Clerk, do we have quorum?
Serjeant-at-Arms, kindly, ring the quorum Bell for 10 minutes.
Serjeant-at-Arms, I am informed that we now have quorum. You may stop the Bell. Order, hon. Senators. Let us now---
Order, Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale and Sen. Veronica Maina. Clerk, proceed to call out the first Order.
Order, Sen. Mbugua.
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
Hon. Senators, I have this communication regarding the demise of Sen. William Kipkiror Cheptumo, CBS, MP.
Can you occupy the first seats there where you are standing, Senator for Kwale County? Hon. Senators, it is with deep sorrow that I notify you of the untimely demise of Sen. Cheptumo, Senator for Baringo County. Sen. Cheptumo, MP, passed away on Sunday, 16th February, 2025, while undergoing treatment at The Nairobi Hospital. The late Sen. William Kipkiror Cheptumo, was born on 25th December, 1967 in Baringo County. The late Sen. Cheptumo pursued his primary education at Maregut Primary School in Baringo County. He later obtained his “O” and “A” levels certificates at Bartolimo Secondary and Kabarnet High Schools respectively. The Senator later joined the University of Nairobi to pursue a Bachelor of Law degree which he attained in 1991. He also undertook his Postgraduate Diploma in Law from the Kenya School of Law (KSL) in Nairobi and completed in 1992.
Hon. Senators, can you have your seats quickly? It is only that we are grieving our departed colleagues, otherwise, I would not have given them that privilege. Hon. Senators, the late Sen. Cheptumo joined elective politics in 2007, as the Member of Parliament for Baringo North Constituency. He served in that capacity until August, 2022 when he joined the Senate. During this time, the late Senator served as Assistant Minister in the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs between 2008 and 2013. In the 11th Parliament, he served in various Select Committees including Chairperson of the Committee on Delegated Legislation, Member of the Departmental Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs and the House Business Committee. He also served as a Member of the Parliamentary Pensions Management Committee in the National Assembly. In the 12th Parliament, the late Sen. Cheptumo served as Chairperson of the Departmental Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs in the National Assembly until the ensuing General Elections in August, 2022. Hon. Senators, in the aforementioned general elections, the late Senator clinched the Baringo County senatorial seat under the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) ticket, a position he held until his demise. During his time in the Senate, he served as the Chairperson of the Standing Committee on National Security, Defence and Foreign Relations. The Senator also served The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
as a Member of the Liaison Committee, Justice, Legal Affairs and Human Rights Committee, Land, Environment and Natural Resources and the Ad-Hoc Committee on the proliferation of religious organizations and the circumstances leading to the deaths of more than 95 people in Shakahola, Kilifi County. Senators, take your seats.
Take the nearest seat. Sen. Kisang’. You do not need to climb the mountain or the hill. Hon. Senators, in Committee work, particularly as Chairperson of the Standing Committee on National Security, Defence and Foreign Relations, Sen. Cheptumo exhibited great zeal and passion while dealing with matters relating to insecurity in the North Rift, the welfare of the National Police Service (NPS) officers including medical cover for serving officers and disaster management and mitigation across the country. He was also passionate about the plight of marginalised communities where he championed their cause in his parliamentary work. Hon. Senators, despite his many accomplishments and remarkable political career spanning approximately 17 years, the late Senator remained humble and approachable. His legacy is one of service, compassion and true statesmanship. Throughout his political journey, Sen. Cheptumo strived to bridge differences between communities which is evidenced by his dedication to bring peace in the North Rift and end the scourge of cattle rustling. He took up his legislative responsibilities with unmatched zeal, humility and selflessly articulated the interests of the people of Baringo County and Kenyans at large. He firmly believed in the promise of devolution and used every opportunity to advance its cause, particularly through his vibrant and insightful contributions to Bills, Motions and other business of the Senate. Hon. Senators, it is hard to believe that just a few days ago, even while recuperating, the late Senator took some time via his official Facebook page, to wish Rt. Hon. Raila Odinga success in the just concluded elections for the Chairperson of the African Union Commission (AUC). This showcases his selflessness and commitment to the affairs of the country and the African continent at large. His death is indeed a big loss to the wider parliamentary fraternity and the Senate in particular. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends at this most difficult time. A condolence book has been opened at the Senate reception, Main Parliament Buildings, for Hon. Senators, Members of the National Assembly and parliamentary staff to commiserate with the family of the late Senator. Hon. Senators, on behalf of the Senate and on my own behalf, I extend my heartfelt condolences to the family of the late Sen. William Kipkiror Cheptumo, CBS, MP, as well as to his constituents in Baringo County, in this incredibly difficult time. The Parliament of Kenya has lost a truly dedicated, selfless and hardworking legislator. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
In honour of our departed colleague, I request that we all stand and observe a minute of silence.
May the soul of the late Sen. William Kipkiror Cheptumo, CBS, MP, rest in eternal peace. Hon. Senators, as you will note, at Order No. 6 in the Supplementary Order Paper, the Senate Majority Leader will issue a Notice of Motion of Condolence in honour of our departed colleague. The substantive Motion for debate has been listed at Order No. 8. Accordingly, I shall not allow any comment after the Communication. Senators who wish to remember the late Sen. Cheptumo will be given an opportunity after the question is proposed at Order No. 8. I thank you. Hon. Senators, I have another Communication to make.
May the soul of the late Hon. Malulu Injendi, MP, rest in eternal peace. Since we have no Motion on this, I will open up the Floor to maybe five Members from this side and five from the other side, so that we can condole with the family of our departed colleague. Let me start with the Senate Majority Leader, or Leader of the Majority Party.
Thank you, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. I join you in passing a word of condolence on behalf of the people of Kericho County and all the friends of our departed colleague, the Hon. Malulu Injendi and sharing in the sorrow alongside the people of Malava in Kakamega County, his family and friends. I know the Hon. Malulu Injendi quite well. Last year, in mid of the year, he hosted yours truly alongside other legislators at his rural home in Malava. We had a good time together with him and his family and proceeded to do a funds drive for women in his constituency. I was particularly impressed with the kind of connection he had with his constituents especially for a Member serving his third term. It was something quite worthy to marvel at. As you know, as you stay longer with voters, sometimes that touch disappears. However, he had such a good connection. There is an affectionate name, which sadly I cannot recall. Unfortunately, Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale was not at that function and probably he may not remember. There is a name that they kept on referring to him and he responded to quite well. I admired that about a legislator. There is something particularly good about legislators or Members of Parliament (MPs), who stay in touch with their people, even as they serve for many terms. Therefore, I want to pass my personal condolences to his family, constituents and friends. It is sad to lose such a young devout legislator, whose work you have shared with us. I hope that as a Parliament, we can accord him a decent send-off and continue to carry on the good work that he was doing for his constituents, particularly in the sugar sub- sector, where I know he was extremely passionate. Consequently, when we did the Sugar Bill in the last session, he took time to personally engage me on things that were in that particular Bill that he felt should either be included or excluded. I hope in honouring his legacy, we shall ensure that sector continues to thrive. I thank you.
Sen. Madzayo.
Asante, Bw. Naibu Spika. Kwanza, nataka kutoa rambi rambi zangu za dhati kwa familia iliyopoteza Mhe. Injendi ambaye ni Mbunge wa Kitaifa wa eneo Bunge la Malava. Jambo la kusikitisha ni kwamba Mheshimiwa alikuwa kijana sana na amepoteza maisha yake akiwa anawatumikia watu wake wa Malava. Hili ni jambo la kusikitisha, kwamba kwa wakati na muda huu tumepoteza Seneta na vile vile tumempoteza Mbunge wa Kitaifa. Hili ni jambo la kusikitisha na ambalo si la kufurahisha. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
Vile vile ni kwamba, hawa wote ambao hivi sasa wanaomboleza ni kwamba wanaomboleza hisia ya familia zao, jinsi waliweza kumpenda marehemu na hatimaye Mwenyezi Mungu alimpenda zaidi. Sisi hatuna la kusema ila tu ni kumwombea Mwenyezi Mungu aiweke roho ya marehemu Injendi mahali ambapo amelela wema. Asante.
The Senator representing Kakamega County.
Thank you, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. It is hard for the people of Kakamega and especially Malava Constituency to accept the passing on of this humble man; a gentle man. He is a man who I cannot recollect when he ever clashed with anybody. I want to use this opportunity to celebrate him and to encourage his five sons, that the example the father has left is indeed possible for them to outlive it. I also want to say pole to the wife who by coincidence is the daughter of my aunt. The people of Malava have been lucky for so long. When the late Angatia was their MP, he was a very humble man. When Peter Soita Shitanda took over, he was equally very humble. Finally, there goes Malulu who, again, was a very humble man. I want to appeal to Parliament that we immortalize Hon. Malulu Injendi by giving the village elders the dream of earning a salary. This is as envisioned by Malulu Injendi when he moved the Bill that is going through the due process. Hon. Malulu Injendi did so much together with Hon. Emmanuel Wangwe. They did so much for the new order in the sugar industry. I want to use this opportunity to appeal to the Government to ensure that this Bill is implemented to the letter. They need to speed up the regulations to accompany it and to get rid of cartels in the sugar industry, which is the reason we are not doing well. I would like to appeal to the people of Malava, now that the President has given us Shamberere National Polytechnic, they need to think of how they can leave a mark of his name in that institution. This is because Hon. Malulu and I disturbed the President so much before he gave us that institution. Finally, let us also remember where we have come from. We fought to form to this Government. When I see a few careless people wanting to bring division within this Government, I do not like it. Therefore, even if we have offended each other, let us come back, so that the sweat, blood and broken limbs that occasioned the birth of this Government can have a meaning. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I say this because we were in the home of Hon. Malulu Injendi when the police descended on us, teargassed us and beat us up. They went into Hon. Malulu Injendi’s house and teargassed him with his children. I saw Malulu, he was a tall dark guy with white mucus coming from his nose. This Government meant so many things. May this Government succeed in giving our people development.
Proceed, Sen. Osotsi.
Thank you, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. First of all, my family and I, and the people of Vihiga, the county that I represent, would like to send our sincere condolences to the family, friends and the entire Malava Constituency fraternity for having lost such a noble leader. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
You and I, and several Members here, including Sen. Kisang, Sen. Maanzo and Sen. Onyonka, served in the National Assembly together with the late Malulu. The late Hon. Malulu Injendi exemplified three important virtues; humility, simplicity and service to the people. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I remember that the late Malulu contributed so much to the development of legislation in the National Assembly. The issue of village elders being empowered is still pending. I think for the remembrance of the late Hon. Malulu, we need to fast-track that legislation so that the village elders, who play a very important role in our villages are able to receive some stipend from the national Government in the same way that the Community Health Promoters (CHPs) receive a stipend from both the county government and also the national Government. Hon. Malulu also played a big role in ensuring that we have a responsible social media. I remember very well when we were serving in the National Assembly Committee on ICT with Sen. Kisang here being the Chair, Hon. Malulu brought a legislative proposal to our Committee to ensure that we have a responsible and better use of social media. We looked at that, and that is what gave way to two very important legislations; the Data Protection Act and the Computer Misuse and Cybercrime Act. The gentleman we are mourning today has played a big role in the development of legislation in this country. When I heard about this death, I was shocked because in the early part of December, Hon. Malulu called me and told me: “Deputy Party Leader, I want to have a meeting with you”. I told him that I would create time to have a meeting. A week later again, he called me and said he wanted to have a meeting with me. I am very sorry that my friend has gone to Heaven without us having the meeting that he had requested. Indeed, in the Luhya Community, we have lost a strong leader, a leader who worked for the people and a leader who genuinely pursued people's interests, especially the sugar cane farmers in Butali, West Kenya, Mumias and all over the country. He played a big role in ensuring that the rights of the farmers were protected and he did that without any self-interest. You know what happens in the sugar industry; hon. Malulu was not the type. He did it for the service of the people of Malava Constituency, the people of Kakamega, the people of Western and the people of Kenya. Indeed, we have lost a great leader, and we wish to state that may the Almighty God rest his soul in eternal peace. Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. From the onset, on my behalf, my family and the great people of Nandi County, where we neighbour Kakamega County, where the late Hon. Malulu Injendi comes from; I want to pass my deepest condolences to the family, friends and colleagues, and the great people of Malava Constituency in Kakamega for losing such a humble and simple man. The trademark of Hon. Malulu Injendi was wearing a rosary. He was a staunch Catholic. He was a man who was very simple and respectful to all of us. I remember the last time we had an official function with Hon. Malulu Injendi was in AIC Kapcherok in The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
Elgeyo-Marakwet County. He was very jovial. He had a lot of wise words to tell us and the congregation and he was very respectful. I also met him a few weeks before he was admitted at the Health Club of Parliament and he looked jovial, he trained and he looked exciting. It is very sad that a few weeks ago, he had to be admitted in hospital. May the good Lord continue to give strength to his family. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, just in conclusion, I remember the words of Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale, when President William Ruto was campaigning to be the President, the only elected leader in Kakamega County who stood with President William Ruto was hon. Malulu Njendi. He was a true friend. When everybody else was being intimidated, blackmailed and coerced through the state brinkmanship, it was only hon. Malulu Injendi in the entire Kakamega County who stood with President William Ruto and he went ahead to be elected in the same party. I think out of tremendous respect for the people of Malava Constituency, we have an obligation to ensure that we fulfill the dreams of development in that constituency. You have heard that even the police went and tear-gassed him in his house. You remember when we went at one time to open his house which is palatial-like, he was a welcoming man. I like the Luhya tradition. When you become a big man, you build a big house and you marry many wives. Secondly and finally, is also we must implement the---
What about Sen. Dr. Khalwale?
Sen. (Dr.) Khalwale, of course, has a world gold medal on such matters. It goes without saying. Finally, on the issue of sugar reforms, I remember he was very instrumental in the Sugar Act that has been passed into law. Therefore, in honor of hon. Malulu Injendi, we must fully implement the Sugar Act and also give the village elders their remuneration and salaries in honour of hon. Malulu Injendi. The buck stops with the Ministry of National Treasury and Economic Planning. If we honor and respect the legacy of Hon. Malulu Injendi, let all village elders be given remuneration, salaries and emoluments. With those very many remarks, may the soul of our brother, colleague and friend, hon. Malulu Injendi, rest in eternal peace.
Let us get a confirmation from the Deputy Minority Whip whether he is building a big house, or maybe he is in the process. Sen. Sifuna, you may proceed.
Asante sana, Mstahiki Naibu Spika. Wakati kama huu sio wakati wa mzaha kwa sababu ni lazima tuwape wale ndugu zetu ambao wametuaga heshima yao. Ninataka niichukue fursa hii, kwa niaba yangu, haswa mimi kama kiongozi anayetoka kwa jamii ya Mulembe, na kwa niaba ya wakaazi wote wa Nairobi, pamoja na familia yangu, nitoe rambi rambi zangu kwa mwenda zake, Mhe. Malulu Injendi, Mbunge wa Malava. Ningependa habari hizo ziwafikie ndugu zangu wote katika Bunge la Kitaifa ambao walikuwa wanafanya kazi kwa karibu na Mhe. Malulu Injendi. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
Kwa muda mchache ambao mimi nilipata kujumuika naye, ninatoa ushuhuda ya kwamba alikuwa ni mtu mpole sana na hakuwa na shida na watu. Jambo hili ambalo limefanyika ni la kuvunja moyo sana lakini tunaomba kwamba yeye atapata kupumzika mahali pema na kwamba familia yake itapata kufarijika. Mimi nikiwa Katibu Mkuu wa Chama cha ODM, ninajua ya kwamba wakati mwingine tunapojiingiza katika siasa pale chini, huwa zinakuwa zimechacha kweli. Uchaguzi wa mwaka 2022 ulikuwa na dhoruba nzito sana ya wana-Azimio katika Kaunti ya Kakamega. Kati ya maeneo Bunge kumi na mbili katika Kakamega, Azimio waliweza kuzoa jumla ya viti kumi. Ni viti viwili tu; ile ya Shinyalu na hii ya Malava ya Mhe. Malulu Injendi ambayo wana-Kenya Kwanza waliweza kutubwaga. Inaashiria ya kwamba huyu jamaa alikuwa sio mchache ya kwamba, kwa muda huo wote ambao amewatumikia watu wake wa Kakamega, kweli walikuwa wanamuenzi. Kwa hivyo, kwa niaba yangu na kwa niaba ya Chama cha Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), makao makuu ya chama, kinara wangu, Mhe. Raila Amolo Odinga, na watu wa Nairobi, poleni sana kwa kumpoteza mpendwa wenu. Mungu aweze kumrehemu. Asante sana.
Proceed, Sen. Okenyuri.
Thank you, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, for this opportunity. I also wish to take this time to give my condolences for the loss of hon. Malulu Injendi. I had a first encounter with him at the Office of the Deputy President then when I was working in the Strategy and Delivery Office that was aimed at implementing the Technical Training Institute (TTI) idea which was aimed at equipping young people with technical skills. Hon. Malulu Injendi kept knocking doors to follow up on projects that were related to the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector. For that, I actually learned he had a strong passion in education. Little did I know he was a Member of the Education Committee in the National Assembly. Because of that, I am really sorry that we have lost one of us because I equally share a lot of interest in education. Secondly, hon. Malulu Injendi being elected to serve for a third time is a good example to young people aspiring for political leadership. For someone to be elected for a third time, it shows he was reachable and provided services to the people. Those are some of the attributes we should emulate. Finally, hon. Malulu Injendi was a fairly--- I always saw him with his rosary. That shows that he had a connection with his Maker. I know wherever he has gone is a safe place. May his soul rest in eternal peace.
Next is Sen. Kavindu.
Thank you, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, for giving me this opportunity to share my condolences to the hero who has left to be with the Lord. I did not know hon. Malulu at a personal level, but according to the eulogy that has just been read here, I have noticed that he was a dedicated Member of the National Assembly The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
and an important person in this country who defended his people and legislated for their well-being. Let me convey my heartfelt condolences to the family of hon. Malulu Injendi and the people of Malava Constituency and Kakamega County as a whole. I am doing so on my own behalf and on behalf of the people of Machakos. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, the word of God tells us in 2 Corinthians Chapter 5:8, that to be absent in the body is to be before the Lord. Therefore, we are sure that the fallen heroes are with the Lord right now. To the family, I want to condole with them with the scripture of Psalms 34:18, which says that the Lord is near to the brokenhearted and He saves them. May the soul of hon. Malulu Injendi rest in eternal peace.
Next is Sen. Kisang.
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, on behalf of myself, my family and the great people of Elgeyo-Marakwet County, I send my sincere condolences to the family of hon. Malulu Injendi of Malava Constituency in Kakamega, the National Assembly and Kenya at large. We came to Parliament together during the Eleventh Parliament with hon. Malulu. We were also here with him in the Twelfth Parliament and he came back for a third term as a Member of Parliament (MP) for Malava Constituency. In all the three terms that he served in Parliament, he was in different parties. It basically means that hon. Malulu Injendi was loved by his people. He was not elected because of a party. Sometimes we get elected because of some party wave. For him, it was because people loved him. As Sen. Osotsi said, in the Twelfth Parliament, when hon. Malulu came up with a Bill on digital issues, we sat down with him as a Committee because we had two Bills at that time; one on data protection and another one on computer misuse and cyber issues. We sat down and incorporated all the concerns he had and he accepted. If it were other Members, they would have wanted their own Bill to pass. However, he accepted and supported us. He was an active member of the Catholic Caucus in Parliament. We have been together from 2013 up to his demise yesterday. He was never ashamed of carrying the big cross all the time. Sometime some of us put our rosaries inside our shirts. For him, he used to display it all the time. I believe hon. Malulu Injendi has gone to be with the Lord in Heaven. He is one of the few who we are sure where they have gone. I pray that the Almighty Lord God comforts the family and give them peace, strength and comfort during this particular time. May his soul rest in eternal peace.
Last but not least, Sen. Okong’o Omogeni.
Bw. Naibu Spika, nilipokea kwa huzuni taarifa za kifo cha Mhe. Malulu Injendi aliyekuwa Mbunge wa Malava katika Kaunti ya Kakamega. Mwanzoni Mhe. Malulu alikuwa katika Hospitali ya Nairobi kisha baadaye akapelekwa katika Hospitali ya Aga Khan. Kwa kuwa alikuwa na afya nzuri, sikufikiri kwamba kifo chake kingetutembelea haraka jinsi ilivyofanyika. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
Kwa muda ambao nilimjua Mhe. Malulu Injendi, alikuwa mtu aliyependa kutumikia wakaazi wa eneo Bunge la Malava kwa dhati. Kwa hivyo, natuma pole zangu kwa familia yake, wakazi wa Malava, wale ambao alikuwa anashirikiana nao Bungeni, na taifa lote kwa jumla. Tunapopitia wakati huu wa majonzi, kile tunaweza kufanya ni kuomba na kuweka familia yake mikononi mwa Mwenyezi Mungu awafariji wakati huu mgumu wanaopitia. Tunawahakikishia kwamba sisi kama Bunge la Taifa, Seneti na Parliamentary ServiceCommission, tutashirikiana na familia kuhakikisha kwamba tunapunguza mzigo kwa familia. Tunatuma rambirambi zetu kwa watu wa Malava na Kaunti ya Kakamega. Tunawaombea Mwenyezi Mungu awe nao wakati huu wa majonzi.
Hon. Senators, those of you who will get a chance during the other Motion on Sen. Cheptumo, you will do it for both MPs. Clerk, let us go to the next Order.
Hon. Senators, I wish to report to the Senate that pursuant to Standing Order No. 41(1) of the Senate Standing Orders, I have received the following message from His Excellency the President regarding the referral of the Cotton Industry Development Bill (Senate Bills No. 5 of 2023). The Message which came as a Presidential Memorandum dated 12th February, 2025 was received in my office on Friday, 14th February, 2025. Pursuant to the said Standing Order, I now report the Message – WHEREAS a Bill titled - An Act of Parliament to provide for the regulation, production, value addition, marketing and situation of Cotton in Kenya and its products, establish the Cotton Industry Development Board, provide a framework for cotton farming, ensure value addition to cotton and its related products and for connected purposes was passed by the National assembly on the 14th of August, 2024 and by the Senate on the 4th, December, 2024, AND Whereas the Cotton Industry Development Bill, 2023 was presented to me for assent, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution on the 3rd February, 2025; NOW THEREFORE, in exercise of the powers conferred on me by Article 115 of the Constitution, I decline to assent to the Cotton Industry Development Bill (Senate Bills No. 5 of 2023) and refer the Bill for consideration by the Senate for the reason set out here under- Hon. Senators, in the memorandum, His Excellency, the President has noted his reservations and set out the proposed parts for consideration by the Senate. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
Article 115 provides that the Houses of Parliament shall either amend the Bill to accommodate the President’s reservations fully by a vote supported by a majority of all delegations or by a vote supported by two thirds of all delegations, pass the Bill a second time without amendment or with amendments and do not fully accommodate the President’s reservations. Pursuant to the provisions of Standing Order 170, I refer the said memorandum to the Standing Committee on Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries for consideration. The Committee is required within 14 days to lay on the Table of the Senate its report on the Memorandum. I direct that the Committee tables its report on or before Wednesday, 5th March, 2025 for consideration by the Senate.
Hon. Senators, pursuant to Standing Order No.232 (1) (b), I hereby present a Petition that has been submitted through the Clerk by Mr. Lawrence Nduttu and other former employees of Kenya Breweries Limited regarding failure by Kenya Breweries Limited, Kaplan and Stratton Advocates and Harrison Kinyanjui advocates to pay compensation to Lawrence Nduttu & 125 others awarded by the court. 1. As you are aware under Article 119 (1) of the Constitution and I quote: “Every person has a right to petition Parliament to consider any matter within its authority, including to enact, amend or repeal any legislation.” 2. The salient issues raised in the said Petition are as follows: - a) THAT, the petitioners were former employees of Kenya Breweries Limited whose employment was terminated unlawfully; b) THAT, the petitioners filed the matter in court; c) THAT, the petitioners were represented by three individual law firms – J. Harrison Kinyanjui & Co. Advocates, Namada & Co. Advocates, and O.P. Ngoge & Co. Advocates; d) THAT, the suit was determined on 24th January, 2018 and the judgement stated as follows- i. The decision to compel the employees to take early retirement was unlawful and was in breach of the Constitution and agreement of employment. ii. The defendant therefore pays each plaintiff damages for loss of employment a sum to one (1) month’s salary as at the time of termination of employment. iii. The defendant refunds the plaintiffs a sum of Kshs 30,180,685 being the amount withheld in terms of the schedules filed by the firms of advocates of Namada & Co. Advocates. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
iv. The defendant pays the plaintiffs the costs of the suit. v. The defendant pays interest on the above sums of money at the court rates from the date of judgment until the date of full payment. e) THAT, this payment was received by J. Harrison Kinyanjui & Co. Advocates after writing to Kaplan & Stratton Advocates on 29th March, 2018; f) THAT, on 4th July, 2018, Mr. Kinyanjui sent discharge vouchers for his clients through a letter stating that each person named in the form accepted payment of the indicated sum (Kshs 9,180,685) as full and final settlement in the matter of the aforementioned court case; g) THAT, Mr. Kinyanjui indicated that each person would later receive payment of damages for loss of employment, a sum of one month’s salary as at the time of termination of employment as ordered by the court. This promise was not fulfilled; h) THAT, on 31st December, 2023, Kaplan & Stratton Advocates paid the sum of Kshs1,000,000 to J. Harrison Kinyanjui & Company Advocates; i) THAT, on 20th December, 2021, Kaplan & Stratton Advocates forwarded a consent to mark the suit was settled with regards to clients of J. Harrison & Co. Advocates; j) THAT, J. Harrison & Co. Advocates forwarded a signed consent to Kaplan & Stratton Advocates without the knowledge of the plaintiffs; k) THAT, on 21st January, 2022, Kaplan & Stratton Advocates paid Kshs 14,756,312.35 to J. Harrison & Co. Advocates; and, l) THAT, J. Harrison & Co. Advocates have declined to pay all outstanding dues for the petitioners. 4. THAT, the Petitioners, therefore, pray that the Senate - i. investigates the matter with a view to recommending that the outstanding dues for the Petitioners are settled; and, ii. investigates the matter, address and make recommendation on actions of commission or omission on the part of the advocates for the Petitioners. I thank you.
So, hon. Senators, pursuant to Standing Order No. 238(1), this Petition is committed to the Standing Committee on Labor and Social Welfare for consideration. In terms of Standing Order No.238 (2), the Committee is required in not more than 60 calendar days, from the time of reading the prayer to table its report in the Senate for consideration. The Senate shall thereafter consider and adopt the report of the Committee. The next Petition, Senator Mwaruma.
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Thank you, Mr. Speaker. This Petition concerns ownership dispute of the Mwananchi Settlement Scheme in Mwatate Constituency in Taita-Taveta County. Pursuant to Standing Order 232(1)(B), I hereby present a Petition that has been submitted by residents of Taita-Taveta County who are citizens of the Republic of Kenya. As you are aware, under Article 119(1) of the Constitution, every person has a right to petition Parliament to consider any matter within its authority, including enacting, amending, or repealing any legislation. The salient issues raised in the petition are: a) THAT, the Mwananchi Settlement Scheme was registered in May 2010 by the Government of Kenya, in which LR No.12924 comprising 9,070 hectares was subdivided to settle 1,322 people. b) THAT, the Government of Kenya, through the Settlement Fund, a trustee fund, bought the land from the Wananchi Estates Limited at a cost of Kshs40 million; c) THAT, the Wananchi Ranching (Directed Agricultural) Company Ltd filed a case at the Environment and Land Court in Voi, Case No. ELC, No.7 of 2024, and sought the following reliefs; i) a permanent injunction restraining the defendants from selling, disposing, evicting, alienating, demarcating and issuing of titles, or in any way dealing with LR No.12924, CR 20403, situated in Mwatate; ii) a declaration that the transfer of the land to the Settlement Trust Fund trustees and all consequential transfers be null and void; iii) a declaration that LR No. 12924 belongs to Wananchi Ranching (Directed Agricultural) Company Ltd; d) THAT, the case filed by Mwananchi Ranching (Directed Agricultural) Company Ltd was against Wananchi Estates Limited, the Settlement Fund trustees, the Land Commissioner and the Attorney General of Kenya; e) THAT, the 1,322 owners of land in the settlement scheme were not listed as defendants and thus had no opportunity to defend their interests in the suit; (f) The Wananchi Ranching (Directed Agricultural) Company alleged that Wananchi Estates Limited fraudulently sold land it did not own to the Settlement Trustee Fund trustees. (g) THAT, on Friday, 18th October, 2024, Judge E.K. Waboto at the Voi Law Courts gave his judgment on the case in which, among other things, declared that Wananchi Ranching (Directed Agricultural) Company is the bona fide and legitimate owner of LR No.12924 and that the land registration records be rectified to reflect so. (h) THAT, the judgment had caused a lot of anxiety amongst the owners of the land in the settlement scheme for fear of losing the land which they legally own. (i) THAT, the petitioners have made the best efforts to have the matters addressed by the relevant authorities of which they failed to give a satisfactory response. (j) THAT, none of the issues raised in the petition are pending before any court of law, constitutional or legal body. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
(4) Consequently, the petitioner prays that the Senate- (i) intervenes and investigates the matter with a view to ensure that the residents of the area residents are adequately compensated; (ii) inquires into the matter and makes appropriate recommendations on the irregular transactions on LR No.12924 submitted in Mwatate Constituency; (iii) inquires into the matter and makes legislative interventions relating to the land transfer and acquisition processes to ensure that innocent Kenyans are protected; (iv) takes any other appropriate action it deems fit to resolve the matters raised herein. I thank you, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir.
Hon. Senators, I commit the Petition to the Standing Committee on Land, Environment and Natural Resources. Pursuant to Standing Order No.238 (2), this Committee is required in not more than 60 calendar days from today to deliver its report to the Senate for consideration.
Next Order. The Senate Majority Leader?
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I beg to lay the following Papers on the Table of the Senate today, Tuesday, 18th February, 2025-
Before we move on to the next Order, there is a Communication to make on the report by the National Treasury on all new loans contracted by the Government from 1st September 2024 to 31st December 2024. Hon. Senators, as you may have noted, the Senate Majority Leader laid on the Table of the Senate this afternoon the report by the National Treasury and Economic Planning on all new loans contracted by the Government of Kenya from 1st September, 2024 to 31st December, 2024. As you may be aware, Section 1(1) of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) states that the Cabinet Secretary shall submit to Parliament every four months a report of all loans made by the national Government, national Government entities and county governments in accordance with Article 21(2) of the Constitution. Pursuant to Section 31(3) of the PFMA, the report submitted to Parliament contains- (a) The names of the parties to the loan. (b) The amount of the loan and the currency in which it is expressed and in which it is payable. (c) The terms and conditions of the loan, including interest and other charges payable and the terms of repayment. (d) The amount of the loan and advanced at the time the report is submitted. (e) The purpose for which the loan was used, the perceived benefits of the loan and such other information as the Cabinet Secretary may consider appropriate. Hon. Senators, given the significance of national debt in our public finance management framework, I hereby commit the report of the National Treasury and Economic Planning on all new loans contracted by the Government of Kenya from 1st September to 31st December, 2024 to the Standing Committee on Finance and Budget for consideration.
Next Order. Yes, the Senate Majority Leader.
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I have two Notices of Motion. I request to do them both concurrently.
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Thank you, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. I will start with the Notice of Motion. I beg to give Notice of the following Motion, which is the celebration of the life of the late Sen. William Kipkiror Cheptumo. I beg to give Notice of the following Motion- THAT AWARE THAT the late Sen. William Kipkiror Cheptumo, the Senator for Baringo County passed away on 16th February, 2025 at the age of 57 years while undergoing treatment; COGNIZANT THAT the late William Cheptumo served as a Member of Baringo North Constituency in the National Assembly for three terms from 2008 to 2022 during which time he also served as an Assistant Minister of Justice, National Cohesion and Constitutional Affairs (2008 to 2013); Chairperson of the Committee on Delegated Legislation, member of the Departmental Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs, the House Business Committee and the Committee on Pensions (2013 to 2017); and the Chairperson of the Departmental Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs (2017 to 2022); FURTHER COGNIZANT THAT the late William Cheptumo was elected Senator for Baringo County in 2022 and continued with his stellar legislative work in the Senate having sponsored many businesses among them, a Motion on: “Declaration of cattle rustling and banditry as a national disaster” and establishment of a Special Fund for Victims which was adopted by the Senate on 30th May, 2024; and served as the Chairperson of the Standing Committee on National Security, Defense and Foreign Relations and as a member of the Standing Committees of Justice, Legal Affairs and Human Rights and that of Land, Environment and Natural Resources, which positions he served until his demise on 16th February, 2025; NOW THEREFORE, the Senate expresses its deep sadness at the death of Hon. William Kipkiror Cheptumo, the Senator for Baringo County and Chairperson of the Standing Committee on National Security, Defence and Foreign Relations; Records its appreciation for his contribution to public service spanning over two decades; recognizes the high esteem in which he was held by colleagues from across the political divide and the humble, principled and dedicated manner in which he undertook his duties; and offers its profound sympathy and condolences to his family, friends, Baringo County and the nation at large.
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Can we have the next Notice of Motion?
. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I beg to give Notice of the following Motion- THAT AWARE THAT the late Leonard Mambo Mbotela, a renowned media personality passed away on 7th February, 2025 at the age of 84 years; COGNIZANT THAT he had an illustrious career in media spanning over 5 decades and was one of the most influential voices in Kenyan radio, especially through his long running radio and television programme, “Je Huu ni Ungwana?”; FURTHER COGNIZANT THAT his command of the Kiswahili Language --- Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I am surprised that the Motion is in English.
Sen. Faki, you know you are confusing the House. Why are you amazed because that is your Motion?
Yes, it is my Motion.
Who translated it into English?
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, when I move the Motion tomorrow, I will move it in Kiswahili. FURTHER COGNIZANT THAT his command of the Kiswahili Language kept Kenyans informed on many topics while his exceptional football commentaries on radio brought joy to many people and popularized the sport at a time when live football on television was rare; The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
APPRECIATING the lasting legacy that he leaves in the media industry and the high esteem in which he was held by colleagues and persons from all walks of life; NOW THEREFORE the Senate expresses its deep sadness at the death of Mr. Mbotela, records its celebration and appreciation of his remarkable life and extends its heartfelt sympathy and condolences to his family, friends and the nation. Thank you.
The next Notice of Motion is from the Chairperson Committee on County Public Investments and Special Funds. Actually, you have several.
Thank you. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. I have five Notices of Motion, so allow me to read all of them.
Just proceed and give Notice for all them.
Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I beg to give Notice of the following Motions-
Thank you, the busy Chairman. Hon. Senators, I want to give some guidance on the business before us. The other Notices of Motion from (viii) to (xii) will be deferred until tomorrow.
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Hon. Senators, regarding Questions and Statements under Standing Order No.7, they are deferred to tomorrow. We will then move on to the Motion at Order No.8. After that, we will proceed with the normal business.
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
Thank you, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir. I rise to move the following Motion, which is a celebration of the life of the late Sen. William Kipkiror Cheptumo- AWARE THAT the late Sen. William Kipkiror Cheptumo, the Senator for Baringo County, passed away on 16th February, 2025, at the age of 57 while undergoing treatment; COGNIZANT THAT the late William Cheptumo served as a Member of Baringo North Constituency in the National Assembly for three terms from 2008-2022, during which time he also served as an Assistant Minister of Justice, National Cohesion and Constitutional The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
Affairs (2008-2013); Chairperson of the Committee on Delegated Legislation, member of the Departmental Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs, the House Business Committee and the Committee on Pensions (2013-2017); and the Chairperson of the Departmental Committee on Justice and Legal Affairs (2017-2022); FURTHER COGNIZANT THAT the late William Cheptumo was elected Senator for Baringo County in 2022 and continued with his stellar legislative work in the Senate having sponsored many businesses among them, a Motion on declaration of cattle rustling and banditry as a national disaster and establishment of a Special Fund for victims which was adopted by the Senate on 30th May, 2024; and served as the Chairperson of the Standing Committee on National Security, Defence and Foreign Relations and as a Member of the Standing Committees of Justice, Legal Affairs and Human Rights and that of Land, Environment and Natural Resources, which positions he served until his demise on 16th February, 2025; NOW THEREFORE the Senate expresses its deep sadness at the death, of Hon. William Kipkiror Cheptumo, the Senator for Baringo County and Chairperson of the Standing Committee on National Security, Defence and Foreign Relations; records its appreciation for his contribution to public service spanning over two decades; recognizes the high esteem in which he was held by colleagues from across the political divide and the humble, principled and dedicated manner in which he undertook his duties; and offers its profound sympathy and condolences to his family, friends, Baringo County and the nation at large. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, this is an extremely difficult exercise. If you had asked me a few weeks or days ago that part of the business that we will be considering on a solemn afternoon like this will be to pass messages of condolences to any family of our 67 colleagues, it would have been the last thing on my mind, but such is life that we do not have control of what happens. Unfortunately, we have lost our distinguished colleague, Sen. William Kipkiror Cheptumo. It is a tragic and a big loss, but as the Bible tells us, few are the days of every human being and before any human life begins, it is so written the day it shall begin up to the day where life ends. Our colleague has left us and we want to do this great honour. The Senate has established a solemn tradition of ensuring that in the unfortunate occurrence of loss of a colleague, we grant an opportunity to all of us to commiserate with their family, constituents and friends. We do a recording of all the things that we say about them and have it sent to the family. Perhaps that is why many colleagues were wondering because there is another colleague from the National Assembly that we lost. We had to do a separate Motion because the Senate, in its wisdom, established this distinct tradition. If you go through the archives of all the colleagues we have lost, you will find what their colleagues at that particular time said about them. Therefore, I want to urge The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
colleague Senators to take time to say what they know, how they feel about Sen. Cheptumo’s loss and the things that they will remember him for. When we visited the family yesterday, the daughter – that young girl called Cheptoo – asked us to say what we know about their father as a politician and how we worked with him. I believe that as colleagues, we feel this loss at a deep level. Unlike many of us, you will find a colleague telling you that they crossed paths with Sen. Cheptumo, disagreed or exchanged words, but I do not think so. He was a peaceful character, humble, had experience due to his age and wisdom to the maximum and interacted with colleagues across the aisle with maximum decorum. There is a lot for us, especially younger legislators, to learn from him. For citizens to elect you for four terms, it confirms that there is something in your character that they appreciate. The people of Baringo saw greatness in this man. Those of us who have served with him in this House can confirm that indeed this was a great human being. Unfortunately, as I speak, we are referring to him as the late, which is life and its many turns. We want to confirm to the family that the many great memories that we share with this distinguished leader shall remain with us. I celebrate Sen. Cheptumo for his humility. He was an extremely humble man. Despite my relatively young age compared to him, there is no day that we disagreed and he pulled the age card or tried to shut down when he held a contrary view. He was always humble to a fault. Whenever he disagreed on any particular position or issue, he would walk into his office slowly. You know how he used to walk. He would tell me; leader, I think you should reconsider your position on this because of this or that reason. That is something worth emulating. I am sure those who served under him in the Committee on National Security, Defence and Foreign Relations can say a thing or two about him. I mentioned yesterday when we visited his family that Sen. William Cheptumo was also very funny, though silent. He appreciated humour that came with the work of politics that we do. There is a particular clip of a young man in Baringo County when he was seeking to serve as a Senator for a fourth term. That young man was recorded ridiculing and asking how they could promote someone to Form Four, meaning to get a fourth term, while there is no water and many other things. When he eventually made it here, I used to refer to him as “Form Four” and he would laugh about it, despite the circumstances under which he got that particular title. That is a good lesson to us, that as we do public service, not everybody will agree with us. Many people will criticise us, but Sen. Cheptumo never took offence in that particular issue. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, there are many things I would wish to say, but I know we will still get an occasion with his family and friends when we go there on Saturday, 1st March, 2025, to lay him to rest in Baringo. Therefore, in the interest of time, I want to grant opportunity to the rest of my colleagues to say something about Sen. William Cheptumo. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
May his soul rest in peace. We will continue to pray with his family. Commiserations to the people of Baringo who have lost a great leader. I believe that God will find a way of granting them comfort. With those many remarks, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I beg to move and request the Senate Deputy Minority Leader, Sen. Wambua of Kitui, to second. I thank you.
Proceed, Sen. Wambua.
I thank you, Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, for this opportunity to second the Motion celebrating the life of the late Sen. William Kipkiror Cheptumo. As the Senate Majority Leader said, it is not easy to stand on the Floor today and speak about Sen. Cheptumo in past tense. It is not easy, but we pray that God will continue to strengthen his family and his colleagues as we prepare for the final send-off. Mr. Deputy Speaker, Sir, I stand here to give a personal account and testimony of my interaction with Sen. Cheptumo. It will be remembered that sometimes last year, my county suffered several attacks from bandits, especially camel herders. We had serious problems and lost many lives. I spoke to Sen. Cheptumo who was then the Chairperson of the Senate Committee on National Security, Defence and Foreign Relations. I was shocked by the speed at which he acted on the matter.
First, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, when I mentioned to him and showed him images of what was happening, we both walked across the road to the Office of the Cabinet Secretary for Interior and National Administration to register our disappointment that Kenyans could be killed in the manner that the people of Kitui were being killed by bandits.
Mr. Speaker Temporary Sir, I have a request to make. I wish we do it quietly in honour of our colleague, if that is possible. When we came back to the Senate, right away, Sen. Cheptumo organized a trip to Kitui County, specifically to Mutha Ward, where we had that problem. I remember you and Sen. Mbugua were a part of that delegation. We went to Mutha Ward and had a meeting with the security team. Again, Sen. Cheptumo was not satisfied with the meeting that we had with the security team. He insisted that we must go and speak to the people in the market, in Mutha Market. He wanted us to listen to the views of those who had been affected by the bandit attack. I remember a few colleagues were asking him whether we could take a break to have lunch and he said we were not going to have lunch until we had spoken to every person that had been affected by that issue. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
Mr. Speaker Temporary Sir, that was Sen. Cheptumo. A man that put duty first; a man who never believed in political divisions or differences when it came to national duty. Today, we are mourning a great man, Kenyan and leader. On my behalf, and on behalf of the people of Kitui County, and specifically the people of Mutha Ward, I want to pass our condolences to the family, friends, and relatives of Sen. William Cheptumo. As we condole the family, I also shared another important aspect in life with Sen. Cheptumo. I am an elder of the African Inland Church (AIC) in Wilson Airport. Sen. Cheptumo was an elder of the AIC in Langata, both belong to the same District Church Council. As a church, the AIC, we have also lost a very dependable, reliable church elder. To the AIC, through the Presiding Bishop, Reverend Abraham Mulwa and the Nairobi Area Bishop, Reverend Joshua Kimuyu, we also offer our condolences to the church. Mr. Speaker Temporary Sir, with those many remarks, I pray to God that He shall continue to strengthen and comfort the family of our departed colleague and that his soul shall rest in God's eternal peace. I second.
Hon. Senators, the system is not working, so, with a raise of hands, I will call upon the Senators. Just one moment, please, Senators. You know, I cannot write that fast. I already have some Senators who will speak immediately. Since I know there is a lot of interest and almost everybody would want to speak, can we agree at a time limit for how long we can speak?
Okay. Let us go with five minutes. I am sure Members will have a lot to say about our late colleague. We will cap it at five minutes. Please, let us be as brief and concise as possible. We will start with Sen. Sifuna.
Thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir. As you know, this is my first term of Parliament. I have only had two-and-a-half years to interact with the late Sen. Cheptumo. As the Senate Majority Leader confirmed, yesterday when we went to the residence and we met his wife Anne, daughter Cheptoo and son Andrew, both very brilliant children. There was a request by the young Cheptoo that we share anecdotes about our experience with their father in this House. I remember when I received this news, I put out a tweet saying that I remember Sen. Cheptumo as one of the cooler heads in the Senate. His son asked me what I meant The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
by that. I explained to him that sometimes, especially in the early days of this House, in the Swahili slang we say, mambo yalichemka. I do remember that there were very heated exchanges here because we had various fights, but hon. Cheptumo was always the cool head. The Senate Majority Leader can attest as well that he had the capacity to reach across the aisle and speak to us; those of us who were not elected on his political party. My experience with him is that he was a consummate man; a gentle soul and a very cool head. He was something of a father figure here, and I think it is because of his length of experience in both Houses of Parliament. On behalf of the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Party, which I am the Secretary General, the party leadership, including my party leader, the Hon. Raila Amollo Odinga, the people of Nairobi and my family, I want to say pole to the family of the late Cheptumo and to assure them of our greatest consideration during this difficult time of mourning. As you know, in 2008, hon. Cheptumo was elected on an ODM ticket. Mr. Speaker, my last experience is that, during that time when things were heated in this House, there was a tendency of people rising on very frivolous points of order, especially against me. I am not crying victim. However, I do succinctly remember that some of the most genuine points of order when I was on the Floor of this House, especially on constitutional matters, used to come from Sen. Cheptumo. He respected the rules of this House and he only rose on points of order that were genuine. So, I want to take this opportunity to say pole and may God rest his soul in eternal peace. I thank you, Mr. Speaker.
Sen. Wafula.
Asante, Bw. Spika wa Muda, kwa nafasi hii ambayo umenipa kutoa rambirambi na pole zangu kwa familia ya Cheptumo. Ningependa kusema kwamba Mhe. Cheptumo nenda salama. Mhe. Cheptumo, mauti yamekuvika njuga. Nenda salama, shujaa. Unakokwenda hatujui, lakini Mungu anajua. Mhe. Cheptumo, umepigana vita hapa katika Seneti kupambana dhidi ya magaidi, waporaji wa mifugo ya watu wako kule nyumbani. Umetunga sheria na Katiba mpya ambayo tunatumia sasa. Mhe. Cheptumo, umekuwa baba, uti wa mgongo wa familia. Shujaa Cheptumo, nenda salama, tutakutana baadaye. Mhe. Cheptumo, palipokuwa na bughudha na joto la kisiasa hapa Seneti, ulituliza boli. Ulitupa mawaidha, ukatwambia kwamba hasira za mkizi ni furaha ya mvuvi. Sasa umetuwacha wapweke. Umetuwacha na simanzi. Umetuwacha tukibubujikwa na machozi wakati huu mgumu wa kisiasa. Nenda salama. Wasalimu waliotangulia hapa Seneti. Waambie tutafuata nyayo zao siku moja lakini kwa sasa tutafuata yale uliyotangulia. Safiri salama Cheptumo tutakutana baadaye. Katika usanjari huo, ningependa pia kutoa rambirambi zangu kwa familia ya Mhe Malulu Injendi ambayo imepoteza watu watatu; ndugu mkubwa wa Malulu Injendi, Malulu mwenyewe na dadake, muda mchache uliopita amekata roho katika hospitali kule Kakamega. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
Mhe. Malulu ulisomea chuo kikuu nilichosomea. Uliweza kuwa mwenye kiti almashauri na bodi za shule nikiwa mwalimu. Ulipigania watu wako, ujenzi wa miundo mbinu shule na barabara. Ulikuwa mkatoliki wa imani. Tulitunga sheria za ufugaji na upanzi wa miwa na usagaji wa sukari tukitaraji kuwa wakulima wako wa Malava watanufaika. Tulikuwa kwako na Mhe. Rais. Tukapeana shule ya nua ya Chanderema. Wewe ulikuwa unajua ya kwamba watoto wetu wakinufaika katika masomo, siku zao za usoni zitakuwa salama. Mhe. Malulu, tembea salama. Luwere luwere mwana wa mama, tutakutana Mungu akipenda. Asante sana na Mungu awalinde.
Sen. (Dr.) Oburu, you have the Floor.
Thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker, for this opportunity to express my heartfelt condolences to the family of the late William Cheptumo. Sen. William Cheptumo was not just a Member and a colleague in Parliament, but he was a personal friend. We have been with him in the Parliament for a long time. He found me in Parliament and he served for four terms. If you combine with EALA, I am now serving my seventh term. He has been a steadfast legislator. He has not only been a steadfast legislator, but a very consistent friend to many. He has developed relationships, which were very deep. I can say that still waters run deep. Cheptumo was still waters, which ran deep. He knew the length and depths of all the legislative agenda that was in this Parliament. He also developed deep relationships with Members where he became leader and Chairman. He was very humble and influential. He was influential because he could listen. He was good listener. If you want to be a good leader, you should be a good listener. You should not be lecturing on every issue and pretending to know it all and everything in every subject. Sen. Cheptumo proved this. He came from a very volatile area where there is conflict between communities, but he always stood above those conflicts. He always went and tried his best to solve the conflicts in a peaceful manner and he worked for peace for his people. He was also a very good family man and he brought his family in a religious manner. They are very humble. Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, this is because this man was a good leader and he has shown this country leadership. We hope that the Almighty God will place his great soul in eternal peace. Thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir.
Sen. Mundigi.
Asante, Bw. Spika wa Muda, kwa kunipa nafasi hii ili niweze kutoa rambirambi zangu kwa familia ya Seneta mwenzetu aliyeaga dunia. Mimi ni Seneta wa Embu Kaunti. Mimi pamoja na watu wa Embu Kaunti tunasema pole sana kwa watu wa Baringo kwa kuwachwa na yule mliyemchagua. Kulingana na historia tuliyopata leo, Seneta Cheptumo amechaguliwa mara nne. Pole kwa watu wa Baringo kwa sababu kuchagua mtu mihula minne sio rahisi. Inamaanisha alikuwa anafanya kazi na wizara zote, akina mama, wazee, watoto na makanisa yote. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
Ningeomba watu wa Baringo wavumilie yale yametendeka kwa sababu tunajua katika ulimwengu huu, hakuna mtu ataishi milele. Sisi sote tutaenda. Ningeomba watu wa Baringo waiombee familia ya Mhe. Cheptumo. Ya pili ni kuomba watu wa Baringo, wakati uchaguzi utafika, waweze kuchagua shujaa kama Seneta Cheptumo. Nakumbuka mwaka wa 2002 wakati tulichaguliwa, alikuwa anang’ang’ana na kigogo wa siasa ambaye ni mwana wa hayati Rais Moi na aliye na pesa nyingi. Watu wa Baringo hawakuangalia zile pesa au familia, bali waliangalia ushujaa wa mtu ambaye angeweza kufanya kazi. Mimi na watu wa Gatuzi la Embu tuko na huzuni sana. Nakumbuka wakati Seneta Cheptumo alipokuwa mgonjwa, Kamati ya Kudumu ya Usalama wa Kitaifa, Ulinzi na Uhusiano wa Kitaifa mara kadha wa kadha ililazimika kuahairisha kuzuru Kaunti za Embu, Tharaka Nithi na Meru kwa sababu ya suala la miraa na muguka. Ni ombi langu kwamba atakayechaguliwa kuchukua nafasi yake katika Kamati hii aweze kufanya mithili ya mwendazake Seneta Cheptumo. Sisi tulikuwa tunamngoja sana. Wakati ule Kamati aliyokuwa mwenyeketi ilipanga kuzuru kaunti zetu, akawa mgonjwa na vikao vya kamati vikahirishwa. Tuko na huzuni lakini kifo hakisimamishwi. Ingekuwa deni ya hospitali, sisi tungechanga. Hivyo basi, mimi Seneta wa Embu na wananchi wa Embu tunatoa rambirambi zetu kwa wananchi wa Baringo. Natoa pole zangu kwa familia na wananchi wa Malava kwa kumpoteza Mbunge wao, mheshimjiwa Ijendi. Kati ya Wabunge ninaowajua kwa Bunge la Kitaifa, mmoja wao ni Mheshimiwa Ijendi. Ni Mtu aliyekuwa na ushujaa wa mambo ya kanisa. Tulijuana na yeye tukiwa kwa masuala ya kanisa. Kwa wananchi wa Malava, poleni sana. Kwa kweli kifo hakizoeleki. Basi Mwenyezi Mungu awafariji. Nawaomba wakaazi wa Malava na Baringo wakati uchaguzi utakapokuja, wachague Mbunge na Seneta mzuri. Poleni sana na Mungu awalaze mahali pazuri hadi siku ya kiama. Wakati Yesu Kristo atakapokuja nasi sote tutafufuka na wao. Asante sana. Ni mimi Daktari, Sen. Munyi Mundigi, Seneta wa Kaunti ya Embu
Sen. Dullo.
Thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir. I take this opportunity to join my colleagues in saying pole to the family of our brother, the late Sen. Cheptumo. On my behalf and the people for Isiolo, I say pole. It is not easy. I interacted with Sen. Cheptumo in 2015 when we were asked by both the National Assembly and the Senate to chair the controversial committee on National Security Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2015. That is when I met Sen. Cheptumo when he was a Member of Parliament then. I have interacted with many colleagues in this House, but none like Sen. Cheptumo. He was a person who was very humble, down to earth, very peaceful, very consultative and you would not find him any time annoyed. I worked with Sen. Cheptumo in the Standing Committee on National Security, Defence and National The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
Relations Committee where he was the Chairperson. He had a lot of respect for everyone. When he fell ill, he was not somebody who would tell you, “I am sick.” He would always say, “ Niko sawa tu, naendelea vizuri. ” Many times, we wanted to visit him at home, even when he was in the hospital and when he was at home. He would say he is okay. We tried even booking an appointment to go and see him at home, he would say no. He was somebody who did not want to disturb people. He was committed to issues of insecurity in his county, in many parts of this country, issues of cattle rustling and the minority. I remember one time, in the Standing Committee of National Security, Defence and Foreign Relations, he said we should even establish a welfare committee within the Committee. That is how much Sen. Cheptumo was concerned about the welfare of everyone. You can imagine sometimes we would have an early meeting, but Sen. Cheptumo would tell you, “Sen. Dullo, can you chair a meeting for me today because it is hard for me to wake up early before 9.00 a.m.?” That concern that he will not make it and he would request somebody else to sit in for him. He would struggle to come to the House because he did not want to offend anybody. I know it is not easy, especially for the family, being the father of a family. In life, the worst loss is the loss of a father and the loss of a husband. I believe that is what the family is going through. Baringo County, yes, they have lost a leader. Of course, even before he is buried, people will be running, who will succeed him. That is how life is. However, for the family and family members, nobody will replace Sen. Cheptumo for the rest of their lives. We pray for the family. It is not easy, and I hope they will overcome it. It is part of life. It is a pity that everybody will taste death in our lives. Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I say pole to the family. We need to hold together as colleagues. We have lost many colleagues in this House. Every time, the Senators stood with each other. I hope the Senate Majority Leader will announce the date of the fundraiser for the family. We should be there, all of us, to contribute to it. We pray that God will rest his soul in peace. I thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir.
Sen. Joe Nyutu.
Thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir. I also come to eulogise and pass my message of condolence to the family and friends of Sen. Cheptumo and the people of Baringo in general. We thank God for the 57 years that he gave to Sen. Cheptumo. We know that many are born and they never attain even the age of a month. Some of them die in the maternity wards. So, I think we need to thank God for the 57 years that he gave to Sen. Cheptumo. Sen. Cheptumo achieved a lot in just 57 years. He was elected four times, three times in the National Assembly and one time in the Senate. Not many people can achieve that kind of feat. So, even as we mourn him, again, we need to thank God for the many achievements that he gave to the departed within a very short time of his life. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
I served with Sen. Cheptumo in the Liaison Committee, which is the liaison of chairpersons. Unfortunately, he will not serve in that Committee again, because he is no longer with us. I will also not serve in that Committee because I am not the Chairperson again. However, Sen. Cheptumo, the silent gentleman, the man who only spoke when he was sure he had something important or relevant to say, a man who did not speak for the sake of it, this is a man who was special. This was somebody who was very knowledgeable. He was never sycophantic. He only supported that which needed support, and not just for the sake of pleasing people somewhere else. As it has been said here by Sen. Dullo, he will be replaced in Baringo at the right time. That is what happens. However, the family will never have a father and a husband. Replacements happen, but families never ever get over this loss. Sen. Cheptumo, rest in peace. Go with God. May you find a humble and a good abode in God's hands. Thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir.
Proceed, Sen. M. Kajwang’.
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I join the House in conveying my condolences to the family of the late Sen. Cheptumo. I have had the privilege of being in Parliament with Sen. Cheptumo from the 11th, 12th and 13th Parliament. We have now served together in the Senate Liaison Committee. I wish to extend my condolences to the family, especially the children who have been left behind, the spouse and the direct family members. The people of Baringo have also lost a wise leader. He was very influential in this House in a very quiet manner. He was not a heckler, noisemaker or a person who sought division. Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, you will attest that whenever Sen. Cheptumo rose, even on a point of order, it was very substantive. He went to the Standing Orders and he was able to cite the specific matter that had been offended. He was not frivolous. He was very welcoming and a peacemaker. In the Senate Liaison Committee, many a times, we proposed very radical measures. You recall at some point, because of limited financing for committees, the Senate Liaison Committee deliberated and took a position that we were going to suspend the activities of committees. Consequently, even though that industrial action lasted only one night, but Sen. Cheptumo was very useful in the conversations. He was giving us tips and stories on how they have handled similar matters in the past. May the Lord rest his soul in eternal peace. This House has had its own fair share of tragedy. As we mourn, Sen. Cheptumo, we know that the distinguished Speaker of this Senate is mourning his father. We recently buried the father of Sen. Kinyua from Laikipia. Additionally, in this House, we have lost the late Sen. Mutula Kilonzo, Sen. Gerald Kajwang, Sen. Kabaka, Sen. Ben Oluoch Okello and Sen. G.G. Kariuki. These are things that happen. We should not act as if there could be some targeting of the Senate. This is part of life. This is a cycle of life. We pray that the family will be strengthened. We pray that the people of Baringo will also find some comfort. When the right time comes, they will decide to ensure that they continue to be represented. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
We want to assure the people of Baringo that even if Sen. Cheptumo is not with us today that their interests will still be catered for by the remaining Senators. One area that will be contentious will be the formula for sharing of revenue amongst counties. However, even if Sen. Cheptumo is not here and even if they have not decided on their next Senator, those of us who are remaining will ensure that Baringo does not lose even a single cent in any formula or in any arrangement when it comes to division and allocation of revenue. Finally, I also convey my condolences to the family of the late Malulu Injendi, another Member of Parliament with whom I have been here with from the 11th, 12th and 13th Parliament. May the Lord strengthen the people of Kakamega, Baringo, and more so, the family of our good friend, our departed friend, Sen. Cheptumo.
Proceed, Sen. Kinyua.
Asante sana, Bw. Spika wa Muda, kwa kunipa fursa hii. Kwanza kabisa, kwa uchungu na huzuni nataka kuleta risala zangu za rambirambi kwa familia ya mwenda zake, Seneta William Cheptumo. Bw. Spika wa Muda, nikubalie kabla sijaleta risala zangu za rambirambi, nataka kuchukua fursa hii kutoa shukrani kwa Seneti pamoja na wafanyakazi wote wa Seneti na Bunge la Kitaifa. Hii ni kwa sababu juzi nilimpoteza babaangu, Seneti na wafanyakazi wa Bunge walisimama nami. Sitaki kuchukulia jambo hilo kwa mzaha. Nataka kuwashukuru kutoka pangu rohoni na niwaambie asante na asante sana. Uchungu nilionao wa kumpoteza mzazi ninauelewa vile vile uchungu wa watoto na Mjane wa Seneta wetu Cheptumo wanapitia. Namjua Sen. Cheptumo kwa sababu katika hapa Seneti amekuwa jirani kwa miaka hiyo miwili tukiwa hapa. Sio jirani yangu hapa tu, bali amekuwa jirani yangu pale katika gatuzi zetu. Laikipia na Baringo tunapakana. Kwa hivyo, yeye na mimi tumekuwa ni kama ndugu wa kufa kuzikana. Jambo ambalo tumekuwa tukiongea na yeye sana ni kuhusu usalama wa kaunti za Laikipia na Baringo haswa mambo ya hawa wezi wa mfugo. Aliniambia kwamba kile ambacho atafanya akiwa kama Mwenyekiti ni kujitolea kwa hali na mali ndio usalama uweze kupatikana katika Kaunti ya Laikipia. Nataka kumshukuru kwa sababu aliongoza Kamati yake mpaka Laikipia tukapata askari wa ziada. Kwa hivyo, nina kila sababu ya kumshukuru. Ninamkumbuka tukiketi pale, alikuwa ananiuliza mambo yalivyokuwa yakiendelea katika Laikipia. Leo nikiwa nimeketi pale, naona hayuko katika kile kiti. Mimi ninapatwa na huzuni kwa sababu kila wakati tulikuwa tukiongea na yeye sio tu, wakati kuna mijadala hapa kwa sababu yeye ni wakili aliyebobea, alikuwa ananipatia mawaidha kwa kuniambia vile ambavyo yeye anafikiria. Kwa hivyo, nina hofu na huzuni kwa kumpoteza rafiki na ndugu. Sikudhania itafika wakati huu niwe nikiongea hapa, kumwombeleza rafiki yangu na ndungu yangu, Cheptumo lakini lazima tukubali mambo ya Mwenyezi Mungu. Kile ambacho kinanifurahisha, hata ijapokuwa alikuwa na miaka 57 pekee, yale aliyoyatenda ni mengi. Amekuwa Naibu wa Waziri na Mwenyekiti wa kamati tofauti, hasa Kamati ya Usalama wa Taifa, Ulinzi na Mahusiano ya Kimataifa. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
Bw. Spika wa Muda, jambo hili limenifanya nikakumbuka ya kwamba sio miaka mingi ambayo utaishi dunia, ni vile ambavyo utakavyofanya ukiwa duniani. Nikisoma katika Kitabu Kitakatifu cha Mungu, Bibilia yangu inaniambia ‘naye Methusela akaishi zaidi ya miaka 900 lakini hakuna kitu alifanya isipokuwa kuishi duniani.’ Yesu aliishi miaka 32 duniani na alifanya mambo mengi. Kwa hivyo, ni vile ambavyo utakavyofanya ndio itakavyo kumbukwa. Sitaki kumsahau Mhe. Malulu Injendi, Mbunge wa Malava, kwa sababu alichangia Mswada wa Wazee wa Mitaani. Nakumbuka vizuri kwa sababu hawa wazee wanasaidia sana katika uongozi kule vijijini. Ni vizuri vile Injendi aliwaslisha Mswada huo. Itakuwa vyema tukiwapa kiinua mgongo wazee ambao wanafanyia wananchi kazi nzuri kule mashinani. Vile vile namkumbuka mimi na yeye tukiwa Wakatoliki. Tulifuatilia mambo ya dini pamoja. Kila wakati nilimwona amevaa rosari yake akitangaza wazi kuwa yeye ni Mkatoliki, haogopi na hana fedheha na akasimama hivyo. Mimi najua ya kwamba, hata wakati ameenda mbinguni wale walio mbinguni watamkiri kwa sababu na yeye alipokuwa duniani, alikiri imani ya Kanisa la Katoliki. Nashukuru, Bw. Spika wa Muda. Asante.
Proceed, Sen. Osotsi.
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I want to join my colleagues in sending condolences to the family of one of our own here, Sen.William Cheptumo, who passed on this week. I served with Sen. Cheptumo in the National Assembly. He was such a dedicated, experienced and knowledgeable Member of the National Assembly. He steered several committees, the two committees of Delegated Legislation and Justice and Legal Affairs Committee (JLAC). Those were one of the busiest committees in the National Assembly then. I know when you were serving with him in the National Assembly. He came up with legislations which were not very favourable to the Senate. Nonetheless, when he came to the Senate, he accepted and apologised to the Senate that he was among the Senators who were not very kind to the Senate. Consequently, he has gone to the Maker. He was a man who believed in God and did the best in terms of the promotion of humanity. Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, we know that Sen. Cheptumo was also a very popular leader among his people. In the last election, he managed to beat seasoned politicians in Baringo, including the KANU Chairman, Hon. Gideon Moi. He was first elected to this House through the ODM Party. For those who do not know, Sen. Cheptumo joined the National Assembly in the 2007 election as an ODM member for Baringo North Constituency. Later on, he transitioned to 2013 to 2017 and now he was elected in 2022 as the Senator for Baringo County. So, we have lost a great leader, a leader who understood the law, a seasoned lawyer. I just want to express my sincere sadness and condolences to the people of Baringo for losing such an important icon in the society. He fought for the problem of cattle rustling in the northern part of the country by bringing even Motions to this House to deal with the matter. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
I wish to request the House now that we passed the Motion on cattle rustling, we need to follow up and ensure that the recommendations that we passed in this House are implemented by the Government. I wish to thank the Members who have expressed their love for our colleague and add that we also need to stand with the family at this critical time. We also need to think about how well we should honour our departed colleagues. The Senate Majority Leader has given some insights into that. I think it is something that the Secretariat can look at, so that we honour our colleague in a very dignified way. As we plan to lay him to rest in due course, I just wish that the Almighty God rest his soul in eternal peace.
Sen. Kisang, you may proceed.
Thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir. I also wish to join my colleagues in conveying condolences to the family and the great people of Baringo County for the passing on of our colleague, the late Hon. Sen. William Kipkiror Cheptumo. Sen. Cheptumo and I were year mates at the university. He was at Parklands Campus while I was at Kenyatta University. We finished “A” Level Education at the same time. I have worked very closely with him since 2007. We both stood in the ODM Party, but he was lucky to be elected, but I lost in 2007. You know that was the party then for the great people of Rift Valley. I see we are also getting married again. In 2013, again, we both vied. He was elected for the second time and when I came to Parliament, we met in the 11th Parliament. We worked very closely. He was the Chairperson of the Committee on Delegated Legislation, where I was a Member. He steered the Committee and we passed so many regulations. If there was any issue with the regulations, being the straightforward man that he was, Sen. Cheptumo would guide the Committee that these ones we are not going to pass them; we will reject them. Within the same time, from 2013 to 2017, ten of us in the National Assembly from across the country formed a caucus to visit our constituencies and fundraise. We told each Member to choose either two or one function, where if it was two functions, each Member would raise Kshs50,000 each, or if it was one function, we would give Kshs100,000. We went to Baringo twice and they came to Elgeyo-Marakwet once. We went to Teso North across and Sen. Cheptumo was our team leader. We have lost a great man. After the 2022 General Election, we also came back in the 12th Parliament and he became the Chair of JLAC. There are very many laws that he was able to pass, especially the constitutional laws and IEBC laws. We were also Members of the Liaison Committee then and I was the Chairperson of the National Assembly Committee on ICT. We want to tell the people of Baringo, pole sana, for the loss of your Senator. May the Almighty Lord give you peace, strength, and comfort. We met again in the Senate and recently, before he became sick, we went to Elgeyo-Marakwet County because there was a Petition that came to this House from the The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
County Assembly of Elgeyo-Marakwet County to declare banditry as terrorism. We were there with Sen Cheptumo, we spoke to our Members of the County Assembly (MCAs) and met the governor. I am happy that the Motion was passed. As Sen. Osotsi said, we need to follow up on the implementation, so that anybody who will engage in banditry in the country should be treated like a terrorist because we cannot afford our people to lose lives and livestock because of just this small thing called banditry, which is very backward. I just wanted to tell the hon. Members that we were there yesterday with the family and on Tuesday, the 25th, is when we will have the main Harambee at AIC Milimani. So, colleagues, let us all be there to support the family. Thank you very much, Mr. Temporary Speaker. May the Almighty Lord rest his sould in eternal peace.
Thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir. Let me also take my best opportunity time to thank you and convey my heartfelt condolences to the family of Sen. William Cheptumo, who happens to be a good friend of mine. We happened to be together in the Committee of National Security, Defence and Foreing Relations. This is a very sad moment for this Senate and to the entire nation and the people of Baringo, whom Sen. Cheptumo represented. I happen to be a very close friend of late Sen. Cheptumo, particularly on the wealth and kind of experience that he has regarding issues of legislation and Parliament, and the experiences that we shared with him when he was the Chairperson of the Senate Committee on National Security, Defence and Foreign Relations. Sen. Cheptumo was a gentleman; he was a great man, a very humble and knowledgeable person, who understood quite a lot of things, particularly when it came to issues of Parliament, procedures and all that. When he was chairing a committee, he was very passionate and strong in his points. At times, he would put people off, particularly the stakeholders that we normally invite to the Committee. I remember William would engage the National Security Council, the National Police Service Commission, the Inspector General and the Cabinet Secretary for Interior and National Administration for us to get to understand more about the committee and the procedures of Government. Sen. Cheptumo was not jealous. He was passionate and willing to teach and even guide particularly those of us who were new in Parliament. I want to convey my condolences to the family and the people of Baringo. He was a great man. They were not wrong for electing him as a Senator to represent the people of Baringo. I remember one of the last moments we had with Sen. Cheptumo when he was the Chairperson of the Committee on National Security, Defence and Foreign Relations. There was a petition regarding the police who were injured while in the service. He convened a meeting of all insurance companies, the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF), which has now transitioned to the Social Health Insurance Fund (SHIF), and many other institutions. He wanted to understand why the NHIF had not compensated police officers who were injured while in service. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
Sen. Cheptumo was a great man. We believe that God will help the family, give them protection, and strengthen them at this sad moment. We will continue praying for them.
Next is Sen. Wamatinga.
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I also rise to join my colleagues in eulogising our departed colleague. When we came to the House as first-timers, the so- called ranking Members did not spare any moment to make us feel little and unknowledgeable. At times, they treated us with a certain degree of contempt. Sen. Cheptumo was one of the few who held our hands, walked with us, and even told us which Standing Order to invoke when you want to make a point of order. He would even go to the extent of telling you an article of the Constitution that you should quote. To me, he was the most welcoming. He made us, newcomers, feel at home. There are the likes of Sen. Cherarkey and others who have been here. When they stood, they made us feel disoriented and at times used words that we could not understand. That made us keep wondering whether we would one day stand and debate in this House. Sen. Cheptumo was one of the few who would tell us to take our time. He assured us that it would be shaky at the beginning, but with time, we would master the art of debate and convincing and eventually winning a debate. Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I stand here to mourn a colleague who when this House was faced with one of the hardest decisions, we had to consult. I do recall he pushed for a meeting before that moment came, so that we, elders in the House, give direction to what at that time was threatening to tear the country apart. That will forever remain entrenched in my heart. He was a person who looked beyond tribal politics; he was a man who looked beyond regional politics; he was a person who thought about the youth, and most importantly, about the integrity and unity of our country. That is the man we are eulogising today. Sen. William Cheptumo was somebody who kept our hope burning. Even when we thought as the majority that the minority was having their way in making a lot of noise, he could say; tulieni itaisha . To me, that was humility. Yesterday when we visited the family, his children asked us to say what we knew about their father. I could tell the pain of losing their father. He died at 57. According to Africans and even biblically, he was still young. The Bible puts it at 70 years. Again, that reminds us that we are temporary in this world because our days are numbered. Therefore, when serving our people, we should do it with a lot of humility, knowing that nobody is guaranteed to finish their term of five years. As I pass my condolences to the family, colleagues and the people of Baringo, I also take this opportunity to mourn with the people of Kakamega who also lost their MP. Indeed, such moments remind us that our days are numbered in this world. Therefore, we should always, through prayers and supplication, remember that our Creator knows the day we will depart. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I want to end it there by telling the family that it is well in the hands of God. We will continue praying for you. Rest well, Sen. William Cheptumo.
Next is Prof. Ojienda.
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, we have assembled in the House this afternoon to commiserate with the family of the late William Cheptumo who was not only a friend, but also a classmate, a colleague in the profession, and an outstanding Senator serving his fourth term. Sen. Cheptumo’s demise came at a time when we were deeply involved in the election of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission (AUC) in Addis Ababa. We learnt painfully that our colleague had departed. When we came back to Kenya, we joined his family in mourning and celebrating his life. Sen. Cheptumo’s demise should be a lesson to this country that we need to pull together in the direction of peace. It should be a lesson, as this House has shown this afternoon, that we must pull together, both the minority and the majority sides on the side that unites this country. Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, in spite of the loss of the election as Chairperson of the AUC by my party leader, the Rt. Hon. Raila Amolo Odinga, what we have leart from the passing on of our colleague is that this country needs all of us. Irrespective of the fact that Sen. Cheptumo sat on the majority side, Members of the minority side are now joined at the hip in mourning the departure of the Senator. In the same vein, even though the Rt. Hon. Raila Amolo Odinga may not have won the election as Chairperson of the AUC, we, as a country, must use this opportunity to pull together because we have a country to run. We must join together in working with the leadership of His Excellency President William Ruto to ensure that this country grows to prosperity. That is the lesson that brings us here this afternoon. It is a lesson of peace and that we are tied together at the hip as Kenyans and, therefore, must work for the success of this country. Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, we mourn Sen. Cheptumo, a good friend, colleague, and my classmate. May God rest his soul in eternal peace.
Next is Sen. Cherarkey.
Thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir. From the onset, I take this opportunity on behalf of my family and the great people of Nandi County, to pass our deepest condolences following the demise of our beloved colleague, Senator William Kipkiror Cheptumo. He is famously known in Baringo County by the nickname Lebaluk, or the enigma in Baringo politics. I commiserate with the wife and the people of Baringo for losing their beloved Senator, who also happened to have been the Chairperson of the Senate Committee on National Security, Defence and Foreign Relations. Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I have known Sen. Cheptumo since we served together in the last Parliament. I was a Senator of Nandi and he was a Member of Parliament of Baringo for North Constituency in Baringo County. Coincidentally, Sen. Cheptumo served as the counterpart of the Justice, Legal Affairs and Human Rights Committee at the National Assembly. I served then before the The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
infamous de-whipping as the Chairperson of Justice, Legal Affairs, and Human Rights in this House. Although I am his junior both politically and in the legal practice, Sen. Cheptumo did not look down upon me. He used to encourage me by saying, “ itakuwa sawa .” You know some of us are rabble rousers; we shoot straight from the hip. After an episode of weekend high octane politics, where I always play number nine, he would tell me, “you did well, ulimaliza mtu . We would laugh about it. So, Sen. Cheptumo also served as the Chair of the Committee on Delegated Legislation, Assistant Minister, Chair of the Committee on National Security, Defence and Foreign Relations and the Committee Justice, Legal Affairs, and Human Rights. For four elections, Sen. Cheptumo has never lost. I think some of us need to study in his school of politics. How can one survive unbeaten in four straight elections? We know the Kenyan elections are normally--- He did a lot, especially on national security, where we are having issues abduction, extrajudicial killings and forced disappearances and police welfare. He was very passionate about it. He as the Co-chair of the Parliamentary Joint Committee that vetted the current Inspector General of Police, Mr. Kanja. Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, secondly, I want to thank him because he was instrumental in the passage of my Bill on the Prevention of Livestock and Produce Theft, which is now in the National Assembly. I appeal to the people of Baringo that in honour and legacy of Sen. William Kipkiror Cheptumo ( Lebeluk ), as he is known in the politics of Baringo, please, maintain peace in Baringo and the entire North Rift in honour of our fallen colleague, because he was a champion against insecurity in that region. In our local language, Mr. Speaker, I tell the people of Baringo and the family
Asante, Bwana Spika wa Muda. Ninasimama hapa kuunga mkono wenzangu kwa kutoa rambirambi kwa kumpoteza shujaa mwenzetu, Seneta wa Baringo, Mhe. Cheptumo. Kwa niaba ya Kenya Women Senators Association (KEWOSA), ninatoa rambirambi. Sote kama akina mama wa KEWOSA tunasema pole kwa jamaa na marafiki wa Sen. Cheptumo. Kusema kweli, sikufanya kazi karibu na yeye lakini nilimjua. Tulifanya kazi kwa muda mfupi upande wa Kamati iliyochunguza mauaji ya Shakahola. Hapo niliweza kumjua vizuri na nikaelewa alivyoendesha kazi yake. Alikuwa mtu aliyependa uaminifu na kutaka kazi yake iwe safi ili kusibakie na kitu chochote au maswali ya kwa nini kazi haikukamilika vizuri. Sen. Cheptumo kusema kweli amekufa kishujaa. Ungemuuliza kwa nini anaonekana hajihisi vizuri, alikuwa akijibu kuwa yeye alikuwa sawa kabisa. Hakujihurumia na kwambia watu wengine kuwa hakujihisi vizuri. Kila mara alisema yuko sawa na wala hakuwa na ugonjwa wowote. Kwa kweli, amekufa kishujaa na ugonjwa wake bila kutaka watu wamwonee huruma. Kwa Kiislamu, sisi tunasema Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un” maana yake, The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
kwa Mungu tunatoka na hapo tu ndipo tutarudi. Tunachopenda, Mungu hupenda zaidi. Kwa hivyo Sen. Cheptumo ametangulia na sisi tunafuata. Ninatuma rambirambi nyingine kwa familia ya Mbunge mwenzetu, Mhe. Injendi. Sikumfahamu vizuri kwa kuwa huu ni muhula wangu wa kwanza. Pole kwa famila na eneo Bunge lake. Mungu azilaze hizi roho mbili mahali pema peponi.
Asante sana, Bwana Spika wa Muda, kwa nafasi hii. Ninachukuwa nafasi hii kutoa pole zangu nikimwomboleza Sen. Cheptumo. Wakati mwingine nikiangalia maisha haya huwa ninashangaa kwa sababu mimi leo ninasherehekea siku ya kuzaliwa. Wakati huo pia ninaomboleza kumpoteza Sen. Cheptumo. Nikirejelea maneno ya William Shakespeare, alisema ulimwengu ni ukumbi wa michezo na kila mtu ana nafasi yake. Sen. Cheprtumo alikuwa na nafasi yake ya kuhudumia wakazi wa Baringo kwa miaka tulioitaja hapa. Kazi ya Mwenyezi Mungu haina makosa. Pengine ilikuwa mpango wa Mwenyezi Mungu kumpumzisha wakati huu. Kama viongozi wanaokuwa, tunajifunza kwa unyenyekevu ambao Sen. Cheptumo alikuwa nao. Tulikuwa tunakaa na yeye pale nyuma kama back benchers . Kipindi kingine aliniita na kuniuliza, “Okenyuri, umepangaje maisha yako? Nikiangalia naona kama ni baba ambaye alikuwa ananiona kama msichana mchanga na pengine alitaka kutoa wosia wake jinsi nitakavyojipanga katika mambo haya ya siasa na uongozi. Kwa hayo, nitamkosa sana. Ninaomba Mwenyezi Mungu alialaze roho yake mahali pema na kwa lugha ya Kikalejin- mutio mising.
Thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker, for the opportunity to also pass my condolence to Sen. Cheptumo's family, Baringo County citizens, Kenyans at large, and to the Senate, where he was an outstanding Member. Just last evening, we went to condole with the family of our brother, Sen. Cheptumo. I tell the family that we feel for you. From the observations we had, as we sat with the family, led by the loving wife of Sen. Cheptumo, Madam Hanna Cheptumo, and the lovely children, we were encouraged as Senators, because we saw a very compact family. We could see their strength amidst the challenges they have had. We know our brother has been unwell for some time. Mr. Temporary Speaker, I mourn Sen. Cheptumo as a colleague in the Senate. We also shared a Committee; the Committee on Lands, Environment and Natural Resources, where Sen. Cheptumo, because of being a ranking Member of Parliament and because of his background in law, was a source of direction. We will miss him. I met Sen. Cheptumo and the loving wife one time at the Nairobi Hospital when they went for their routine checkup. I can tell you that the family is promising. The wife he leaves behind is a caring woman. I encourage her and the family that there is a time for everything. There is a time for life and a time when you lose it, and it is actually biblical. Sen. Cheptumo was a calm legislator, as has been said by all the colleagues that have spoken here. We mourn with his family. May our brother rest in peace. Mr. Temporary Speaker, I also mourn with the people of Malava Constituency, where we have also lost Hon. Malulu Injendi, who was equally a gentleman, a calm man, The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
a man who did not want to lose his identity and religion. A number of us do not have the courage to say who we are or even to demonstrate where we worship, but Hon. Injendi was an outright person who demonstrated where his religion is. I had an encounter with Hon. Malulu Injendi when, as a member of the ICT Committee of the Senate, I was given an opportunity to attend a world forum in Vegas. There was a joint committee from the Senate and the National Assembly, and Mhe. Injendi was amongst the delegates from the National Assembly. He came out as a very caring legislator who ensured that all Members of the delegation were together in most of the activities that we undertook. I was very proud of him. He worked on a Bill to compensate village elders. We were looking forward to that compensation. Before I end my speech, I congratulate the former Prime Minister, one Baba Raila Amolo Odinga, for his resilience. He has demonstrated statesmanship. When Baba Raila Amolo Odinga was leaving for Addis Ababa, he stated to everybody publicly that if he got the position, the better for us. If he did not get it, he said it would be fine. Baba has done his best for this country. He did not lose. It is Kenya that lost the election. I remind Kenyans that there is one icon, Nelson Mandela, who said: “Do not judge me by my success but by how many times I fall and I am able to rise again.” I assure the country that Baba Raila Amolo will rise again. We tell Kenyans and everybody who cares to listen that Baba got over seven million votes in 2022. That is a man that Kenyans cannot ignore. This morning, I saw The Standard say ‘Taming Raila.’ We tell them that nobody in this Republic can tame Raila Amolo Odinga. Thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker.
(Sen. Abdul Haji) Thank you, Senator. Senator Abbas- Sheikh.
Thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker. I join my colleagues to condole the families and the people of Baringo on the demise of our colleague, Sen. William Cheptumo. I have known him for the last 15 years. I joined him in the last Parliament. We were together. We were good friends. We had a sitting arrangement where he was my neighbour. He was a self-respecting person, full of humour and wisdom. William Cheptumo is a man who many people believe did not speak well. I mean, he did not speak to people but he is a man who was full of humour. He was somebody with a lot of wisdom. As much as he was soft spoken, he was firm in his decisions. He stood firm on all decisions he made, especially in terms of making decisions and voting. I condole his family and the Baringo people. I wish to tell them to take heart. Since they elected him for four or five times, he was a man who loved peace. He knew that cattle rustling would end immediately. Therefore, to reward him, I ask the people of Baringo, who elected him all these years, to see the dreams of William Cheptumo achieved by living in peace and harmony. The entire county is full of cattle rustling. We must reward our colleague and send him off with peace. In the same breath, I join my colleagues to condole the family of Hon. Malulu Injendi. I met him in the 11th Parliament. We have been very close friends and served in the same committees. He used to wear a very big chain with a big cross. That shows that he loved God. I liked him. He was so focused. He did great things for his beloved people. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
I wish them all the best. To the family, take heart. To the people of Malava, remember to reward the deceased and his family. With those few remarks, thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker.
Thank you, Senator Mo Fire.
Thank you, Mr. Speaker, for this opportunity. I eulogise my very good friend, Sen. Cheptumo. I used to call him Chairman. I had the opportunity to engage with him for the last two-and-a-half years I have been around. I have some confessions. Sen. Cheptumo was a gentleman. He was also very connected. I remember during the height of political confrontations, Sen. Cheptumo never took sides. He was very calm. He would calmly say things are going to be okay. He manifested very serious levels of maturity.
Any other time when you met Sen. Cheptumo, you would just see some serious elements of leadership in him. No wonder he had the trust of the people of Baringo, who allowed him to serve in Baringo North Constituency for close to three terms and then he got the fourth term. That was not a small feat.
Since one day, one time, we shall also be out of this world, I urge our colleagues to please try to make sure that we do some good things, because when you go, your colleagues will be able to say some kind words about you. Now that I have the opportunity to engage on the issue of Sen. Cheptumo, I wish his family well. I know the family is so much pained now that they have lost a father, husband, brother and an uncle. This is something very painful. To the people of Baringo, I wish them well. I send them my condolences on behalf of my family, the people of the Tharaka-Nithi County who have elected me, and any other person who knows Sen. Cheptumo for that matter. I also extend my condolences to the family of the Member of Parliament for Malava, Hon. Malulu, who has been a fellow Catholic. I have met him on several occasions. He was a humble person. Let him rest in peace. I also extend my condolences to the family. I pray that at these trying moments, they are at peace. I pray that the two Members rest in peace.
Sen. Nyamu.
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, it is a sad time for the Senate, and particularly for Members of the Standing Committee on National Security, Defence and Foreign Relations who worked very closely with the late Sen. Cheptumo. I have been serving as his Vice-Chairperson since we constituted that Committee. I admired his commitment. He was always on time for every meeting. He was always willing to go the extra mile.
I remember him as a very fair Chairperson. Whenever we had an issue, especially on the welfare of Members, if you approached him privately, he would make sure that we had an in-camera meeting, where we would not have the HANSARD record. He would sort your issue right in front of other Members, so that you would not get to hear murmurs after that issue has been sorted for one individual Member. I think I knew another side of Sen. Cheptumo that very few Members got to know. He had a very cheeky side full of humour. Whenever you saw me walking to his seat, I used to do that a lot to consult. When I walked to his seat, we would laugh the The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
whole time because he said the silliest things, so to speak. To me, he was a friend. I also met his family because I could go to his law firm in Upper Hill in the course of work.
On his commitment to the last minute, he came for meetings even when he was sick. He tried his best, and if he missed a meeting, it was because he could not make it. If you remember, because you are part of that Committee, there was a meeting he came to, supported by his wife in Mombasa. That time, he was quite weak, but he made the sacrifice and made sure that he was part of that very crucial meeting. I want to say that we are going to miss Sen. Cheptumo.
To the people of Baringo, we mourn with you. To his widow and children, I want to convey my heartfelt condolences during this hard time. I know as a believer, that God is going to be your peace, and He is going to give you grace to survive this hard time. I also want to convey my heartfelt condolences to the family of MP Malulu Injendi. May his soul rest in eternal peace.
Thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir.
Sen. Oketch Gicheru.
Thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, for this opportunity. It is, indeed, a very sad moment for the two Houses of Parliament. I know that on 1st March, which is just next month, in a few weeks, we, as a Senate,will be going to the village of Tinaiwo, Bartabwa Ward in Baringo North County, arap Moi Secondary School, to mourn a man who was indeed the real example of what living life of service and duty looks like.
I remember his politics came as an encouraging political moment, because just like some youngsters that I am seeing here who went through an electoral process, he did a fantastic job in challenging some of the strongest political classes in Baringo and won against all odds to come to this House and make a contribution.
Indeed, Sen. Cheptumo made a lot of contributions in this House, both in words and in terms of his service in the different committees that he served in, as well as just being a voice of reason in this House at moments of ecstasy. I say this is a very sorrowful moment, because we, young Senators in this House, experienced Sen. Cheptumo in different areas, especially because he was a man who was always quiet when needed to be quiet and spoke when needed to speak.
I remember the energy that we brought into this House, as some of the youngest Senators, when we could disagree on issues, especially at the beginning of our term in this House, and even continuing to the time that we saw last year. If you remember after 25th June and during that time, the young people of this nation were concerned whether the country was going in the right direction. I think that there were some extreme forces or extreme sides, whether it was on the opposition side, as it is traditionally seen, or the Minority side or Majority side. People took extreme positions. However, it was only a few Senators who could help us bridge the gap of understanding and break barriers amongst ourselves to be able to talk. One of the most important conversations I remember with Sen. Cheptumo was just after 25th June. I met Sen. Cheptumo in the corridors of the Senate, and he called me and told me: “Young man, come here”. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
We went with him and locked ourselves in the Minority Whip's Office of Sen. Olekina. He sat down with me, and I remember him asking me this question: “Why is the nation not talking? Why is everybody taking extreme positions?” Will we ever have a country? Perhaps, it would be important to mention that at that time, he challenged me and later on some of us in the Minority side to talk to our principals and find out if they could close ranks and talk for the sake of this nation. So, our principals took some stance and started the elements of dialogue in this House with the wisdom of people like Sen. Cheptumo, who had that fire burning in their bellies, thinking of how the country could talk together. Sometimes in those informal conversations, some people might not see their weight. However, I can tell you that those informal conversations that are held in the corridors of Parliament with wise minds like those of Sen. Cheptumo, have found their ways to the ears of some serious decision makers in this country. As he rests, he made a major contribution to this country in terms of the peace and calmness that we enjoy today. I know that we had only a few years that we shared with him, about two-and-a-half years, to be precise. Nevertheless, he has left an indelible mark and some hope in our hearts, as an elder and as a voice of reason in this House. We cannot mourn him enough. All we can say is to wish his family and the people of Baringo a lot of strength. Indeed, as a House and on my own behalf, together with the people of Migori County, who sent me to this House as a Senator, I want to pass my sincerest condolences to the family of Sen. Cheptumo. I hope that God, in his abundant mercies, will give a lot of grace, tranquillity and kindness to his family during these hard times. Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I want to extend the same heartfelt condolences to the people of Malava and the family of hon. Malulu. Hon. Malulu was an elderly, soft- spoken, and a reflective MP in the corridors of this wonderful institution that the people have sent us to. I want to say sorry to the National Assembly for losing such a balanced leader, as well as the people of Malava for losing an amazing leader who has served with diligence and commitment that we have seen some of the leaders who are sober coming to this Parliament with. They have left us to glean some morals from them. Indeed, we have learnt from them the art and wisdom of serving our people without looking back in a lonely path and a thankless job called politics. May their souls rest in peace. I thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir. I also want to take this opportunity on my own behalf and the people of the great County of Nyamira, and on behalf of the members of the legal profession, to also convey my heartfelt condolences on the untimely death of our colleague, the Senator of Baringo, Sen. Cheptumo. Yesterday, we were privileged to visit the family of the late Cheptumo. The widow is our colleague in the legal profession, and I think all his children are following the father's footsteps. Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, Sen. Cheptumo, distinguished himself as a man who was honest even when he was telling you what you did not want him to tell you. He was not a typical politician who will tell you ‘yes’, when they mean ‘no.’ The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
If you asked him to do you a favour and he was of the opinion that he would not be able to do that favour, he would tell you while facing you that, that one I will not be able to help you. Those are the kind of leaders that we should aspire to be; people who really live by the oath we have been given, ‘Hon. MP.’ I have known Sen. Cheptumo for many years. We went to the same university. When I was joining the University of Nairobi to undertake studies in law, Sen. Cheptumo was in his third year. In all aspects, he was my senior in the legal profession. We should also acknowledge that he has left a mark as a very formidable politician. He was first elected to Parliament in the year 2007 and he served three uninterrupted terms as a Member of the National Assembly. That is not a small feat of achievement. We should really salute him as a man who knew how to connect with the people, and as a man who was dedicated in service to the people. The legal profession where I also belong and the people of Baringo have lost a very dedicated leader. All we can do is to pass our messages of condolences to the family and the people of the great County of Baringo. When death happens, it is also time for us to reflect, because we must accept the reality that our days in this world are numbered. Therefore, when we have been given the honour to serve, let us serve with distinction. Let us serve while putting the interests of the people who elect us to this distinguished House ahead of all our interests. Sen. Cheptumo was very passionate in bringing down the cases of cattle rustling in Baringo. He was a peacemaker. He went out of his way to ensure that the communities in Baringo coexisted. Let us be reminded, as we mourn the passing on of our colleague, that we are all brothers and sisters. At the end of the day, when your time comes to go, what will you be remembered for? The way we are remembering our brother, Sen. Cheptumo, as somebody who was preaching peace, somebody who wanted all communities to co-exist in Baringo and somebody who did not want to see bloodshed, let us also be men and women, who want to treat every Kenyan as a brother and sister. We shall really miss him. We shall miss the services of Sen. Cheptumo. Fare thee well, our dear brother. May the Almighty God rest the soul of our brother Cheptumo in eternal peace. Go well, brother.
Hon. Senators, having concluded debate on this Motion and in the absence of the Mover to reply ---
Sen. Oketch, you have a point of order?
Mr. Temporary Speaker, Sir, I apologize. I should not be interfering with you when you are on your feet speaking. I think this is the only time when I can also be able to consider Standing Order No. 66(3) to actually request you to defer the putting of the question on this Motion to a later date.
Thank you very much, Senator. The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.
Hon. Senators, as per the request by Sen. Eddy, I defer the putting of the question to tomorrow, Wednesday, 19th February, 2025, in the Morning Sitting.
I also defer all the business from Order No.9 to Order No.19 in today’s Order Paper.
Hon. Senators, there being no other business on the Order Paper, the Senate stands adjourned until tomorrow, Wednesday, 19th February, 2025 at 9.30 a.m.
The Senate rose at 6.05 p.m.
The electronic version of the Senate Hansard Report is for information purposesonly. A certified version of this Report can be obtained from the Director, Hansard and AudioServices, Senate.