Senate Bills No. 5 of 2023).
0 The “Ayes” have it.
( Question carried by 31 votes to Nil)
(Question, that Clauses 4,5,6,7,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,23,26,27 and 2 be amended as proposed, put, and the Senate proceeded to vote by County Delegations)
Sen. Abass, Wajir County; Sen. Abdul Haji, Garissa County; Sen. Ali Roba, Mandera County; Sen. Cherarkey, Nandi County; Sen. Cheruiyot, Kericho County; Sen. Chesang, Trans Nzoia County; Sen. Dullo, Isiolo County; Sen. Faki, Mombasa County; Sen. Gataya Mo Fire, Tharaka Nithi County; Sen. Joe Nyutu, Murang’a County; The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 37 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
Sen. Kathuri, Meru County; Sen. Kavindu Muthama, Machakos County; Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale, Kakamega County; Sen. Kinyua, Laikipia County; Sen. Kisang, Elgeyo Marakwet County; Sen. Lomenen, Turkana County; Sen. M. Kajwang', HomaBay County; Sen. Mandago, Uasin Gishu County; Sen. Mbugua, Nyandarua County; Sen. Munyi Mundigi, Embu County; Sen. (Dr.) Oburu, Siaya County; Sen. Oketch Gicheru, Migori County; Sen. Okiya Omtatah, Busia County; Sen. Olekina, Narok County; Sen. Onyonka, Kisii County; Sen. Osotsi, Vihiga County; Sen. (Prof.) Tom Odhiambo Ojienda, SC, Kisumu County; Sen. Wafula, Bungoma County; Sen. Wakili Sigei, Bomet County; and, Sen. Wambua, Kitui County.
Murungi Kathuri
(The Deputy Speaker)
Hon. Senators, these are the results of the Division on the National Assembly amendments to the Cotton Industry Development Bill (Senate Bills No. 5 of 2023).
0 The “Ayes” have it.
( Question carried by 31 votes to Nil)
(Question, that Clauses 3,4 (as amended), 5 (as amended), 6 (as amended) 7(as amended) 9(as amended) 10(as amended) 11(as amended) 12(as amended) 13(as amended) 14(as amended) 15(as amended) 16(as amended) 17(as amended) 18(as amended) 19(as amended) 20,22,23(as amended)24,25,26(as amended) 27(as amended) 28(as amended) 29, New Clause 3A, New Clause 6A, New Clause 6B, New Clause 6C, New Clause 6D, New Clause 6E, New Clause 7A, New Clause 28A, New Clause 30, New Schedule, Clause 2(as amended), the Title and Clause 1 be part of the Bill, put, and the Senate proceeded to vote by County Delegations)
Sen. Abass, Wajir County; Sen. Abdul Haji, Garissa County; Sen. Ali Roba, Mandera County; Sen. Cherarkey, Nandi County; Sen. Cheruiyot, Kericho County; Sen. Chesang, Trans Nzoia County; Sen. Chute, Marsabit County; Sen. Dullo, Isiolo County; Sen. Faki, Mombasa County; Sen. Gataya Mo Fire, Tharaka Nithi County; Sen. Githuku, Lamu County; Sen. Joe Nyutu, Murang’a County; Sen. Kathuri, Meru County; Sen. Kavindu Muthama, Machakos County; Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale, Kakamega County; Sen. Kinyua, Laikipia County; Sen. Kisang, Elgeyo Marakwet County; Sen. Lomenen, Turkana County; Sen. M. Kajwang', HomaBay County; Sen. Mbugua, Nyandarua County; Sen. Munyi Mundigi, Embu County; Sen. (Dr.) Oburu, Siaya County; Sen. Oketch Gicheru, Migori County; Sen. Okiya Omtatah, Busia County; Sen. Olekina, Narok County; Sen. Onyonka, Kisii County; Sen. Osotsi, Vihiga County; Sen. (Prof.) The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 38 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
Tom Ojienda Odhiambo, SC, Kisumu County; Sen. Wafula, Bungoma County; Sen. Wakili Sigei, Bomet County; and, Sen. Wambua, Kitui County.
Murungi Kathuri
(The Deputy Speaker)
Hon. Senators, these are the results of the Division on the National Assembly Amendments to the Cotton Industry Development Bill (Senate Bills No. 5 of 2023).
0 The “Ayes” have it.
( Question carried by 31 votes to Nil)
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Hon. Senators, we are now reporting the Bills.
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Sen. Abass?
Abass Sheikh Mohamed
Mr. Temporary Chairperson, Sir, I beg to move that the House do agree with the Committee in the said Report. I request Sen. Mbugua to second.
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Just one moment, Sen. Mbugua. Sen. Abass, please read it again.
Abass Sheikh Mohamed
Mr. Temporary Chairperson, Sir, I beg to move that the Committee do report on the Senate its considerations on the Fire and Rescue Services Professionals Bill (Senate Bills No. 55 of 2023) and its approval, thereof with amendments.
(Question put and agreed to)
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Bonny Khalwale
Mr. Temporary Chairperson, Sir, I beg to move that the Committee do report to the Senate its consideration of the Public Transport (Motorcycle Regulation) Bill (Senate Bill No. 38 of 2023) and its approval thereof with amendments.
(Question proposed)
(Question put and agreed to)
Bonny Khalwale
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 39 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Kibwana Kivutha
Mr. Temporary Chairperson, Sir, I beg to move that the Committee do report to the Senate its consideration of the Public Finance Management Amendment Bill (Senate Bills No. 40 of 2023) and its approval thereof with amendments.
(Question proposed)
(Question put and agreed to)
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Aaron Kipkirui Cheruiyot
(The Senate Majority Leader)
Mr. Temporary Chairperson, Sir, I beg to move that the Committee do report to the Senate its consideration of the Intergovernmental Relations (Amendment) Bill (Senate Bill No. 12 of 2024) and its approval thereof with amendments.
(Question put and agreed to)
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Aaron Kipkirui Cheruiyot
(The Senate Majority Leader)
Mr. Temporary Chairperson, Sir, I beg to move that the Committee do report to the Senate its consideration of The Political Parties (Amendment) (No.2) Bill (Senate Bills No. 26 of 2024) and its approval thereof with amendments.
(Question proposed)
(Question put and agreed to)
Sen. Abdul Haji
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Aaron Kipkirui Cheruiyot
(The Senate Majority Leader)
Mr. Temporary Chairperson, Sir, I beg to move that the Committee do report to the Senate its consideration of the The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 40 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
Aaron Kipkirui Cheruiyot
(The Senate Majority Leader)
Elections (Amendment) (No.2) Bill (Senate Bills No. 29 of 2024) and its approval thereof with amendments.
(Question proposed)
(Question put and agreed to)
(The House resumed)
[The Temporary Speaker (Sen. Wakili Sigei) in the Chair]
Sen. Wakili Sigei
(The Temporary Speaker)
Hon. Senators, take your seats, please.
(Several Senators walked out of the Chamber)
Sen. Wakili Sigei
(The Temporary Speaker)
Hon. Members, please do not leave because we still have Division to undertake. We are reporting on the Bills which have just concluded on the Divisions and we will start with reporting of the Bill by the Committee of the Whole, The Fire and Rescue Services Professionals Bill (Senate Bill No.55 of 2023).
(Loud consultations)
Sen. Wakili Sigei
(The Temporary Speaker)
Hon. Members, Order please. I will call upon the Chairperson to report. Sen. Abdul Haji.
Sen. Abdul Haji
Thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir. I beg to report that the Committee of the Whole has considered the Fire and Rescue Services Professionals Bill (Senate Bills No.55 of 2023) and its approval thereof with amendments.
Sen. Wakili Sigei
(The Temporary Speaker)
I call upon the mover.
Abass Sheikh Mohamed
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I beg to move that the House do agree with the Committee in the said report. I request Sen. Mbugua to second.
Sen. Wakili Sigei
(The Temporary Speaker)
Sen. Mbugua, please proceed to second.
Mary Njoki G Mbugua
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I second.
(Question proposed)
(Question put and agreed to)
Mary Njoki G Mbugua
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 41 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
Sen. Wakili Sigei
(The Temporary Speaker)
I now call upon the Mover, Sen. Abass.
Abass Sheikh Mohamed
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I beg to move that the Fire and Rescue Services Professionals Bill (Senate Bills No.55 of 2023) be read a Third Time. I request Sen. Mbugua to second.
Sen. Wakili Sigei
(The Temporary Speaker)
Sen. Mbugua.
Mary Njoki G Mbugua
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I second.
(Question proposed)
Sen. Wakili Sigei
(The Temporary Speaker)
Division will be at the end. We are now going to report on the Public Transport (Motorcycle Regulation) Bill (Senate Bills No.38 of 2023). I call upon the Chairperson, Sen. Abdul Haji, to report.
Sen. Abul Haji
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I beg to report that the Committee of the Whole has considered the Public Transport (Motorcycle Regulation) Bill (Senate Bills No.38 of 2023) and its approval thereof with amendments.
Sen. Wakili Sigei
(The Temporary Speaker)
I now call upon the Mover. Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale.
Bonny Khalwale
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I beg to move that the House doth agree with the Committee in the said report. I request Sen. Kibwana to second.
Kibwana Kivutha
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I second.
Sen. Wakili Sigei
(The Temporary Speaker)
Division will be at the end.
(Question proposed)
(Question put and agreed to)
Sen. Wakili Sigei
(The Temporary Speaker)
I will call upon the Mover.
Bonny Khalwale
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I beg to move that the Public Transport (Motorcycle Regulation) Bill (Senate Bills No.38 of 2023), be now read a Third Time. I request Sen. M. Kajwang’, my neighbour from Homa Bay, to second.
Moses Otieno Kajwang'
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I second.
(Question proposed)
Sen. Wakili Sigei
(The Temporary Speaker)
Division will be at the end.
Sen. Wakili Sigei
(The Temporary Speaker)
We will proceed to the third reporting, that is the Public Finance Management (Amendment) Bill (Senate Bills No.40 of 2023). I call upon the Chairperson to report.
Sen. Wakili Sigei
(The Temporary Speaker)
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 42 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
Sen. Abdul Haji
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I beg to report that the Committee of the Whole has considered the Public Finance Management (Amendment) Bill (Senate Bills No.40 of 2023) and its approval thereof with amendments.
Sen. Wakili Sigei
(The Temporary Speaker)
Mover, Sen. Kibwana.
Kibwana Kivutha
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I beg to move that the House do agree with the Committee on the said report. I call upon the Majority Leader, Sen. Cheruiyot to second.
Aaron Kipkirui Cheruiyot
(The Senate Majority Leader)
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I second.
(Question proposed)
(Question put and agreed to)
Sen. Wakili Sigei
(The Temporary Speaker)
I call upon the mover to move for the Third Reading. Sen. Kibwana.
Kibwana Kivutha
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I beg to move that the Public Finance Management (Amendment) Bill (Senate Bills No.40 of 2023), be now read a Third Time. I now call upon Sen. Cherarkey to second.
Cherarkey K Samson
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I second.
(Question proposed)
Sen. Wakili Sigei
(The Temporary Speaker)
Division will be at the end. Hon. Members, we will progress to report on the Intergovernmental Relations (Amendment)Bill (Senate Bills No.12 of 2024). I call upon the Chairperson to report.
Sen. Abdul Haji
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I beg to report that the Committee of the Whole has considered the Intergovernmental Relations (Amendment) Bill (Senate Bills No.12 of 2024) and its approval thereof with amendments.
Sen. Wakili Sigei
(The Temporary Speaker)
I call upon the Mover. Proceed, Majority Leader.
Aaron Kipkirui Cheruiyot
(The Senate Majority Leader)
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I beg to move that the House do agree with the Committee on the said report. I request Sen. Kibwana to second.
Kibwana Kivutha
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I second.
Kibwana Kivutha
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 43 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
(Question proposed)
(Question put and agreed to)
Kibwana Kivutha
I call upon the Mover once again to move for the Third Reading.
Aaron Kipkirui Cheruiyot
(The Senate Majority Leader)
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I beg to move that the Intergovernmental Relations (Amendment) Bill (Senate Bills No.12 of 2024) be read a Third Time. I request Sen. Hamida to second.
Kibwana Kivutha
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I second.
(Question proposed)
Sen. Wakili Sigei
(The Temporary Speaker)
Division at the end.
Sen. Wakili Sigei
(The Temporary Speaker)
Hon. Senators, we will proceed to report on the Political Parties (Amendment)(No.2) Bill (Senate Bills No.26 of 2024) and I call upon the Chairperson, Sen. Abdul to report.
Sen. Abdul Haji
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I beg to report that the Committee of the Whole has considered the Political Parties (Amendment) (No.2) Bill (Senate Bills No.26 of 2024) and its approval thereof with amendments.
Sen. Wakili Sigei
(The Temporary Speaker)
I call upon the Mover to move the agreement to the report. The Senate Majority Leader.
Aaron Kipkirui Cheruiyot
(The Senate Majority Leader)
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I beg to move that the House do agree with the Committee on the said report. I request Sen. Kamau Githuku to second.
Kamau Joseph Githuku
Thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir. I second.
(Question put and agreed to)
Sen. Wakili Sigei
(The Temporary Speaker)
I call upon the Mover to move the Third Reading. The Senate Majority Leader.
Aaron Kipkirui Cheruiyot
(The Senate Majority Leader)
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I beg to move that the Political Parties (Amendment)(No.2) Bill (Senate Bills No.26 of 2024) be now read a Third Time. I request Sen. Githuku Kamau to second.
Kamau Joseph Githuku
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I second.
(Question proposed)
Kamau Joseph Githuku
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 44 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
Sen. Wakili Sigei
(The Temporary Speaker)
Division at the end.
Sen. Wakili Sigei
(The Temporary Speaker)
Lastly, hon. Members, we are reporting on the Elections (Amendment) (No.2) Bill (Senate Bills No. 29 of 2024) and I call upon the Chairperson, Sen. Abdul to report.
Sen. Abdul Haji
Thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir. I beg to report that the Committee of the Whole has considered the Elections (Amendment) (No.2) Bill (Senate Bills No. 29 of 2024) and its approval thereof with amendments.
Sen. Wakili Sigei
(The Temporary Speaker)
I call upon the Mover to move the agreement to the report. Senate Majority Leader.
Aaron Kipkirui Cheruiyot
(The Senate Majority Leader)
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I beg to move that the House do agree with the Committee on the said report. I request Sen. Osotsi to second.
Osotsi Godfrey Otieno
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I second.
(Question put and agreed to)
Sen. Wakili Sigei
(The Temporary Speaker)
I call upon the Mover to move for the Third Reading. The Senate Majority Leader.
Aaron Kipkirui Cheruiyot
(The Senate Majority Leader)
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I beg to move that the Elections (Amendment) (No.2) Bill (Senate Bills No. 29 of 2024) be now read a Third Time. I request Sen. Eddy Oketch to second.
Sen. Oketch Gicheru
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir. I second.
(Question put and agreed to)
Sen. Wakili Sigei
(The Temporary Speaker)
Division at the end. Hon. Senators, for the convenience of the business of the House, I will direct that to facilitate voting in all the Divisions we have undertaken, I direct the Clerk to call Order No. 8 to be moved.
Sen. Wakili Sigei
(The Temporary Speaker)
The Senate Majority Leader.
Aaron Kipkirui Cheruiyot
(The Senate Majority Leader)
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I beg to move that the Houses of Parliament (Bicameral Relations) Bill (National Assembly Bills No.44 of 2023) be now read a Third Time. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 45 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
Aaron Kipkirui Cheruiyot
(The Senate Majority Leader)
I request Sen. Eddy Oketch to second.
Sen. Oketch Gicheru
Mr. Speaker, Sir, I second.
(Question proposed)
Sen. Wakili Sigei
(The Temporary Speaker)
Division at the end. Hon. Members, we are now going to the Third Reading of all the seven Bills and I ask the Serjeant-at-Arms to ring the Quorum Bell for five minutes.
(The Division Bell was rung)
(Several Senators walked into the Chamber)
Sen. Wakili Sigei
(The Temporary Speaker)
Order, Hon. Members. Please proceed to your respective seats. Sen. Aaron Cheruiyot, Senate Majority Leader. Senator Ali Roba, please take to your seats.
[The Temporary Speaker (Sen. Wakili Sigei) left the Chair]
[The Temporary Speaker (Sen. Veronica Maina) in the Chair]
Sen. Veronica Maina
(The Temporary Speaker)
Hon. Senators, let us resume our seats so that we can resume the Session. Hon. Senators, kindly resume your seats. Sen. Kajwang’, Sen. Kamau, resume your seats. Sen. Eddy, Sen. Cherarkey and Sen. Sigei, resume your seats.
(Several Senators resumed their seats)
(Interruption of voting on Bills)
Hon. Senators, I have a Communication on a procedural note for correction of errors after an Electronic or Roll Call vote. Hon. Senators, before the Division of the Houses of Parliament Bicameral Editions Bill (National Assembly Bills No. 44 of 2023), I wish to correct some errors made on Wednesday, 4th of December, 2024, during the Afternoon Sitting, during Divisions of the Committee of the Whole. Standing Order No.90 states that if, after an electronic or a Roll Call vote has been made, it is discovered that the number has been inaccurately reported or that an The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 46 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
error has occurred in the names of the Division lists, that fact shall be reported to the Senate and the Speaker shall direct that the necessary corrections be made. Hon. Senators, during the Division of the New Clauses and Clauses with amendments, glitches in the electronic voting system resulted in erroneous printouts of the results. These were subsequently announced by the Chairperson of the Committee of the Whole as follows- “New Clauses-
: 0 “Clauses with amendments-
: 27
: 0 Upon reconciliation, the results of the two Divisions are as follows- New Clauses-
: 0 Clauses with amendments-
: 25
: 0 Accordingly, I direct that the necessary correction be made to the votes and proceedings as well as the HANSARD, pursuant to Standing Order No.90. That is all. I would request the Clerk to now call out the Next Bill for the Third Reading.
(Resumption of voting on Bills)
Clerk, we can start with the Houses of Parliament (Bicameral Relations) Bill (National Assembly Bills No.44 of 2023). I direct the Serjeant-at-Arms to close the Doors and Draw the Bars.
(The Doors were closed and bars drawn)
Hon. Senators, I will put the question, which is that the Houses of Parliament (Bicameral Relations) Bill (National Assembly Bills No.44 of 2023) be now read a Third Time. Please proceed to vote.
(Electronic voting in progress)
Sen. Chesang’ please, approach the Dispatch Desk.
(Sen. Chesang proceeded to the Dispatch Desk to vote manually)
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 47 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
Hon. Senators, we are proceeding to the next Division. I will put the question that the Fire and Rescue Services Professionals Bill (Senate Bills No.55 of 2023) be now read a Third Time. Please proceed to vote.
(Electronic voting in progress)
Sen. Githuku, Sen. Oketch Gicheru, Sen. Abdul Haji, Sen. Onyonka, and Sen. Faki, please approach the Dispatch Desk for assistance to vote.
(Electronic voting in progress)
Sen. Lomenen, please approach the Dispatch Desk for voting.
(Sen. Lomenen walked to the Dispatch Box to vote manually)
Sen. M. Kajwang’ please approach the Dispatch Desk.
(Sen. M. Kajwang walked to the Dispatch Box to vote manually)
(Electronic voting in progress)
Sen. Veronica Maina
(The Temporary Speaker)
Hon. Senators, we are proceeding to the next Division. I will put the question that the Public Transport (Motorcycle Regulation) Bill (Senate Bills No.38 of 2023) be now read a Third Time. Please proceed to vote.
(Electronic voting in progress)
Sen. Veronica Maina
(The Temporary Speaker)
Senators, you may proceed. The system is being rebooted. It will be up and running in a minute. We are now ready to vote. Senators, you may now proceed to vote.
(Electronic voting in progress)
Sen. Veronica Maina
(The Temporary Speaker)
Sen. Mo Fire and Sen. Wakoli, please approach the Dispatch Desk.
(Sen. Gataya Mo. Fire and Sen. Wafula walked to the Dispatch Box to vote manually)
(Electronic voting in progress)
Sen. Veronica Maina
(The Temporary Speaker)
We are proceeding to the next Division. I will put the question that the Public Finance Management (Amendment) Bill (Senate Bills No.40 of 2023) be now read a Third Time. Please proceed to vote. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 48 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
(Electronic voting in progress)
Sen. Veronica Maina
(The Temporary Speaker)
You may proceed to vote. Sen. Onyonka, Sen. Kamau, Sen. Mandago, please approach the Dispatch Desk for assistance in voting.
(Sen. Onyonka, Sen. Githuku and Sen. Mandago approached the Dispatch Box to vote manually)
(Electronic voting in progress)
Sen. Veronica Maina
(The Temporary Speaker)
We are proceeding to the next Division. I will put the question that the Intergovernmental Relations (Amendment) Bill (Senate Bills No.12 of 2024) be now read a Third Time. Please proceed to vote.
(Electronic voting in progress)
Sen. Veronica Maina
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Sen. Wakoli and the Senate Majority Leader, please approach the Clerk’s Table.
(Sen. Wafula and Sen. Cheruiyot walked to the Dispatch Box to vote manually)
Sen. Veronica Maina
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Hon. Senators, we are proceeding to the next Division. I will put the question that the Political Parties (Amendment) (No.2) Bill (Senate Bills No.26 of 2024) be now read a Third Time. Please proceed to vote.
(Electronic voting in progress)
Sen. Veronica Maina
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Sen. Faki, please approach the Clerk’s Table.
(Sen. Faki walked to the Dipatch Box to vote manually)
Sen. Veronica Maina
(The Temporary Chairperson)
We are moving to the next division. I will put the question that the Elections (Amendment) (No.2) Bill (Senate Bills No.29 of 2024) be now read a Third Time. Please proceed to vote.
(Electronic voting in progress)
Sen. Veronica Maina
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Hon. Senators, as we wait for the completion of the last Division that has been undertaken, I want to inform you that we will retake the Division on Order No.8 because of the error that occurred. Retaking of this vote will be pursuant to Standing Order No.89, so we have one more Division we will retake in a few minutes. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 49 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
Sen. Veronica Maina
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Sen. Dullo and Sen. Onyonka, please approach the clerk's desk for assistance to vote for the last Division we have taken.
(Sen. Dullo and Sen. Onyonka walkedto the Dispatch Box to vote manually)
Sen. Veronica Maina
(The Temporary Speaker)
Hon. Senators, we are now taking the final Division on Order No.8. It is a vote being retaken, pursuant to Starting Order No.89.
(Question put and the Senate proceeded to vote by County Delegations)
Sen. Veronica Maina
(The Temporary Speaker)
You may proceed to vote.
(Electronic voting in progress)
Sen. Veronica Maina
(The Temporary Speaker)
Sen. Mandago, have you voted? Sen.Wakoli, where are you? Please approach the dispatch box for voting.
(Sen. Wafula received a phone call while in the Chamber)
Sen. Veronica Maina
(The Temporary Speaker)
Sen. Wakoli, you are out of order now. You cannot talk on your phone when it is voting time.
(Electronic voting in progress)
(Several Senators stood up in their places)
Sen. Veronica Maina
(The Temporary Speaker)
Hon. Senators, please resume your seats so that we can take the results. Hon. Senators, these are the results of the Divisions that we have just taken for the Bills that are listed under Order No.8 to Order No.14. I will read them in that sequence.
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 50 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
(Question that, the Houses of Parliament (Bicameral Relations) Bill (National Assembly Bills No.44 of 2023), be now read a Third Time, put and the Senate proceeded to vote by County Delegations)
: Sen. Abass Sheikh Mohamed, Wajir County; Sen. Abdul Haji, Garissa County; Sen. Ali Roba, Mandera County; Sen. Cherarkey, Nandi County; Sen. Cheruiyot, Kericho County; Sen. Chesang, Trans Nzoia County; Sen. Chute, Marsabit County; Sen. Dullo, Isiolo County; Sen. Faki, Mombasa County; Sen. Gataya Mo Fire, Tharaka Nithi County; Sen. Githuku, Lamu County; Sen. Joe Nyutu, Murang’a County; Sen. Kathuri, Meru County; Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale, Kakamega County; Sen. Kinyua, Laikipia County; Sen. Kisang, Elgeyo Marakwet County; Sen. Lomenen, Turkana County; Sen. M. Kajwang’, Homa Bay County; . Mandago, Uasin Gishu County; Sen. Mbugua, Nyandarua County; Sen. Munyi Mundigi, Embu County; Sen. Oketch Gicheru, Migori County; Sen. Olekina, Narok County; Sen. Onyonka, Kisii County; Sen. Osotsi, Vihiga County; Sen. Wafula, Bungoma County; Sen. Wakili Sigei, Bomet County; Sen. Wambua, Kitui County.
Sen. Veronica Maina
(The Temporary Speaker)
The results are as follows -
: 28
: 0
: 0 The “Ayes” have it.
(Question carried by 28 votes to Nil)
(The Bill was accordingly read a Third Time and passed)
(Question that, the Fire and Rescue Services Professionals Bill (Senate Bills No.55 of 2023), be now read a Third Time, put and the Senate proceeded to vote by County Delegations)
: Sen. Abass, Wajir County; Sen. Abdul Haji, Garissa County; Sen. Ali Roba, Mandera County; Sen. Cherarkey, Nandi County; Sen. Cheruiyot, Kericho County; Sen. Chesang, Trans Nzoia County; Sen. Dullo, Isiolo County; Sen. Faki, Mombasa County; Sen. Gataya Mo Fire, Tharaka Nithi County; Sen. Githuku, Lamu County; Sen. Joe Nyutu, Murang’a County; Sen. Kathuri, Meru County; Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale, The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 51 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
Kakamega County; Sen. Kinyua, Laikipia County; Sen. Kisang, Elgeyo Marakwet County; Sen. Lomenen, Turkana County; Sen. M. Kajwang’, Homa Bay County; Sen. Mandago, Uasin Gishu County; Sen. Mbugua, Nyandarua County; Sen. Munyi Mundigi, Embu County; Sen. Oketch Gicheru, Migori County; Sen. Olekina, Narok County; Sen. Onyonka, Kisii County; Sen. Osotsi, Vihiga County; Sen. Wafula, Bungoma County; Sen. Wakili Sigei, Bomet County; and, Sen. Wambua, Kitui County.
Sen. Veronica Maina
(The Temporary Speaker)
These are the results of the Fire and Rescue Services Professional Bill (Senate Bills No.55 of 2023) -
: 27
: 0
: 0 The “Ayes” have it.
(Question carried by 27 votes to Nil)
(The Bill was accordingly read a Third Time and passed)
(Question that, Public Transport (Motorcycle Regulation) Bill (Senate Bills No.38 of 2023), be now read a Third Time, put and the Senate proceeded to vote by County Delegations)
: Sen. Abass, Wajir County; Sen. Abdul Haji, Garissa County; Sen. Ali Roba, Mandera County; Sen. Cherarkey, Nandi County; Sen. Cheruiyot, Kericho County; Sen. Chesang, Trans Nzoia County; Sen. Dullo, Isiolo County; Sen. Faki, Mombasa County; Sen. Gataya Mo Fire, Tharaka Nithi County; Sen. Githuku, Lamu County; Sen. Joe Nyutu, Murang’a County; Sen. Kathuri, Meru County; Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale, Kakamega County; Sen. Kinyua, Laikipia County; Sen. Kisang, Elgeyo Marakwet County; Sen. Lomenen, Turkana County; Sen. M. Kajwang’, Homa Bay County; Sen. Mandago, Uasin Gishu County; Sen. Mbugua, Nyandarua County; Sen. Munyi Mundigi, Embu County; Sen. Oketch Gicheru, Migori County; Sen. Olekina, Narok County; Sen. Onyonka, Kisii County; Sen. Osotsi, Vihiga County; Sen. Wafula, Bungoma County; Sen. Wakili Sigei, Bomet County; Sen. Wambua, Kitui County.
Sen. Veronica Maina
(The Temporary Speaker)
These are the results of the Public Transport (Motorcycle Regulation) Bill (Senate Bills No. 38 of 2023) -
: 27
: 0 The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 52 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
: 0 The “Ayes” have it.
(Question carried by 27 votes to Nil)
(The Bill was accordingly read a Third Time and passed)
(Question, that the Public Finance Management (Amendment) Bill (Senate Bills No. 40 of 2023) be read a Third Time put and the Senate proceeded to vote by County Delegations)
Sen. Abass, Wajir County; Sen. Abdul Haji, Garissa County; Sen. Ali Roba, Mandera County; Sen. Cherarkey, Nandi County; Sen. Cheruiyot, Kericho County; Sen. Chesang, Trans Nzoia County; Sen. Chute, Marsabit County; Sen. Dullo, Isiolo County; Sen. Faki, Mombasa County; Sen. Gataya Mo Fire, Tharaka Nithi County; Sen. Githuku, Lamu County; Sen. Joe Nyutu, Murangá County; Sen. Kisang’, Elgeyo Marakwet County; Sen. Kinyua, Laikipia County; Sen. Lomenen, Turkana County; Sen. M. Kajwang’, Homa Bay County; Sen. Kathuri, Meru County; Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale, Kakamega County; Sen. Mandago, Uasin Gishu County; Sen. Mbugua, Nyandarua County; Sen. Munyi Mundigi, Embu County; Sen. Oketch Gicheru, Migori County; Sen. Olekina, Narok County; Sen. Onyonka, Kisii County; Sen. Osotsi, Vihiga County; Sen. Wafula, Bungoma County; Sen. Wakili Sigei, Bomet County; and, Sen. Wambua, Kitui County.
Sen. Veronica Maina
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Hon. Senators, the results are as follows-
0 The “Ayes” have it.
(Question carried by 28 votes to Nil)
(The Bill was accordingly read a Third Time and passed)
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 53 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
(Question, that the Intergovernmental Relations (Amendment) Bill (Senate Bills No. 12 of2024) be read a Third Time put and the Senate proceeded to vote by County Delegations)
Sen. Abass, Wajir County; Sen. Abdul Haji, Garissa County; Sen. Ali Roba, Mandera County; Sen. Cherarkey, Nandi County; Sen. Cheruiyot, Kericho County; Sen. Chesang, Trans Nzoia County; Sen. Chute, Marsabit County; Sen. Dullo, Isiolo County; Sen. Faki, Mombasa County; Sen. Gataya Mo Fire, Tharaka Nithi County; Sen. Githuku, Lamu County; Sen. Joe Nyutu, Murangá County; Sen. Kisang’, Elgeyo Marakwet County; Sen. Kinyua, Laikipia County; Sen. Lomenen, Turkana County; Sen. M. Kajwang’, Homa Bay County; Sen. Kathuri, Meru County; Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale, Kakamega County; Sen. Mandago, Uasin Gishu County; Sen. Mbugua, Nyandarua County; Sen. Munyi Mundigi, Embu County; Sen. Oketch Gicheru, Migori County; Sen. Olekina, Narok County; Sen. Onyonka, Kisii County; Sen. Osotsi, Vihiga County; Sen. Wafula, Bungoma County; Sen. Wakili Sigei, Bomet County; and, Sen. Wambua, Kitui County.
Sen. Veronica Maina
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Hon. Senators, the results are as follows-
0 The “Ayes” have it.
(Question carried by 28 votes to Nil)
(The Bill was accordingly read a Third Time and passed)
(Question, that the Political Parties (Amendment) (No.2) Bill (Senate Bills No. 26 of 2024) be read a Third Time put and the Senate proceeded to vote by County Delegations)
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 54 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
Sen. Abass, Wajir County; Sen. Abdul Haji, Garissa County; Sen. Ali Roba, Mandera County; Sen. Cherarkey, Nandi County; Sen. Cheruiyot, Kericho County; Sen. Chesang, Trans Nzoia County; Sen. Chute, Marsabit County; Sen. Dullo, Isiolo County; Sen. Faki, Mombasa County; Sen. Gataya Mo Fire, Tharaka Nithi County; Sen. Githuku, Lamu County; Sen. Joe Nyutu, Murangá County; Sen. Kisang, Elgeyo Marakwet County; Sen. Kinyua, Laikipia County; Sen. Lomenen, Turkana County; Sen. M. Kajwang’, Homa Bay County; Sen. Kathuri, Meru County; Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale, Kakamega County; Sen. Mandago, Uasin Gishu County; Sen. Mbugua, Nyandarua County; Sen. Munyi Mundigi, Embu County; Sen. Oketch Gicheru, Migori County; Sen. Olekina, Narok County; Sen. Onyonka, Kisii County; Sen. Osotsi, Vihiga County; Sen. Wafula, Bungoma County; Sen. Wakili Sigei, Bomet County; and, Sen. Wambua, Kitui County.
Sen. Veronica Maina
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Hon. Senators, the results are as follows:
0 The “Ayes” have it.
(Question carried by 28 votes to Nil)
(The Bill was accordingly read a Third Time and passed)
(Question, that the Elections (Amendment) (No.2) Bill (Senate Bills No. 29 of 2024) be read a Third Time put and the Senate proceeded to vote by County Delegations)
Sen. Abass, Wajir County; Sen. Abdul Haji, Garissa County; Sen. Ali Roba, Mandera County; Sen. Cherarkey, Nandi County; Sen. Cheruiyot, Kericho County; Sen. Chesang, Trans Nzoia County; Sen. Chute, Marsabit County; Sen. Dullo, Isiolo County; Sen. Faki, Mombasa County; Sen. Gataya Mo Fire, Tharaka Nithi County; Sen. Githuku, Lamu County; Sen. Joe Nyutu, Murangá County; Sen. Kisang’, Elgeyo Marakwet County; Sen. Kinyua, Laikipia County; Sen. Lomenen, Turkana County; Sen. M. Kajwang’, Homa Bay County; Sen. Kathuri, Meru County; Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale, Kakamega County; Sen. Mandago, Uasin Gishu County; Sen. Mbugua, Nyandarua County; Sen. Munyi Mundigi, Embu County; Sen. Oketch Gicheru, Migori County; Sen. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 55 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
Olekina, Narok County; Sen. Onyonka, Kisii County; Sen. Osotsi, Vihiga County; Sen. Wafula, Bungoma County; Sen. Wakili Sigei, Bomet County; and, Sen. Wambua, Kitui County.
Sen. Veronica Maina
(The Temporary Chairperson)
Hon. Senators, the results are as follows-
0 The “Ayes” have it.
(Question carried by 28 votes to Nil)
(The Bill was accordingly read a Third Time and passed)
Sen. Veronica Maina
(The Temporary Speaker)
Please call out the next Order. Serjeant-at-Arms, you may unlock the doors and draw the Bars.
(The Bars were drawn and Doors opened)
Sen. Veronica Maina
(The Temporary Speaker)
We call the Senate Majority Leader to move the Motion on adjournment. Hon. Senators, please wait for the Majority Leader to move the formal Motion for the adjournment of the House. We have re-organized the Order Paper to call out Order No. 32.
(Several Senators stood up in their seats)
Sen. Veronica Maina
(The Temporary Speaker)
Hon. Senators, it will be in good order if you can resume your seats and we formally adjourn the House. The Senate Majority Leader, you better take the stand and move to Order No. 32.
Aaron Kipkirui Cheruiyot
(The Senate Majority Leader)
Madam Temporary Speaker, I rise to move the following Motion, the adjournment of the Senate. THAT, pursuant to Standing Order No.31(3), the Senate do adjourn until Tuesday, 11th February, 2025. It gives me great pleasure to do this. I appreciate all the hon. Senators who have worked extremely hard during this session to make sure that we have had a fantastic session of the Senate. We have debated and handled matters of grave national importance The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 56 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
Aaron Kipkirui Cheruiyot
(The Senate Majority Leader)
with such decorum and admiration that made many citizens appreciate the wisdom that brings together this House. Madam Temporary Speaker, we have considered many Bills that are people- centric and institution-sensitive like the Bill to give autonomy to county assemblies and which is now before the National Assembly. We have handled the Tea (Amendment) Bill, Coffee and Sugar Bills for our farmers. There is so much we have done that today, as I retire to bed, I retire a proud Majority Leader; appreciating all the 67 of us for the diligence and industry we have showcased in the last few months in working and earning deservedly the right to be truly called honourable. We have ensured that we stand up for devolution. I am extremely proud that despite the very tight fiscal space we find ourselves in, this House first fought for Kshs400 billion to be sent to our county governments. Unfortunately, as per the dictates of Article 219, it is not only in our space alone as a Senate to determine this, but also, we have to do it jointly with the National Assembly. Therefore, we pushed and pulled until eventually we settled at Kshs387 billion, which is Kshs12.7 billion less than what we had anticipated. Madam Temporary Speaker, we live in this country, and know how difficult a season we find ourselves in, in the fiscal space of this republic. Therefore, I am still proud that we have pushed that amount of money. Now, duty goes to the governors, who have to show Kshs387.5 worth of development, in all our 47 county governments, Madam Temporary Speaker. Yesterday I had a conversation with the Cabinet Secretary for the National Treasury and Economic Planning, and he informs me that the National Treasury has disbursed all the shareable revenue that is due to county governments, to all the 47 county governments up to October. There are some that have even received for the month of November. Madam Temporary Speaker, I do not think in our history we have worked that close, to being on a month-by-month disbursement. Notably, this is being done despite all the challenges that this country is going through to show the commitment and dedication of this administration, in ensuring that devolution succeeds. I am also informed that there is Kshs60 billion, that is at the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) in the County Revenue Fund (CRF) account of all our 47 governments, consisting of different amounts for different counties, money that would otherwise have been used. I would like to urge the governors, that, before you break for Christmas, please make sure that you use up the Kshs60 billion that is before the CBK, belonging to various county governments at various stages. I have also seen a report this afternoon that the Controller of Budget is alleging that there are about 10 counties that have spent zero on development expenditure in the last few months. I will await to read that report to probably understand and put it to context. I have also seen a rejoinder from the Council of Governors. We live in the age of fake news; therefore, I would not wish to react quickly. However, I want to challenge the Controller of Budget that this House has raised grave concerns with operations of that particular office. It is my sincere hope that before we return from recess, that the Speaker will actually convince us into a meeting and a mediation among the Council of The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 57 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
Aaron Kipkirui Cheruiyot
(The Senate Majority Leader)
Governors, the Senate and the Control of Budget with regards to the success of devolution. That meeting is long overdue because we have serious issues that we need to be addressed. We hope that can be presented in a proper meeting where as adults we can face each other if there are legislative gaps that need to be filled up. When I said this earlier, Madam (Dr.) Margaret Nyakang’o reached out to me and shared her thoughts on it and said it is not just her office alone. That, you need to bring in CBK and so many other institutions that need to resolve that issue, particularly on the decentralization of services so that we do not have 47 County Executive Committee Members (CECMs) trooping to Nairobi with papers waiting for approval. Therefore, Madam Temporary Speaker, I would like to challenge Sen. Roba and the Members of the Senate Standing Committee on Budget and Finance Committee that, they need to lead us in that particular discussion. There are many things that I could say. Lastly, I would like to celebrate the industry that I have seen in this House the last two days where we have legislated. Apart from debate, many people do not know that there is actually lawmaking that goes on where you debate, you remove certain clauses and agree to certain amendments. That has been happening in this House. Madam Temporary Speaker, I thank all the Senators that have participated in the last few days in ensuring that this comes to pass. With all those remarks, I want to wish Senators, members of staff, and the people that work around the clock to ensure that this institution succeeds a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year, just in case we do not meet. However, you never know. I have moved adjournment Motions before and gone on to celebrate my holiday together with family and friends, only to be recalled when duty calls. So be on standby; Sen. Githuku, and Sen. Faki, please be on standby because you never know. I also wish the Senators and Members of Parliament who are participating in the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) Games well, as they troop to Mombasa tomorrow. Bring as much glory to the country as possible, interact, widen and deepen integration with regards to the East African Legislative Assembly Games and so many things that we need to do. Madam Temporary Speaker, with those many remarks, I beg to move and request the Senator for Migori, Sen. Eddy Okech Gicheru, to second this Motion.
Sen. Oketch Gicheru
Madam Temporary Speaker, it is an honour indeed to second this Motion, which indeed I second. I second it because this has been a very tough year, in so many ways. In the middle of the year, we could not reflect on whether the last part of the year and where we could be heading towards the end of this year could go the way it has gone. Let me just join in the voice of the Senate Majority Leader to congratulate all the Members of the Senate for standing up to several things in this country. First, when the country was faced with many challenges and could not figure out some stability, the Senate stepped up and gave the country some hope. I get a lot of feedback from different institutions, both of government, corporate, and civil society, that the Senate stands as a very serious House of hope, and not just The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
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Sen. Oketch Gicheru
hope, but also a place where they see as a place of getting recourse when the country is facing a lot of challenges. Secondly, let me also take this chance to thank the leadership of the House starting from the Speaker and also the Speaker's Panel. This also goes to the Senate Business Committee (SBC) which helps us figure out our business every day. We have tried to prioritize several issues that we have canvassed through that have made a lot of impact in terms of the lives of our people. This is exemplified indeed by what happened between yesterday and today, where we have managed, to the surprise of many, to mobilize all Senators to pass the County Allocation of Revenue Act (CARA). We passed the Division of Revenue Act (DoRA) at the right time. The Cash Disbursement Schedule was also passed at the right time and all the Bills that have been passed here. This could not have been possible without the leadership of the House, starting from the Speaker, going to the Senate Majority and Minority Leaders, the Senate Deputy Majority and Deputy Minority Leaders, and the Senate Majority and Minority Whips. On my side, my leadership has been very amazing in terms of just making sure that we can make sense of our duty under Article 96 of our Constitution. I want to appreciate specifically the Senate Minority Leader, Sen. Steward Madzayo; my Whip, Sen. Ledama Olekina; my Deputy Minority Leader, Sen. Wambua, as well as Sen. Sifuna, for the leadership that they have given us to make sure that we can make sense of everything. I do not want to say much because I know that one or two Senators might want to say one or two, three things, but there is one thing that the Senate Minority Whip brought to this House, and even as we go on recess, I wanted us to not lose sight of it. I wanted to beg the Senate Majority Leader to provide leadership on this issue of pending bills. Even though we have passed some very essential Bills in this House, the issue of pending bills is tantamount to what the Senate Majority Leader has talked about, absorption rates of development money in counties. I checked the report, and in my county, in the last quarter, what the County Assembly had passed as a target for development was 36 per cent. In the report that has just come out from the Controller of Budget (CoB), we have 22 per cent that was used in development. That is even lower than the required 30 per cent. I think this is happening because of the accumulation of serious pending bills. For instance, in Migori County, we have Kshs1.5 billion pending bills, and Kshs1 billion was accrued in the last financial year. Madam Temporary Speaker, therefore, this House must stand on the interpretation of Article 228 (5). As a Senate, we should go to the Supreme Court to get a judicial review to make sure that we have the Controller of Budget (COB) indeed controlling the budgets of our counties. Without that interpretation, we are going to continue having serious, skyrocketing pending bills that we might never be able to deal with. If you were to seek a recourse on Article 225, where the Cabinet Secretary is be able to stop some funds going to counties, you cannot do it without the COB taking control of overseeing the implementation of budgets in our counties. I urge Senators not lose sight of this one thing. The Minority Whip raised it, but we have not taken it seriously. If we do not address it, pending bills is going to be a growing concern that will The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
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Sen. Oketch Gicheru
make the viability of our counties completely not possible. That is the only thing I have to say. I also want to wish well all my fellow Senators. I wish them a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, but most importantly, enjoy your time in Mombasa. Make sure that you get fitter. Sen. Cherarkey, make sure you help us in whatever sport that you are taking. I do not know whether you are playing a sport called Ajua. Whatever sport that you are taking, make sure that the country wins. Madam Temporary Speaker, with those few remarks, I second. Thank you.
Sen. Veronica Maina
(The Temporary Speaker)
Thank you, Sen. Eddy.
(Question proposed)
Sen. Veronica Maina
(The Temporary Speaker)
Hon. Senators, I have requests from Senators who wish to contribute to this Motion. I would propose that we agree because we have very few minutes and there are four Senators who would wish to contribute on the Motion. Can we do that in the few minutes?
(Sen. Cheruiyot spoke off record)
Sen. Veronica Maina
(The Temporary Speaker)
You can take one minute each. Sen. Cherarkey and Sen. Faki, you have one minute each and we call it a day.
(Sen. Olekina spoke off record)
Sen. Veronica Maina
(The Temporary Speaker)
You will get the one minute if we have consensus on that.
Cherarkey K Samson
Madam Temporary Speaker, I join you and colleagues to wish all our colleagues all the best in this season. This session has been challenging, especially with the Generation Z demonstrations. We have had several impeachments. I am happy that this House has withstood against the challenges. As we go to recess, there are many things that we should reflect on. Kenyans should know that even if we are on recess on Plenary, other functionality of the Houses including visitations by various Senators in their counties and Committees is ongoing. I wish our teams that are going to EALA games in Mombasa all the best. As we come back, we should think about possibility of ensuring that we pass and reconstitute the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) because there are many Kenyans who do not have representation in Parliament. We need to think about reconstitution of the IEBC moving into the future and any other legislative intervention and call upon the three hundred and---.
Sen. Veronica Maina
(The Temporary Speaker)
Thank you. Your time is up. Sen. Mwinyihaji Faki, proceed.
Mohamed Faki Mwinyihaji
Asante Bi. Spika wa Muda kwa kunipa fursa hii kuunga mkono Hoja ya Kiongozi wa Wengi kuhusu kuahirishwa kwa Bunge hili kwa msimu wa Krisimasi na Mwaka Mpya. Ni kweli kwamba tumefanya kazi nyingi mwaka huu na kulikuwa na mambo mengi ikiwamo mzozo wa Generation Z waliongia katika Bunge letu. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 60 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
Mohamed Faki Mwinyihaji
Cha msingi ni kwamba, ijapokuwa Seneti inafanya kazi yake, kuna mambo yanayofanyika yanayozidi kurejesha nyuma ugatuzi, kwa mfano, utendakazi wa serikali zetu za kaunti. Kuna malimbukizi ya madeni kila mwaka yanayosababisha hasara kwa kaunti zetu. Ikiwa kwa mwaka kaunti zinashindwa kulipa madeni na kuongeza mengine, ina maana kwamba yataendelea kuongezeka. Bi. Spika wa Muda, nachukua fursa hii pia kuwakaribisha nyote na Wabunge wote wa Jumuiya ya Afrika Mashariki katika Kaunti ya Mombasa kwa michezo ya---
Sen. Veronica Maina
(The Temporary Speaker)
Give him half a minute.
Mohamed Faki Mwinyihaji
Mheshimiwa yeyote ambaye pengine atakuwa ametumia pesa na kumaliza, mimi niko Mombasa. Nitahakikisha kwamba nimemlipia nauli ya treni ili arudi nyumbani.
Mohamed Faki Mwinyihaji
The Temporary Speaker (
Sen. Veronica Maina): Let us have Sen. Ledama then we close with Sen. Munyi Mundigi. You have one minute each.
Ledama Olekina
Madam Temporary Speaker. Let me reiterate what my dear colleague, the Senator for Migori, Eddy, a Yale University graduate, has said. If we do not deal with this issue of pending bills, we are going to be wasting our time. We are going to be digging a bigger hole. The Controller of Budget (CoB) made a statement that certain counties have been rated high in terms of absorption of their development expenditure. However, if you go to those counties, because we sit in the County Public Accounts Committee (CPAC) and County Public Investments and Special Funds Committee (CPIC), you will realise that the amount of pending bills is huge. It is something that will bring this country to a halt.
Ledama Olekina
People have killed themselves. Let us make it a priority in the next coming session that we follow the implementation. That is why I keep on insisting that we need an implementation committee to follow through.
Ledama Olekina
Very soon, you will find contractors attacking properties owned by the Government if these pending bills are not paid. So, it is imperative that we all work together to make sure that we maintain a fiduciary responsibility.
Ledama Olekina
Finally, on the issue of extending, widening, and deepening our relations, I pray that when we go to Mombasa, we make it a reality to widen. I know my good friend---
Sen. Veronica Maina
(The Temporary Speaker)
Your time is up. Sen. Mundigi, you have the Floor. You have one minute only.
Sen. Munyi Mundigi
Bi. Spika wa Muda, naunga mkono kuwa twende likizo kwa msimu huu wa Krismasi. Katika msimu huu, naomba sisi Maseneta 67 tuombee nchi yetu ya Kenya na kaunti zetu.
Sen. Munyi Mundigi
Nami pia naunga mkono yaliyosemwa na Kiongozi wa Wengi. Mwaka ujao, naomba tuwe na mkutano wa magavana, Maseneta na maafisa wa Hazina ya Kitaifa tusemezane ili kuona jinsi tutabadilisha uchumi wa kaunti zetu. Pesa wanazopewa magavana wanafaa kuzitumia kwa njia inayofaa.
Sen. Munyi Mundigi
Mwisho, naomba nigusie swala la Wabunge kuleta shida wakati tunapotaka kusaidia kaunti zetu. Mwaka ujao, sisi kama Maseneta hatutakubali jinsi ilivyofanyika mwaka huu. Tuna imani kwamba mwaka ujao uchumi utaimarika. Kwa hivyo kaunti zetu zipewe pesa kulingana na vile tutakavyoidhinisha. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
- Page 61 of Thursday, 5th December, 2024 At 2.30 P.m.
Sen. Veronica Maina
(The Temporary Speaker)
Hon. Senators, I will give the Senate Majority Leader a minute to reply to this Motion. Apologies for that. We have extended the time for the sitting today under Standing Order No.34(2A) to allow the Senate Majority Leader to reply.
The Senate Majority Leader (S
en. Cheruiyot): Madam Temporary Speaker, I want to appreciate the four Senators who have spoken to this Motion. There is something that maybe I forgot or probably did not bring out clearly in my appreciation to the Senators for working hard. It is the industry of our secretariat as well, led by our Clerk, together with all the members of staff who work with us to make this Senate what it is. We send our deepest appreciation for all that they do to make us who we are.
The Senate Majority Leader (S
We appreciate and we shall recognise them as it is supposed to be, and not the way Sen. Faki wants to do for us in Mombasa when we get stuck.
The Senate Majority Leader (S
With those many remarks, Madam Temporary Speaker, I beg to reply.
Sen. Veronica Maina
(The Temporary Speaker)
Thank you very much, Senate Majority Leader. You have also done a good job throughout the session and we appreciate your effort together with the Senate Minority Leader.
Sen. Veronica Maina
(The Temporary Speaker)
Hon. Senators, it is now 6.34 p.m. Having concluded the business for which I extended the hours of sitting pursuant to Standing Order No.34(2A), the Senate stands adjourned until Tuesday, 11th February, 2025, at 2.30 p.m.
Sen. Veronica Maina
(The Temporary Speaker)
The Senate rose at 6.34 p.m. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
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